Beasley_Math_Differe.. - Raising Student Achievement Conference

Math Differentiation Made
Cheryl Beasley
Yorkville School District # 115
• We want ALL students to have continuous
• Not intended to put labels on students.
• Instructional grouping is key. Students are
• Can we meet needs when teaching whole
class instruction most of the time?
• Strategies to help implement differentiation.
• Meeting all level learners
• Pre-assessments (ex. use in order to have groups of 5 and 22)
• Tiered work and lessons (create 3 leveled
questions from facts)
• Enrichment of curriculum
• Learning Centers
• Ability grouping
• Assessment
• Effective and Efficient Teaching
• Guided Math
• Unit or Chapter pre-assessments
– Now that I know, they know this material what do I
– I don’t want to know this information.
– What can I do with the information?
• Post – it note daily assessments
Your Name
Grade level
Number of years of experience
Do you use Guided Math in your classroom?
If no, would you like to learn more?
Grouping Options
Small Group
Arts and crafts
Reading Groups
Whole Group
“family meeting”
Small Group
Practice work
Independent project
Ability Grouping
The Lesson
Learning Centers
• Define
– What makes a good learning center?
• Why use them?
• During the centers
– Students Role
– Teachers Role
Let’s see some Examples
• Teachers at the top
• Teaching Resources
• Scroll down and select the grade level
• Choose your subject area, start searching
• To the left select math
• Best sellers, (challenge math Ed Zaccaro )
• Professional Development
• Conferences handouts
• At the bottom of the screen is a link for differentiation.
Mystery Number
1_. _ _ _
•Clue 1: The digit in the thousandths place is double the digit in the ones place
•Clue 2: The digit in the tenths place is odd, and it represents the sum of the
digits in the tens place and the thousandths place.
•Clue 3: There are exactly two odd Digits in the Mystery Number.
•Clue 4: The digit in the hundredths place is three times the digit in the ones
Here is an example of a Mystery Number. A Mystery Number has clues that lead
to only one correct number.
Students will be practicing Place Value and problem solving. When a student
creates their own Mystery Number, they will have to keep in mind to only lead to
one correct answer with their clues.
Total of 5 points ____________
Enrichment activity with Mrs. Beasley
How do you grade / assess??
• Math pass
• Menus
• Contracts
Math Pass
Complete 3 out of the 5 activities. You get
to choose which activities to complete.
When you feel finished with correct
answers please have _________ check your
work. You will get a hole punch for each
completed activity. Due ________
How many
Create a
math word
Add it Up
Do the Write
Menu Examples
Name and #: __________________________
Seat Work
 Monday: p. 110 & p. 111
 Tuesday: p. 112 (#1-3) &
 Wednesday: p. 116, p.
117, & p. 118
 Thursday: p. p. 119 & p.
Student Initials _____
 Dancing Dino
 Math models
 Pequins
Student Initials _____
Partner Activities
 Number Top-It (Student
Reference Book p. 228)
 Checkers Tournement
 Math Facts in a Flash
Student Initials _____
Student Initials _____
*Word problem a day
 Monday
 Tuesday
 Wednesday
 Thursday
Student Initials _____
Student reference book
p.250 and 251 and
complete worksheet p. 64.
Student reference book p.
266, calculate the age in
minutes of 5 men when
they became president.
(More if you can!)
Student Initials _____
Pg. 28
Math boxes
Pg. 30
Meet with teacher
Pg. 28
Math boxes
Pg. 30
Meet with teacher
Math Boxes
Pg. 30
Meet with teacher
Math search
*Math Passes
Unit 2 Activity
*3 multiplication games
*Unit 2 independent
 Journal pages 32-33
 Math Boxes 1.9 (p.31)
 Journal pages 34-36
 Math Boxes 1.10 (p.37)
 Journal pages 38-40
 Math Boxes 1.11 (p.41)
Unit Goal: ______
Graph Hunt
Making Bar Graph
Collecting & Analyzing
Recording Time Line
Capacity & Weight
Creating & Analyzing a
Mystery Line Plot
Graphing “Pie”
Chapter 4 : Proportions, Algebra and Geometry
Below you will find a check list of the items you need to complete. Feel free to
work at your own pace. I will be meeting with small groups daily to check on your
progress and teach the lesson if needed. If you are stuck some resources you can
use are: your book, the math website, or the internet.
Chapter 4 is a short unit and we will skip a few sections and do them later. (4-5
similar and congruent polygons and 4-6 scale drawings)
Extra credit available this chapter
4-3 Enrichment
4-7 Enrichment
4-8 Enrichment
I am hoping
you can finish
this by Friday
4-3 Study Guide
1 - 5 all
4-3 Slope
1 – 12 all
4-4 Practice
1 – 30 evens only
4-7 Practice
1 – 6 all
4 – 8 Practice
1 – 8 all
Turned in/ Checked
Learning Contracts
Alternative Working Conditions
Students who demonstrate an advanced understanding of the current topics will have a
choice to do more challenging work for their skill level. This does not mean extra work but in-class
problem solving. Students will attend the “lesson” portion of the class however will work on problem
solving rather than extra reinforcement activities. There are a couple rules the student, parent and
teacher need to be aware of.
Stay on task with the alternative activity.
Hold your questions while the teacher is teaching.
Never brag about your opportunities to work on alternative activities.
Work on your assignment and do not to interrupt other students around you.
Thank You,
Student Name_____________________________________________
Parent Signature___________________________________________
Teacher Signature__________________________________________
Spring Time
How many Butterflies are in the
How would you sort these
butterflies is you had to put them
in groups?
Bug Board
Ants have six legs. How many ants Spiders have eight legs. If there are
can you make with 18 legs?
3 spiders how many legs are there?
In this picture of ants how many
groups of five can you make?
Need ant paper A
What question would you ask a
butterfly if you could?
(3 questions please)
Below are legs that belong to
spiders. How many spiders can I
Roll the dice and record how many Spiders have eight eyes and eight
times you have to roll in order to legs. Can you make up a math
get to a total of 30.
problem about spiders and their
eyes and legs?
Mine is… If one spider has eight
Need ant paper B
eyes than, how many eyes does 5
spiders have? 40 eyes
Can you Calculate how many
Army ants can march 65 feet in one If three spiders lay 1500 eggs, how
butterflies there will be if every
many eggs does one spider lay?
year the population triples and the How far will the army ant go in…
current population of butterflies in 3 hours_____________
Yorkville is 2,358, Next year?
8 hours_____________
What will the population be three 10hours_____________
years from now?
Meeting with small
groups of students
Classroom Model 1
focus on helping below level students
• Teach whole class lesson first.
• Pass out or assign practice for current lesson
• Above Grade Level students
– Offer all students the opportunity to do the hardest
10 (10%) of the assignment
– If they finish with 100% accuracy they do not need
more practice.
– The may work on “other” work
• Independent ongoing project
• Learning Centers
• Investigations
Classroom Model 1
focus on helping below level students
• At Grade level students
– Complete practice work
– When complete they may work on learning
• Below Grade Level
– There always seems to be a group of students that
need one-on-one help.
“But the below
level students
– Work together at a back table.
never get the
chance to do
– Let them move on as they need
the ‘fun’
Classroom Model 2
Focus on the above grade level students
• Teach whole-class lesson. Pass out practice
• Above Grade Level students
– Complete practice work and meet with teacher in the back.
– Here you can do an extension lesson together and spend some extra
time with higher group.
• At Grade level students and Below Grade Level
– Let them complete practice work and then work on learning centers,
games, computer stations or other extensions.
Classroom Model 3
Flexible Grouping/Guided Math
• Usually the class seems to divide into three
groups. (the at grade level seems to be the
largest group)
• Think of two areas.
– With the teacher and working in the classroom.
• Deliver lesson in the small group.
• Practice work
• Learning centers
Meeting at back table with the teacher
First 10 Minutes
Working at their seats on the practice work.
Working on Learning Centers
Meet with this group first.
They get to start the practice problems.
Have them start on the Learning Centers.
Get them started on the lesson. The
hardest 10% could be implemented here.
They will spend ten minutes working through
what they can. Have the students circle any
problems they may have.
These students will need to start the practice
work with the teacher. This group will require the
most time with the teacher.
They can problem solve to teach themselves the
lesson. This allows for higher level thinking and
the teacher acts as a facilitator. Point out the
most difficult problem and see if they can solve
*Teacher tip
This first 10 minutes may not take that long. If
your advanced students seem to be on their
way and moving through the current lesson you
may switch at 5 minutes.
This could also be a tiered assignment that
is different from other students that will
take the concept a bit further.
Meeting at back table with the teacher
Meet with this group second.
Here you can help clear up any questions
and check over what they have done so
far. This will allow for a quick assessment
to see if they are on the right track.
Meeting at back table with the teacher
Now the struggling students may require
the most of your time and you have
created time for them. Complete many
examples and work through the practice.
Second 10 Minutes
Working at their seats on the practice work.
Working on Learning Centers
They can switch to the practice and give it a try. Move to finishing their assignment and then on
to the Learning Centers tiered for their level.
Make sure there are resources available at this
station or the students books are on their desk
ready to use.
Last 10 Minutes
Working at their seats on the practice work.
Continue working on their practice, extension
or learning centers at their desk.
Working on Learning Centers
These students will have a choice to finish up
their assignment and then work on learning
Compacting Curriculum
Compacting Curriculum Chapter 3 Course 3
First set of questions are the challenge problems. If too hard move on to second choice and
complete those indicated problems.
• Lesson 3 – 1 Square roots Pg. 116
Find a square root
Find a negative square root
Use Square Roots to Solve an Equation
Use an Equation to Solve a Problem
– Pg. 119 Problems #39 – 48 Challenge problems _____________
• Pg. 119 Problems #14 – 40 all ________________
• Lesson 3 – 2 Estimate Square roots Pg. 120
Estimate Square Roots
– Pg. 122 Problems # 21, 25 – 36 ___________________
• Pg. 122 Problems # 10 – 31 all ______________________
Template of Independent Project
Jelly Beans
Problem solving
Not for a grade!
Extra Fun
I’m done! Now what? ideas
Hershey Kisses
Candy Corn
Learning Center / Extension Ideas
Phone Books
Grade 1 -2
Add up phone numbers and find the highest total.
Grade 2 -3
Find a number higher than 60
Find a number lower than 60
A number that will equal an even or an odd total
A number added to another number or subtracted
Grades 4 – 6
Use order of operations to make a phone number equal 10,30, 60, 100
Grocery Ads
Grades 1 – 3
Go shopping and get a sum close to $10.00
Grades 5 – 6
Use proportions and unit rate to find the best deal. 3 pizzas for $5.00 or 31 pizzas for $18.00
Find the price of juice per ounce
Restaurant Menus
Feed a family of 4
Compare two restaurants and how far will $20.00 get you?
What % tip would you leave?
Grocery Receipts
Tape them to your front board. Figure out the percent I saved.
Total spent $39.45 You SAVED $4.23 what is the percent saved?
X = 10.7%
Cereal Box
Find the Volume of a cereal box.
Create a box with 160 cubic inches.
Stat Books
Create problems
Make Game boards
Use pasta and beans
Steps to implement guided math
Pre-assess what will you use?
Menu or plan of who is doing what and when
Learning centers (organizing what you already
have in the classroom to use for enrichment of
• Assessment (math pass)
• Independent research or investigations
Meet with Grade Level Teams
Create or sketch out
Math pass
Independent Project
One week menu
Check out websites
Pieces of Learning
Free spirit
Brian Storm
What will you use for pre-assessments?
What will your learning centers consist of?
Questions and Answers??