Unit Title: Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities Grade Level: 9th Subject: Algebra 1 Topic: Finding Solutions of Systems of Equations and Inequalities Designer: Ronald Boutte Date: April 9th, 2013 STAGE 1. DESIRED RESULTS Established Goals: TEKS: A4A find specific function values, simplify polynomial expressions, transform and solve equations, and factor as necessary in problem situations A8A analyze situations and formulate systems of linear equations in two unknowns to solve problems A8B solve systems of linear equations using concrete models, graphs, tables, and algebraic methods A8C interpret and determine the reasonableness of solutions to systems of linear equations. Essential Questions to be Considered: 1. What makes a linear system of equations independent or dependent, and inconsistent or consistent? 2. How are the solutions to a linear system determined? 3. What are the calculator key strokes that will allow you to solve a linear system of equations? 4. Explain the different methods of solving a linear system of equations or inequalities. Desired Understandings: Students will understand that… Systems of linear equations can have one solution, infinite solutions, or no solutions, Relate the solutions to an intersection of two lines, parallel lines, or exact or same lines, The solution of a linear system can be determined by graphing and finding the break-even point or solution for real world situations. The solution of a linear system can be determined using the substitution method, elimination method, or by graphing Knowledge and Skills to be Acquired as a Result of this Unit Students will know… Students will be able to… 1. Solve systems of equations using various methods including substitution, Vectors and matrices as systems that have some of the properties of elimination using addition and subtraction, and elimination using the real-number system multiplication, Properties of, and representations for, the addition and multiplication 2. Use a graphing calculator to solve systems of equations by graphing and of vectors and matrices matrices, Operations with real numbers, vectors, and matrices, using mental 3. Determine the break-even point in terms of the solution of a linear system computation or paper and pencil calculations for simple cases and of equation. technology for more complicated cases. The reasonableness of numerical computations (solutions) and their results. STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Performance Tasks*: The students will be given a consumers role to determine which phone company has the best deal. They will determine the equations in terms of the usage and rates, find the break-even points, describe what occurs before and after the break-even point, and determine reasonableness of the break-even point. The idea is to simulate a real situation where they would have to determine a better deal. Other Evidence: Concept Map- The student will use Multi Media to outline a concept map that highlights different types of solutions (one, infinite, or no solution) and give a real life situation to depict their understandings. The students will use GLOGSTER to create their MM design. A series of real situations that would allow for misunderstandings to be addressed *Multi-Media Student Centered Rubric attached for at least one of these. STAGE 3: LEARNING EXPERIENCES Numbered key teaching and learning activities in arranged by day with WHERETO elements coded. The unit plan covers a block schedule which is two days to meet with all students. MONDAY TUESDAY Objectives: Solving systems by graphing. Objectives: Solving systems by graphing 1. Review Graphing of linear function (W) 1. Review Graphing of linear function(W) 2. Key Terms – Inconsistent, Consistent, Dependent, Independent, Intersection and, Parallel (W) 2. Key Terms – Inconsistent, Consistent, Dependent, Independent, Intersection and, Parallel. (W) WEDNESDAY THURSDAY In general, a solution of a system in two variables is an ordered pair that makes BOTH equations true. 3. Have students sketch the three different examples in their notebooks and label each with the appropriate vocabulary (H) 4. KWLA –Exit Ticket (H) In general, a solution of a system in two variables is an ordered pair that makes BOTH equations true. 3. 4. FRIDAY 5. Have students graph, find the solutions, and describe the solutions to the Systems (Ex) 6. Have students sketch the three different examples in their notebooks and label each with the appropriate vocabulary(O) 7. KWLA –Exit Ticket (H) Have students sketch the three different examples in their notebooks and label each with the appropriate vocabulary (H) KWLA –Exit Ticket (H) . MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 5. Have students graph, find the solutions, and describe the solutions to the Systems (Ex) 6. Have students sketch the three different examples in their notebooks and label each with the appropriate vocabulary(O) 7. KWLA –Exit Ticket (H) SUBSTITUTION: Objectives: Solve systems of equations using substitution. 8. KWLA –Exit Ticket 8. (EV) SUBSTITUTION: Objectives: Solve systems of equations using substitution. KWLA –Exit Ticket 12. KWLA –Exit Ticket R.) 13. A series of real situations that would allow for misunderstandings to be addressed (EV) ELIMINATION BY MULTIPLICATION Objectives: Solve systems of equations using elimination and multiplication. 10. KWLA –Exit Ticket 9. A series of real situations that would allow for misunderstandings to be addressed (R.) ELIMINATION BY MULTIPLICATION Objectives: Solve systems of equations using elimination and multiplication. (EV) 9. A series of real situations that would allow for misunderstandings to be addressed (R.) 11. A series of real WEDNESDAY 14. Students will want a copy of the steps to inputting a matrix system into their calculator and how to solve it. (T) THURSDAY 14. F-Students will want a copy of the steps to inputting a matrix system into their calculator and how to solve it. (T) 15. Concept Map (O) 15. Concept Map (O) 16. KWLA –Exit Ticket(R) 16. KWLA –Exit Ticket(R) . MONDAY MATRICES Objectives: Solve systems of equations using matrices. TUESDAY MATRICES Objectives: Solve systems of equations using matrices. (EV) situations that would allow for misunderstandings to be addressed (R) 12. KWLA –Exit Ticket R.) 13. A series of real situations that would allow for misunderstandings to be addressed (EV) 10. KWLA –Exit Ticket (EV) 11. A series of real situations that would allow for misunderstandings to be addressed (R) FRIDAY 1. Concept Map- Used to determine whether students understand the difference between inconsistent systems and consistent systems. Used to determine whether students understand the difference of an intersection, parallel lines, or same lines (O) STAGE 3: LEARNING EXPERIENCES Key teaching and learning activities numbered and in sequence with WHERETO elements coded. DAY 1 and Day2 DAY 1 Introduce idea of what is a system of equations Solve systems of equations by graphing Use graphing calculators & graph paper Key Vocab: system of equations, consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent, intersection (W) DAY 2 Solve systems by substitution Use Algebra Tiles Key Vocab: Day 3 and Day 4 DAY 3 Solve systems by elimination using addition or subtraction Key Vocab: Elimination DAY 4 Solve systems by elimination using multiplication DAY 5 Solve systems using matrices Use Graphing calculators (Note Taking Guide) DAY 5 and Day 6 DAYS 7 and Day 8 Day 9 and Day 10 DAY 6 Complete review/ take up review sheet Alg Ch 5 App from TI may be used to help review Quiz *NOTE: Days can be rearranged; only elimination by addition should be taught before elimination by multiplication DAY 7 Complete a graphic organizer that demonstrates an understanding character DAY 8 Complete a graphic organizer that demonstrates an understanding character DAY 9: Assessment / Ext Tickets (KLWA) DAY 10 : Assessment/ / Ext Tickets (KLWA