1 Provider Directory Data Mapping 1.1 Individual Data Map The table below defines the Individual attributes of the Provider Directory, its corresponding S&I Attribute and LDAP Syntax and Object Class. Table 1 Individual Data Map HPD Attribute LDAP Syntax LDAP Object Class S & I Attribute Single/ Multi Valued S Comments uid String inetOrgPerson Individual ID (R,Q) HcIdentifier String HCProfessional Individual NPI (R,Q), Alternate Individual Identifier M Format as defined by ISO 2191 (Issuing Authority:Type:ID:Status) HcProfession String HCProfessional Individual Provider Type(R,Q) M The values will be defined by national or regional organizations. An example of possible types is the list of Individuals or Groups Values from the Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Published by the American Medical Association twice a year. An example of this document can be found at the following reference URL: http://www.adldata.com/Downl oads/Glossaries/taxonomy_80. pdf. The definitions will be defined by national or regional organizations. See Provider Type for more information. description String inetOrgPerson hpdProviderStatus String HPDProvider Inidividual Record Status S Active/Inactive/Deceased/Retir ed displayName String inetOrgPerson (R,Q) Legal Individaul Name S Use of language tag and HL7 Name Data Type (XCN) as per PWP Volume 2A Section 3.24; S RDN Format as defined by ISO 2191 section 9.2 (Issuing Authority Name:ID) HPD Attribute LDAP Syntax LDAP Object Class S & I Attribute title String inetOrgPerson Prefix (R,Q) Single/ Multi Valued S givenName String inetOrgPerson Individual First Name (R,Q) M initials String inetOrgPerson Individual Middle Name (R,Q) M sn String inetOrgPerson Individual Last Name (R,Q) M cn String inetOrgPerson (R,Q) Alternate/Other Known Names M Comments Use of language tag and HL7 Name Data Type (XCN) as per PWP Volume 2A Section 3.24; Note: also may be part of displayName and/or Cn as appropriate Use of language tag and HL7 Name Data Type (XCN) as per PWP Volume 2A Section 3.24; Note: also may be part of displayName and/or Cn as appropriate Use of language tag and HL7 Name Data Type (XCN) as per PWP Volume 2A Section 3.24; Note: also may be part of displayName and/or Cn as appropriate Provider Last Name Use of language tag and HL7 Name Data Type (XCN) as per PWP Volume 2A Section 3.24; Note: also may be part of displayName and/or Cn as appropriate Provider Known names ,Use of language tag and HL7 Name Data Type (XCN) as per PWP Volume 2A Section 3.24; hpdProviderLanguageSuppor ted String HPDProvider M hpdMedicalRecordsDelive ryAddress String HPDProvider S Intended for sending medical records via email mail String inetOrgPerson M Provider e-mail address userSMIMECertificate Binary HCProfessional Individual Email (R) Individual Public Digital Certificate (R) M Public key and certificate for the user’s non-repudiation signing certificate used for health transactions hcSigningCertificate Binary HCProfessional M Base 64 encoded certificate userCertificate Binary inetOrgPerson Individual Public Digital Certificate (R) Individual Public Digital Certificate (R) RFC2256: X.509 user certificate for general purpose use; purpose constraint can be HPD Attribute labeledURI LDAP Syntax String LDAP Object Class S & I Attribute groupofURLs Single/ Multi Valued S Comments found by looking inside the certificates Points to businessEntity through businessKey value of the IHE Services Directory for Document Sharing (SDDS) creatieTimestamp This is an operation attribute that directory servers already maintains. last UpdateDate This is an operation attribute that directory servers already maintains. physicalDeliveryOfficeName String inetOrgPerson hpdProviderMailingAddress Postal Address HPDProvider Postal Address HPDProvider hpdProviderPracticeAddress Postal Address HPDProvider HcPracticeLocation DN HCProfessional telephoneNumber Telephone Number inetOrgPerson hpdProviderBillingAddress M M Mailing address. County and Street Address 2 allowed by spec. M Business billing address; . County and Street Address 2 allowed by spec. M Practice address; . County and Street Address 2 allowed by spec. M DN of organization the provider practices M As per PWP volume 2A; 3.24 Individual Address Object (R) Individual Address Object (R) Individual Address Object (R) Individual Telephone Object , Business (R,Q) mobile Telephone Number inetOrgPerson Individual Telephone Object (R,Q) M As per PWP volume 2A; 3.24 Business Mobile pager Telephone Number inetOrgPerson Individual Telephone Object (R,Q) M As per PWP volume 2A; 3.24 facsimileTelephoneNumber Facsimile Telephone Number inetOrgPerson Individual Telephone Object (R,Q) M As per PWP volume 2A; 3.24 HPD Attribute LDAP Syntax LDAP Object Class S & I Attribute hpdCredential DN HPDProvider Individual Professional Degree Object, Individual Certification Object, Individual State License Single/ Multi Valued M Comments M A major Grouping i.e. Dermatology, Oncology, Dental, Internal Med M Groups to which this provider belongs; In search scenarios, it is desirable for a Provider Information Consumer to be able to determine which organizations this individual provider is a member of. HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD. Currently a standard attribute Object (pointer) (R,Q) HcSpecialization String HCProfessional Individual Specialty, memberOf DN HPDProvider generationalQualifier String new Suffix (R,Q) S hpdpProviderLegalAddress Postal Address new S hpdpHasAService DN new hpdpDateOfBirth UTCTime new Individual Address Object Individual Electronic Service Information Date Of Birth hpdpCertificateId String new hpdpCertificateDN String new hpdpGender String HPDProvider HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD S Organization Digital Certificate ID Organization Digital Certificate distinguished name Individual Gender (R,Q) S This is a proposed solution to the HPD error of assigning gender to NaturalPerson 1.2 Organization Data Map The table below defines the Organization attributes of the Provider Directory, its corresponding S&I Attribute and LDAP Syntax and Object Class. Table 2 Organization Data Map HPD Attribute LDAP Syntax LDAP Object Class S&I Attribute uid String Organization Organization ID (R,Q) Single /Multi Value d S Comments RDN Format as defined by ISO 2191 section 9.2 (Issuing Authority Name:ID) This is not correct uid is not in this class. Using o HcIdentifier String HCRegulatedO rganization Organization NPI (R,Q), Alternate Organization Identifiers M Organization Identifiers businessCategory String Organization Organization Type (R,Q) S description String Organization The values will be defined by national or regional organizations. An example is the list of Non Individual Values from the Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Published by the American Medical Association twice a year. An example of this document can be found at the following reference URL: http://www.adldata.com/Downl oads/Glossaries/taxonomy_80. pdf. The definitions will be defined by national or regional organizations. See Org Type for more information. hpdProviderStatus String HPDProvider S Organization Record Status (R) S Active/Inactive HPD Attribute LDAP Syntax LDAP Object Class S&I Attribute HcRegisteredName String HCRegulatedO rganization Organization Legal Name Single /Multi Value d M Comments M Use of language tag and HL7 Name Data Type (XCN) as per PWP Volume 2A Section 3.24; M Clinical contacts; DN to HCProfessional entry M Organization Practice Address M Organization Mailing Address M Organization Billing Address M Degree is not a valid type for Organizational Provider M Language that the organization supports (R,Q) o String Organization clinicalInformationContact DN HCRegulatedO rganization hpdProviderPracticeAddress Postal Address HPDProvider Organization Alias/Descriptive Name(s) (R) Organization Address Object Use of language tag and HL7 Name Data Type (XCN) as per PWP Volume 2A Section 3.24; (R) hpdProviderMailingAddress Postal Address HPDProvider hpdProviderBillingAddress Postal Address HPDProvider hpdCredential DN HPDCredential hpdProviderLanguageSupported String HPDProvider HcSpecialisation String HCRegulatedO rganization Organization Address Object (R) Organization Address Object (R) Organization Certification Object (pointer) Organization M Specialty (R,Q) labeledURI String groupofURLs HcSigningCertificate Binary HCRegulatedO rganization HcOrganizationCetificates Binary HCRegulated Oganization Organization Public Digital Certificate Organization Public Digital Certificate M Electronic address information of an Organization. Points to businessEntity through businessKey value of the IHE Services Directory for Document Sharing (SDDS) M Signing Certificate M RFC2256: X.509 user certificate for general purpose use; purpose constraint can be HPD Attribute LDAP Syntax LDAP Object Class S&I Attribute Single /Multi Value d Comments found by looking inside the certificates telephoneNumber Telepho ne Number Organization Organization Telephone Object (R,Q) M Organization Business Phone facsimileTelephoneNumber Facsimil e Telepho ne Number DN Organization Organization Telephone Object (R,Q) M Organization fax number HPDProvider Organization Relationship (Unique Reference for related organization) M Organization to which this organization belongs; In search scenarios, it is desirable for a Provider Information Consumer to be able to determine which organizations this organization provider is a member of. memberof creation Date This is an operation attribute that directory servers already maintains. last Update Date This is an operation attribute that directory servers already maintains. hpdpHasAService DN new Organization Electronic Service Information M HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD Object hpdpEmail String new Organization Email Object M hpdpPolicyInformation String new Organization M Policy Information (R) Object HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD, Should be a multi-field delimited string like address HPD Attribute LDAP Syntax LDAP Object Class S&I Attribute hpdpCertificateId String new Organization Digital Certificate ID hpdpCertificateDN String new Organization Digital Certificate distinguished name hpdpLegalAddress PostalA ddress new Organization Address Object Single /Multi Value d Comments Certificat eDN, not an LDAP DN S 1.3 Individual-Organization Data Map While the HPD Framework does contain a section on Relationships, specific attributes are not called out. The table below defines the Individual-Organization attributes of the Provider Directory, its corresponding S&I Attribute and LDAP Syntax and Object Class. There is a new class referred to as HPDPProviderMembership and is not part of the original HPD spec . Table 3 Individual-Organization Data Map Attribute LDAP Synta x LDAP Object Class S&I Attribute Single /Multi Value d Comments hpdpMemberId String HPDProvid erMembers hip hpdpHasAProvider DN HPDProvid erMembers hip Unique Reference for Individual (R) S HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD hpdpHasAnOrg DN HPDProvid erMembers hip Unique Reference for Organization (R) S HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD hpdpHasAService DN HPDProvid erMembers hip Electronic Service Information Object M HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD M HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD Provides a unique identifier for the object. Additional beyond S&I because it is a useful attribute to have HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD Pointer (R) telephoneNumber Teleph one Numbe r HPDProvid erMembers hip Telephone Object (Number, Usage) (R,Q) Attribute LDAP Synta x LDAP Object Class S&I Attribute Single /Multi Value d M Comments facsimileTelephoneNumber Teleph one Numbe r HPDProvid erMembers hip Telephone Object (Number, Usage) (R,Q) mobile Teleph one Numbe r HPDProvid erMembers hip Telephone Object (Number, Usage) (R,Q) M HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD pager Teleph one Numbe r HPDProvid erMembers hip Telephone Object (Number, Usage) (R,Q) M HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD hpdpEmail String HPDProvid erMembers hip IndividualOrganization Email (R,Q) M HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD hpdpOrganizationCertificate Binary HPDProvid erMembers hip Organization Public Digital Certificate M Organization Digital Certificate ID hpdpCertificateId String HPDProvid erMembers hip Organization Public Digital CertificateId HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD Attribute LDAP Synta x LDAP Object Class S&I Attribute hpdpCertificateIdDN String HPDProvid erMembers hip Organization Public Digital Certificate Distinguished Name Single /Multi Value d Comments Certificate DN, not an LDAP DN 1.4 Credential Data Map The Credential Object provides a means of referencing data on the S&I Individual Certification Object, Individual State License Object , Individual Professional Degree Object and Organization Certification Object attributes. The table below defines the Credential attributes of the Provider Directory, its corresponding S&I Attribute and LDAP Syntax and Object Class. There is a special top-level class called HPDProviderCredential and it is part of the original HPD Spec Table 4 Credential Data Map Attribute LDAP Syntax LDAP Object Class S&I Attribute credentialType Directory String HPDProvide rCredential License,Degree, or Certification types credentialName Directory String HPDProvide rCredential State Issuing, Issuing Authority, Granting Institution, state certifying and state authority Single /Multi Value d S S Comments Type of Credential<degree, certificate, credential> Name of Credential, degree, or certification that belongs to provider. Follows the ISO21091 naming format as that of the HCStandardRole: credentialNumber String HPDProvide rCredential credentialDescription String HPDProvide rCredential Degree, Certificate Number or License Number, S S Credential Identifier Follows the ISO 21091 UID format: Additional information on the credential Attribute LDAP Syntax LDAP Object Class S&I Attribute credentialIssueDate UTCTime HPDProvide rCredential Year Granted or Issued credentialRenewalDate UTCTime HPDProvide rCredential credentialStatus String HPDProvide rCredential status Single /Multi Value d S Comments S Date when credential is due renewal S The current status of credential: Active, Inactive, Suspended etc Date when credential was issued to the provider 1.5 Electronic Services Data Map This Object is strictly HPD Plus at this time. The table below defines the electronic services attributes of the Provider Directory, its corresponding S&I Attribute and LDAP Syntax and Object Class. There is a special top-level class called HPDPElectronicService and is not part of the original HPD Spec Table 5 Electronic Services Data Map Attribute LDAP Syntax LDAP Object Class S&I Attribute Single/ Multi Valued S Comments hpdpServiceId Directory String HPDPElectro nicService Unique Reference for Electronic Service hpdpServiceAddress Directory String HPDPElectro nicService Electronic Address S HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD hpdpIntegrationProfile Directory String HPDPElectro nicService S HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD Should be a multi-field delimited string like address hpdpContentProfile Directory String HPDPElectro nicService M HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD Should be a multi-field delimited string like address hpdpSecurityProfile Directory String HPDPElectro nicService M HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD Should be a multi-field delimited string like address HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD Attribute LDAP Syntax LDAP Object Class S&I Attribute hpdpPreferredMethod DirectoryString HPDPElectro nicService PreferredM ethod Single/ Multi Valued M Comments HPD Plus only, Not yet supported in HPD