LITERARY ANALYSIS: Read the poem “Richard Cory” by Edwin

LITERARY ANALYSIS: Read the poem “Richard Cory” by Edwin Arlington Robinson, then answer the multiple
choice questions about it.
The basic irony in the poem is that a wealthy, enviable gentlemen
a. is detested by ordinary people
c. finds nothing to live for
b. doesn’t understand human suffering
d. won’t talk to his neighbors
Richard Cory’s eventual fate
a. results from business failures
b. shows his underlying villainy
c. was predictable, given his everyday behavior
d. comes as a surprise to the townspeople
The final mystery of Richard Cory’s life revolves around
a. what unspeakable sadness he kept hidden
c. how he managed to impress other people
b. why he took frequent strolls into town
d. what kind of treasures he had
What is the main theme of the poem?
a. Familiarity breeds contempt.
b. Poverty causes crime.
c. Appearances can deceive
d. The good die young.
The shift in the poem occurs in which stanza?
a. Stanza 1
b. Stanza 2
c. Stanza 3
d. Stanza 4
The tone in the above poem can best be described as
a. lighthearted
b. detached
c. sincere
d. sensitive
LITERARY ANALYSIS: Read the poem “The Moon is distant from the Sea” by Emily Dickinson, then
answer the multiple choice questions about it.
In the above poem, the sea is called docile in stanza 1 because it is _______________ to the moon.
a. helpful
c. obedient
b. hostile
d. annoying
The Degree referred to in stanza 2 is which of the following?
a. an assigned direction
c. an academic title
b. a reference to temperature
d. an official rank
In the poem, the moon and the sea are metaphors for
a. uncaring and cold natural forces
b. a strict teacher and a frightened pupil
c. a loved one and the speaker
d. the effect of a rising and falling tide
Which of the following is the best summary statement describing the relationship between the moon and the sea
as characterized in the poem?
a. Just as the sea is “led” by the moon, so is the speaker led by the sea.
b. Just as the sea is “led” by the moon, so is the speaker led by God or her father.
c. Just as the sea is “led” by the moon, so is the speaker led by an inner direction.
d. Just as the sea is “led” by the moon, so is the speaker led by an invisible hands along the beach.
LITERARY ANALYSIS: Read the passage entitled “Land Rush.” Answer the following questions based on the passage.
How do the author’s ideas about nature reveal themselves in the main character of the passage?
a. Molly believes that nature is essentially valuable and sustaining.
b. Molly sees women as more successful than men at taming nature.
c. Molly understands that nature often thwarts (interferes with) the efforts of humans.
d. Molly views the city as a refuge from the hardships of homesteading.
Read this sentence from the passage.
“St. Louis was known far and wide for its superior iron production, and its foundries belched their black smoke
into the sky every day.”
How does the author’s use of language in this sentence contribute to the tone or attitude toward St. Louis?
a. The author uses diction to create an impression of fear.
b. The author uses imagery to foster a sense of distaste (dislike).
c. The author uses irony to reveal the underlying humor.
d. The author uses metaphor to impart a feeling of mystery.
Which question would be most helpful to ask when analyzing opportunities for women during the historical
context of this passage?
a. Who was required to pay taxes on land?
b. What percentage of women was married?
c. What career choices were available for women?
d. How did the government encourage land ownership?
The word bourgeois is French and means “middle class.” Which words in paragraph 2 best help the reader
understand the meaning of the word bourgeois?
a. “polluted city with its crowded streets”
c. “from stoves to tools”
b. “superior iron production”
d. “elaborate pointed fences”
The author’s diction indicates Molly’s attitude toward her sister. Which word describes that attitude?
a. resentment
c. obligation
b. protectiveness
d. generosity
Which word best describes the author’s attitude toward women who used the Homestead Act?
a. sympathetic
c. bewildered
b. disdainful (hostile)
d. suspicious
17. Jalisa is writing a literary analysis essay in which she analyzes the attributes of a main character in a play. Which
sentence could BEST serve as an effective thesis statement for Jalisa’s essay?
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a very good play, and Juliet is my favorite character because I think she is
brave and strong.
Some people think Juliet was a naïve young girl, but I think she is a true hero who had an inner strength that was
much more important than her age.
In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the character of Juliet might appear young and naïve, but she is a brave
young woman with an inner strength that overshadows her youthfulness.
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays, but most critics do not consider it
his finest work.
Inez is writing a literary analysis essay, and she wants to make sure her essay uses academic voice. Which
sentence is the BEST example of academic voice?
In the novel Great Expectations, Charles Dickens uses a finely-woven plot and unforgettable characters to
comment on the social injustice he witnessed and disliked within his culture.
In the novel Great Expectations, Charles Dickens talks about injustice, and he uses the characters in the novel to
show how crazy it is when people aren’t treated fairly.
In the novel Great Expectations, Charles Dickens shows once and for all that people are people and it is really
love that makes the world go round.
In the novel Great Expectations, Charles Dickens uses a finely-woven plot and unforgettable characters to
comment on the unfair stuff he witnessed and disliked within his own culture.
Liam is writing a literary analysis essay that compares and contrasts two characters in a novel. Which sentence
would be the BEST thesis statement for Liam’s essay?
Atticus Finch is the kind of father every little girl deserves; his parenting reflects both wisdom and love.
Both Atticus Finch and Bob Ewell are fathers of outspoken daughters, and they take very different approaches to
Both Atticus Finch and Bob Ewell are fathers of outspoken daughters, but they take very different approaches to
Bob Ewell is not a well-respected father; his parenting is questioned publicly at the trial of Tom Robinson.
Bethany is writing an essay about the literature of another culture. During revision, Bethany discovers that her
draft lacks style and sophistication because almost every sentence is short, choppy, and redundant. Here is an
example of three such sentences.
Storytelling remains very popular in Afghanistan. Storytelling is useful for passing down the customs of a people.
Storytelling is sometimes carried out in the form of poetry.
Bethany wants to increase sentence variety and eliminate redundancy by combining sentences. Which revision
combines ideas effectively to meet Bethany’s purpose for her essay?
Storytelling remains very popular in Afghanistan because it is useful for passing down the customs of a people
but it is sometimes carried out in the form of poetry.
Storytelling remains very popular in Afghanistan, because it is useful for passing down the customs of a people,
and it is sometimes carried out in the form of poetry.
Storytelling, sometimes carried out in the form of poetry, remains very popular in Afghanistan because it is useful
for passing down the customs of a people.
Storytelling is sometimes carried out in the form of poetry and it remains very popular in Afghanistan therefore it
is useful for passing down the customs of a people.
Carlos is writing a literary analysis of a novel. His draft includes the following sentences:
John Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men. It is a very short novel. It leaves an unmistakable impression on the
During revision, Carlos realized he had too many similar short sentences. He improved the style of his essay by
combining three short, choppy sentences into the following new sentence:
While John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men is a very short novel, it leaves an unmistakable impression on the
Which is the BEST description of Carlos’s new sentence?
The revised sentence is an effective complex sentence, but it has an unnecessary comma after the subordinate
The revised sentence is an effective, correctly-punctuated complex sentence that begins with a subordinate clause.
The revised sentence is ineffective because it is too long, lacks correct punctuation, and uses an inappropriate
subordinate clause.
The revised sentence is ineffective because it doesn’t include the same information as the original sentences.