Rubric for Literary Criticism NY Argue: Build a case for and defend conclusions reached, based in sound logic and valid evidence. MS Makes an argument and backs up with relevant evidence and discussion ES Makes an argument and backs up with relevant evidence and discussion. The author anticipates and addresses opposing viewpoints in discussion. ___Quoted Evidence from Heart of Darkness directly supports writer’s claim ___Quoted Evidence from Heart of Darkness directly supports writer’s claim ___Quoted Evidence from Things Fall Apart directly supports writer’s claim ___Quoted Evidence from Things Fall Apart directly supports writer’s claim ___Quoted Evidence from Chinua Achebe’s “An Image of Africa” directly supports writer’s claim ___Quoted Evidence from Chinua Achebe’s “An Image of Africa” directly supports writer’s claim ___Quoted Evidence from Cedric Watts’ “‘A Bloody Racist’ About Achebe’s View of Conrad” directly supports writer’s claim ___Quoted Evidence from Cedric Watts’ “‘A Bloody Racist’ About Achebe’s View of Conrad” directly supports writer’s claim ___All quotes used are the best possible pieces of evidence to support writer’s thesis ___Writer utilizes ‘They Say/I Say Format” to disprove an idea Communic ate: Make ideas and information understood, mindful of audience, purpose, and setting. Uses appropriate language and organization to communicate clearly and effectively Here’s some specifics: ___Inverted Triangle ___Hook ___Background Information ___Clear Thesis with subtopics ___Clear Topic Sentences ___Transitions ___Developed Discussions Uses audience and purpose to create and implement effective communication techniques: voice, cohesion, lang. use, organization Here’s some specifics: ___Inverted Triangle ___Hook ___Background Information ___Clear Thesis with subtopics ___Clear Topic Sentences ___Transitions ___Developed Discussions ___Vary Method to Introduce Evidence ___Vary Type of Evidence ___Vary Format of Evidence ___Academic Vocabulary Be precise: Accurately represents solutions, ideas, and language. Uses appropriate vocabulary and the conventions of grammar to make meaning ___Language is clear and concise ___MLA format ___Adheres to Basic Requirements: 4-pages, Garamond 12pt. Font, Double-Spaced Errors in conventions to revise: Use of content-specific vocabulary and the flawless use of the conventions of grammar to make meaning ___Language is clear and concise ___MLA format ___Adheres to Basic Requirements: 4-pages, Garamond 12pt. Font, Double-Spaced Applies flawlessly the conventions of grammar: ____ subject-verb agreement ____ run-ons ____ fragments ____ capitalization ____ homonyms ____ verb tense ____ spelling ____ typos ____ redundancy ____ comma usage ____ adjective usage ____ punctuation ____ italics, quotations, or underline for titles (as appropriate) ____ prepositions Conclude: Infer meanings, analyze information and develop valid ideas based on evidence and analysis. Able to reach a conclusion based on the information provided Able to reach a conclusion and anticipate various interpretations and conclusions ___Clear Thesis ___Clear Thesis ___Clear Interpretation of Heart of Darkness ___Clear Interpretation of Heart of Darkness, including acknowledgement of other possible interpretations ___Clear Interpretation of Things Fall Apart ___Clear Interpretation of Things Fall Apart, including acknowledgement of other possible interpretations