The Effects of Predation on the Carrying Capacity of a Paramecium Population Debra Jones Abstract: Paramecium tetraurelia are unicellular ciliate protozoa that are found in both fresh and brackish water. Paramecium produce asexually, and they are known to conjugate and divide readily. Didinium is a genus of other unicellular ciliate protozoa. The organisms in this genus prey almost exclusively on Paramecium. The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether the presence of didinium affected the carrying capacity of P. tetraurelia. Six samples of paramecium were created. All six contained 1.3 mL of solution that held about 20 paramecium per mL. Three samples were kept as control, and contained only 18.7 mL of stock solution. The other three tubes were used to test the effect of Didinium predation on the Paramecium population. These three tubes contained 1 mL of solution that contained Didinium, and 17.7 mL of stock solution. Samples from each of the six tubes were fixed and counted two times each day to monitor the Paramecium population. After the seventh day, the numbers that were collected were averaged and graphed in order to determine the carrying capacity and the intrinsic rate of growth. The data suggested that the populations without Didinium had both a larger carrying capacity and a larger intrinsic rate of growth. The data also suggested that the populations that contained the Didinium were likely to go extinct. The data supports the hypothesis that populations of Paramecium have both a higher carrying capacity and a larger growth rate than the populations that contain the predator Didinium. Introduction: Organisms of the genus Paramecium and Didinium are protists that belong to an intricate food web that is a key component to many ecosystems (Minter et al., 2011). The Didinium feed almost exclusively on Paramecium. The interaction between Didinium and Paramecium has been used as a model for many other predator prey relationships, and has helped scientist observe predator-prey coexistence (Hewett, 1983). The objective of this experiment was to determine how predation in a population affects both the carrying capacity and the intrinsic growth rate. This was done by counting Paramecium from control populations containing solely Paramecium and from test populations that contain both a predator- Didinium- and prey- Paramecium. The population that contains the predator Didinium is likely to have a much lower carrying capacity and intrinsic growth rate than the population that contains solely Paramecium. Materials and Methods: Part I: Paramecium Observation and Intraspecific Speciation: To become familiar with Paramecium tetraurelia, fixed samples of the protist that were prepared by UVM staff were observed. There were six different samples that contained P. tetraurelia that were allowed to grow for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 days each. The population size of each sample was discerned by counting the number of P. tetraurelia under a dissecting microscope in 20, 100, 200, 20, 10, and 50 µl of solution respectively. This process was done twice. Next, the population in mL was calculated by dividing the number of Paramecium counted by the amount of µl that they were in, then multiplying that value first by 1.6, and then by 1000. Using these calculated values, a growth curve was constructed, and the population growth parameter was calculated. Part II: Predation Experiment: Next, the effects of predators on the population growth of P. tetraurelia was observed. This was done by first making 3 control solutions of 1.3 mL of Paramecium, and 18.7 mL of stock culture and 3 test solutions of 1.3 mL paramecium, 1 mL of the predator Didinium, and17.7 mL of the stock culture. The Paramecium population in the six solutions was allowed to grow for one week. During the week, the number of Paramecium was counted beginning on day 2 and continuing until day 7. Each day, a 300 µl sample was taken from each of the six solutions and fixed using 180 µl of shocking solution. From these newly fixed samples, the number of Paramecium was counted twice for each sample. These numbers were again used to calculate the number of paramecium per mL. The averages for each sample were calculated. Then using those numbers, the average population for both the control and the predators were calculated for each day. Part III: Population Curves: Next, the average population numbers for the control and the test group were used in order to set up a growth curve for both the control and the test populations. From the averages, another curve was plotted by taking the natural log of those averages. This was the intrinsic rate of increase for the population. Results: The first three days of the sample culture showed very slow increase in population. After day four, there was fast, significant increase in population (Graph 1). The population seemed to peak during day six at approximately 13,600 Paramecium per mL. This was the population’s carrying capacity (K). The population then rapidly decreased during day seven (Graph 1, Table 1). The natural log of the average population of Paramecium was taken in order to determine the intrinsic rate of growth (r). This value was found to be 0.7619 Paramecium per day (Graph 2). A similar pattern was noticed during the predation experiment. Both the control groups and the test groups showed a slow initial population increase. The first three days showed similar population numbers. However, on the fourth day, the control population showed a rapid increase in Paramecium, followed by a peak at K equal to 16653 Paramecium per mL at day five, and a rapid decrease in population size after the initial peak. The tested population showed a similar, although somewhat less extreme, pattern. The first two days showed a slow increase in population, followed by a large population jump, a peak at 8,027 Paramecium per mL during day four, and a quick decline in Paramecium numbers (Graph 3). Again, the natural log of the averages of each population was taken, and the intrinsic rate of growth, r, was determined to be 0.7237 Paramecium per day for the control population, and 0.1083 Paramecium per day for the population that contained the Didinium (Graph 4). After the carrying capacities were reached, there was a rapid decline in population of Paramecium. In the control population, this decline is followed by another jump in population. This pattern is not shown in the test population. Instead of a population increase after the initial drop, the number of Paramecium in the population continued to decline. Discussion: The results collected support the hypothesis that Paramecium population that had the predator Didinium in it would have a lower carrying capacity than the control population of solely Paramecium. The average carrying capacity for sample cultures was13,600 Paramecium per mL (Graph 1). The carrying capacity for the control populations of Paramecium was similarly high, at K=16,653 individuals per mL. For the sample culture, the population hit its carrying capacity on the sixth day, while for the control population, the carrying capacity was hit slightly sooner, at day five (Graph 3). The tested Paramecium population that contained the Didinium had a much lower carrying capacity than the control and the sample cultures. The carrying capacity for the tested population was determined to be 8,027 (Graph 3). This carrying capacity was over 5,000 Paramecium per mL shorter than the sample cultures, and over 8,000 Paramecium per mL lower than the control population. The carrying capacity for the test population was also reached sooner than the other two populations. K was reached at four days; that was two days sooner than the sample population, and one day sooner than the control population (Graphs 1 and 3). The intrinsic rate of growth for the averages of each population was found. The control and the sample cultures had similar r values at 0.7237 Paramecium per day (Graph 4), and 0.7619 Paramecium per day respectively (Graph 2). The intrinsic rate of growth for the test population was much lower, at a value of 0.1083 Paramecium per day (Graph 4). These values show that the control and the sample populations were increasing at a much higher rate than the test population was. The growth curve patterns and the intrinsic rates of growth for both the test and the control populations suggest that a population without Didinium both expands at a faster rate and has the capacity to support more Paramecium than one that contains the predator. The control Paramecium population also seemed to increase again after its initial drop, while the population that contained the predators continued to decline. This pattern is similar to that of Paramecium populations in another study that were subjected to resource enrichment, dispersal, and predation. Due to predation, the Paramecium population quickly became extinct (Cadotte et al.,2006). One possible source of error that could have occurred during testing was accidently including the Didinium in the Paramecium count. This would cause the results to be higher than what they are supposed to be. However, the differences between the test and the control population were so large that any small counting error would be inconsequential. This experiment could be furthered by also recording the Didinium population. In future experiments, the carrying capacity and the intrinsic rate of growth for both the Paramecium and the Didinium could be recorded and compared in order to view both sides of the predator-prey relationship. Work Cited: 1. Cadotte M, Fortner A, Fukami T. The Effects of Resource Enrichment, Dispersal, and Predation on Local and Metacommunity Structure. Oecologia [Internet]. 2006 Aug [cited 2013 April 27]; 149(1):150-157. Available from: 2. Hewett S. Predation by Didinium Nasutum: Effects of Predator and Prey Size. Ecology [Internet]. 1988 Feb [cited 2013 April 26]; 69(1): 135-145. Available from: 3. Minter E, Fenton A, Cooper J, Montagnes D. Microbiology of Aquatic Systems. PreyDependent Mortality Rate: A Critical Paramater in Microbial Models. Microbial Ecology [Internet]. 2011 Feb [cited 2013 April 27]; 62(1): 155-161. Available from: Count 1 2 720 640 3 1488 1744 4 184 144 5 3200 3040 6 12960 14240 7 1984 3360 Table 1 The population of Paramecium per mL of the sample cultures. Individuals per mL 10000 Series1 0 2 4 6 8 680 1616 328 3120 13600 2672 6.522092798 7.387709239 5.793013608 8.045588281 9.517825072 7.890582535 Ln of Avg. Sample Cultures 15000 5000 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Ln of Avg Table 2 The average number of Paramecium per mL of solution, and the natural log of those averages. Growth Curve for Sample Cultures 0 Avg Individuals/mL Count 2 Ln of Avg Individuals per mL Day 10 8 6 y = 0.7619x + 3.8312 4 Series1 2 Linear (Series1) 0 0 2 Days 4 6 8 Days Graph 1 The growth curve of the average population of the sample cultures of Paramecium per mL for each day. Graph 2 The natural log of the average population of the sample cultures. Control With Didinium Day Tube A Tube B Tube C Tube D Tube E Tube F Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count 1 2 Count 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3200 2560 3600 3360 1840 1520 2720 480 1360 2720 2880 800 3 4320 6720 6160 4640 3440 3520 4800 5440 8640 6480 7280 6400 4 12640 12960 11040 12640 13120 12640 6560 6240 8160 7040 11840 8320 5 13680 13440 19680 14560 28640 9920 5760 3280 3040 5440 6080 3440 6 5360 3840 4960 3120 3360 3760 160 160 0 0 1920 1840 7 6080 3200 5760 15040 10240 11200 80 320 160 80 80 0 Table 3 Number of Paramecium per mL of six samples. Control Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Ln Avg Treatment Control With Predators 2680 4800 12507 16653 4067 8587 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 1827 6507 8027 4507 680 120 Table 4 Average populations of Paramecium for the three control groups and the three test groups. With Predators 7.893572 8.476371 9.434044 9.720346 8.310661 9.058005 Table 5 The natural log of the averages for the control and the test populations. Paramecium Population Paramecium per mL 20000 15000 10000 Control 5000 With Predators 0 0 2 4 6 8 Days Graph 3 Population growth curves for the control Paramecium populations, and the test Paramecium populations. Ln( Population Number) Ln (Paramecium Population) 12 10 Series1 8 y = 0.7237x + 5.0891 Series2 6 4 y = 0.1083x + 6.4241 Linear (Series1) 2 0 0 7.510430556 8.780633799 8.990566138 8.413387023 6.522092798 4.787491743 2 4 Days 6 8 Linear (Series2) Graph 4 The natural log of the average values of both the control and test populations of Paramecium.