PATIENT AND PUBLIC VOICE MEMBER APPLICANT INFORMATION PACK DENTAL COMMISSIONING WORKING GROUPS The closing date for all applications is 5th September Part one: How to apply i. Please read the applicant information details below and complete the attached application form, making sure to demonstrate how you meet the skills and experience required for this position/s. ii. Applications should be returned to Dionne Hilton, Dental Pathways Programme Manager, iii. To receive other formats of this applicant information pack and the application form please email Dionne Hilton, Dental Pathways Programme Manager, iv. We will rely on the information you provide in the application form to assess whether you have the skills and experience required, so please ensure you tell us how you meet the skills and experience listed in the information given in part two Diversity and equality of opportunity We value and promote diversity and are committed to equality of opportunity for all. To help us understand if we are achieving this, we ask you to fill out a diversity monitoring form as part of the application process. We also ask you to let us know if you have special needs, that we need to support to enable you to participate fully. Once we receive your application i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. We will acknowledge receipt of your application form. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, please contact us. Applications will be shortlisted by a panel including members drawn from the dental commissioning guide working groups Applications will be assessed against the skills and experience listed in the information given in part two Selection will be made on the basis of the content of the application form. There will not be an interview process, but references will be taken up for successful applicants. Successful applicants will receive an email from NHS England notifying them of this and informing them of next steps Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified via email There is an option on the application form for applicants to be informed about future involvement opportunities with NHS England For an informal discussion about these posts – please contact Dionne Hilton, Dental Pathways Programme Manager, Page 1 Part two: Information for applicants Background, context and aims of the programme NHS England is responsible for commissioning all primary care services including medical, dental, ophthalmic and pharmaceutical. The National Dental Commissioning Group has been established by NHS England to lead on how we can improve the commissioning of all dental services. A number of working groups have been established to take the first phase of this work forward and we would like to recruit patient, carer and voluntary sector members to these working groups to inform our work. There is an overarching group which assures the work of the four working groups for different dental specialities; Oral Surgery and Related Specialties, Special Care, Orthodontic Care and Restorative Care. The purpose of the working groups are to draft and agree the content for a commissioning guide for NHS England area teams to commission dental specialties. The commissioning guide will describe the concept of managed clinical networks, which will describe the patient journey from primary care to specialist care. ABOUT THE ROLE OF THE PPV MEMBER NHS England is committed to ensuring that public and patient voices are at the centre of shaping our healthcare services. Every level of our commissioning system needs to be informed by insightful methods of listening to those who use and care about our services. Their views should inform service development. Public and patient voice will be embedded into our commissioning processes in a range of ways, including insight and feedback to shape services, voices in the governance frameworks of our programmes of work, as well as patient and public engagement in our assurance processes. What is the role of PPV members on the group? 1. The patient and public voice representation bring important views, perspective and challenge into the group – this role is essential in championing a service user, patient and carer/family viewpoint, ensuring that the needs of the patient/carer are taken into account as dental patient pathways are developed 2. The role of the public and patient voice is to champion the diversity of patient and public views (not to only represent their own experience) 3. Provide some critical friend challenge into the group 4. To champion and advocate for increasing patient and public awareness of the programme to improve how dental services are commissioned 5. To review working group plans and documentation 6. To comply with the Standards of Conduct, and to respect the confidential nature of discussions when it is made clear by the Chair that this is a requirement 7. To present your story and experience of one of the dental specialties (if applicable). 8. Discuss what you feel is currently good about NHS dentistry, what you would like to change, and what you would like to keep the same. Page 2 9. To help identify a minimum set of measures which capture the patient’s perspective of the dental care they have received. What skills and experience are required for this role? (please address these in your application form) For membership of the overarching group, an interest in commissioning of dental services, and some experience of dental commissioning, are essential For membership of the four speciality groups, an interest in the speciality concerned is essential, and some direct experience of the speciality is desirable. This could be as a patient, a carer, or as an employee or volunteer of a voluntary sector organisation or patient group with an interest in these services Experience of speaking in large groups Ability to understand and evaluate a range of information and evidence Previous experience of representing patient and public voice in healthcare forums Experience of working in partnership with healthcare organisations or programmes Can display sound judgement and an ability to be objective Have an awareness of, and commitment to, equality and diversity. An understanding of inequalities in relation to access to dental services would be desirable, particularly for membership of the overarching group Understand the need for confidentiality For a summary of the definitions of the different specialties, terms of reference / aims of the working groups and terms of reference of the review group, see Appendices 1 and 2. Is any content of the meeting confidential? Yes, all documentation circulated is confidential, as are discussions on the day Brief information about wider membership of the working groups Membership as described in the Terms of Reference. What is the duration of the time commitment? (when will membership of the group be reviewed) March 2015 What is the time commitment for this role? A maximum of eight full days, including meetings and review time and two patient engagement days on the 23rd September and the other in February (date TBC). Standards of conduct and conflict of interest All group members will be asked to subscribe to an agreed code of conduct and confidentiality agreement, and to declare any potential conflicts of interest. Other information The meetings will take place in London and exact venue details will be provided at Page 3 least 4 weeks before each meeting. The agenda will be circulated one week prior to the meeting and minutes should be circulated within 2 weeks. Support for PPV members Page 4 Induction will be provided for members A named link will be provided at the group. This person will be able to support PPV members with background or context material that they may require. If necessary pre-meeting briefings will be provided either by email, post or telephone call. Meeting documents will be emailed and/or provided in an accessible form as requested by the PPV member. Including printed versions and (if requested) A4 paper, postage stamps and envelopes for submitting written responses will be provided. For individual patient/carer patient members – NHS England will reimburse out of pocket expenses. You will be provided with a named contact to send your expense claims to and discuss any queries that arise. Expenses usually cover travel and any accommodation or subsistence requirements that arise, but we would also seek to address any barriers to participation, for example covering the costs of a carer that may need to accompany PPV representatives. Please get in touch with your named contact to discuss any support requirements that you might have. Out of pocket expenses incurred as part of the work will be reimbursed in line with NHS England’s Patient and Public participation expenses policy APPENDIX 1 Specialties definition Orthodontics Orthodontics is a specialised form of dentistry that involves the study, diagnosis and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. Irregularities of the teeth and bite are called malocclusions; control and modification of facial growth is called dento-facial orthopaedics. Special Care Dentistry The speciality of special care dentistry is concerned with the improvement of the oral health of individuals and groups in society who have a physical, sensory, intellectual, mental, medical, emotional or social impairment or disability or, more often, a combination of these factors, which results in them being unable to access routine dental care. It pertains to adolescents and adults. It is one of 13 dental specialities recognised by the General Dental Council, which is the governing body for dentistry (General Dental Council, 2013). The speciality was formally recognised by the General Dental Council in 2008. Restorative dentistry This deals with the restoration of diseased, injured, or abnormal teeth to normal function. This includes all aspects of Endodontics, Periodontics and Prosthodontics. Oral Surgery and Related Specialties The specialty of Oral Surgery (OS) deals with the diagnosis and management of irregularities and pathology of the mouth and jaws that require surgical intervention. Historically, ‘Oral Surgery’ (as practised both in General Hospitals and Dental Teaching Hospitals) transformed into ‘Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery’ (OMFS) with a requirement for undergraduate medical training in addition to undergraduate dental training and appropriate specialist training. A training programme excluding undergraduate medical training was initially preserved for academic oral surgeons and scope of practice excluded the surgical management of oral malignancy. This Academic Advisory Committee to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery programme has now been superseded by Integrated Academic Training Programmes. Page 5 Oral Surgery was re-introduced in the UK as a dental specialty regulated by the General Dental Council in 2009. Oral surgery is an EU recognised dental specialty with EU provision for the mutual recognition of specialist training when considering applications from EU nationals for admission to the specialist dental register of each state. The scope of Oral Surgery care undertaken by Specialists and Consultants is described by the General Dental Council training curriculum as follows: Page 6 Extraction of teeth & retained roots/pathology and management of associated complications including oro-antral fistula Management of odontogenic and all other oral infections Management of impacted teeth; management of complications Peri-radicular surgery Dentoalveolar surgery in relation to orthodontic treatment Intraoral and labial biopsy techniques Treatment of intra-oral benign and cystic lesions of hard and soft tissues Management of benign salivary gland disease by intra-oral techniques and familiarity with the diagnosis and treatment of other salivary gland diseases Insertion of osseointegrated dental implants including bone augmentation and soft tissue management Appropriate pain and anxiety control including the administration of standard conscious sedation techniques Management of adults and children as in-patients, including the medically at risk patient Management of dento-alveolar trauma and familiarity with the management and treatment of fractures of the jaws and facial skeleton Management of oro-facial pain including temporomandibular joint disorders Clinical diagnosis of oral cancer and potentially malignant diseases, familiarity with their management and appropriate referral The diagnosis of dentofacial deformity and familiarity with its management and treatment Diagnosis of oral mucosal diseases and familiarity with their management and appropriate referral. APPENDIX 2 Orthodontic Commissioning Guide Working Group Terms of Reference 1. Name 1.1. This Group shall be known as the Orthodontic Commissioning Working Group (OCG WG). This is a sub-group of the National Dental Commissioning Group. 2. Aim 2.1. The aim of the group is to oversee the development of a needs led outcome focussed care pathway approach for orthodontic service delivery and to produce an associated single operating commissioning framework to deliver improvements in quality, outcomes and value for money in all settings. 3. Objectives 3.1. To review best practice and agree the details of a needs led, quality and outcome focussed care pathway for orthodontic service delivery, details of which are in development, and to agree and endorse a single operating commissioning framework. 3.2. To encourage creativity and innovation, identify and communicate best practice so that NHS England Area Teams can implement a single operating model, working with local providers, to meet local needs and ensure quality and value for money. 3.3. To stimulate active local Area Team dialogue, via the dental local professional (LPN) and other networks, with clinicians, managers, patients and general public, and education/training providers on issues and challenges relating to this work. 3.4. To take a co-ordinating role in agreeing and sharing the quality standards and outcome measures. 3.5. Support Area Teams establish local orthodontic implementation groups via dental LPNs. 3.6. To share the work with HEE and LETBs to capture issues and stimulate development of change needed within Under Graduate and Post Graduate orthodontic training and education; to ensure an effective and sustainable workforce for the future. 3.7. To report back to the Chief Dental Officer and NDCG. Page 7 4. Membership 4.1. The Group shall consist of: Name Alice Benton (Chair) Brian Kelly Ruth Gasser Nick Hall Pauline Fletcher Helen Tippett Collin Wallis Jane Moore Colette Bridgman Serbjit Kaur Cem Yatak Amanda Crosse Trevor Ferguson Nikki Atack Paul Cook Donna Campbell John Milne Julie Theaker Mark Welch Elizabeth Lynam Dirk Bister Rob Haley Representing London Regional Lead for Dentistry & Optometry, Southside NHS BSA NHS BSA Primary Care Primary Care Secondary Care BOS LPN PHE NHS England NHS England Consultant in dental public health FGDP rep FDS rep Post Graduate Dental Dean Yorkshire & The Humber Deanery rep Orthodontic therapist BDA rep Commissioning rep Patient / public rep DH ADH PCC 4.2. The Group may in addition co-opt any person to provide required expertise not provided by the above 5. Roles of the members 5.1. Nominated members shall serve until the pathway is developed. 5.2. All members are required to nominate and brief a suitable deputy; clinicians attending should nominate a clinical deputy if they are unable to attend. 5.3. Members who fail to attend 2 consecutive meetings may be asked by the Chair to resign. 5.4. Members who are deemed by the majority of core members to be consistently disruptive or disrespectful of the other members of the group will be asked by the Chair to resign. Page 8 6. Working methods 6.1. Frequency of meetings 6.1.1. The full Group shall hold face to face meetings from March 2014 and at intervals to be determined 2014/15 as per proposed schedule. 6.1.2. Additional or sub group meetings shall be convened as necessary for the proper discharge of the Group’s functions. 6.2. Location of meetings 6.2.1. The meetings will take place in London and exact venue details will be provided at least 4 weeks before each meeting. 6.3. Administration 6.3.1. The agenda will be agreed by the Chair of the Group. 6.3.2. The circulation of the agenda and minutes will be the responsibility of the Chair. The agenda will be circulated one week prior to the meeting and minutes should be circulated within 2 weeks. 7. Accountability and delegated responsibilities 7.1. The Task Group will report to and have accountability to the National Dental Commissioning Group. 7.2. All members are expected to declare any interest at each meeting Page 9 Special Care Commissioning Guide Working Group Terms of Reference 8. Name 8.1. This Group shall be known as the Special Care Commissioning Guide Working Group (SCCG WG). This is a sub-group of the National Dental Commissioning Group. 9. Aim 9.1. The aim of the group is to oversee the development of a needs led outcome focussed care pathway approach for orthodontic service delivery and to produce an associated single operating commissioning framework to deliver improvements in quality, outcomes and value for money in all settings. 10. Objectives 10.1. To review best practice and agree the details of a needs led, quality and outcome focussed care pathway for special care service delivery, details of which are in development, and to agree and endorse a single operating commissioning framework for England. 10.2. To encourage creativity and innovation, identify and communicate best practice so that NHS England Area Teams can implement a single operating model, working with local providers, to meet local needs and ensure quality, value for money and so that Health and Wellbeing boards can hold NHS England to account. 10.3. To stimulate active key local stakeholders dialogue, via the dental local professional (LPN) and other networks, with clinicians, managers, patients and general public, and education/training providers on issues and challenges relating to this work. 10.4. To take a co-ordinating role in agreeing and sharing the quality standards and outcome measures. 10.5. Support Area Teams establish local special care implementation groups via dental LPNs and other key networks. Page 10 10.6. To share the work with key local stakeholders to capture issues and stimulate development of change needed within special care, developing training and sustainable dental teams for the future. 10.7. To report back to the Chief Dental Officer and NDCG. 11. Membership 11.1. The Group shall consist of: Name Janet Clarke (Chair) Ruth Gasser Vanita Brookes Nick Ransford Shelagh Thompson Paul Howlett Kate Jones Trish Pashley Jane Luker Amanda Gallie Serbjit Kaur Dionne Hilton Gill Heyes Selina Master Peter Bateman Ben Cochrane Pending Debbie Lewis Rob Haley Alan Lewis Kerry Davis Representing Chair NHSBSA Secondary Care Consultant BSDH BSDH Academic LPN PHE Inequalities lead Health Education England DCP NHS England NHS England Specialist in special care dentistry FDS rep BDA SDC rep Commissioning rep Patient / public rep British Society of Gerontology PCC AT Commissioning rep AT Commissioning rep 11.2. The Group may in addition co-opt any person to provide required expertise not provided by the above 12. Roles of the members 12.1. Nominated members shall serve until the pathway is developed. 12.2. All members are required to nominate and brief a suitable deputy; clinicians attending should nominate a clinical deputy if they are unable to attend. 12.3. Members who fail to attend 2 consecutive meetings may be asked by the Chair to resign. Page 11 12.4. Members who are deemed by the majority of core members to be consistently disruptive or disrespectful of the other members of the group will be asked by the Chair to resign. 13. Working methods 13.1. Frequency of meetings 13.1.1. The full Group shall hold face to face meetings from May 2014 and at intervals to be determined 2014/15 as per proposed schedule. 13.1.2. Additional or sub group meetings shall be convened as necessary for the proper discharge of the Group’s functions. 13.2. Location of meetings 13.2.1. The meetings will take place in London and exact venue details will be provided at least 4 weeks before each meeting. 13.3. Administration 13.3.1. The agenda will be agreed by the Chair of the Group. 13.3.2. The circulation of the agenda and minutes will be the responsibility of the Chair. The agenda will be circulated one week prior to the meeting and minutes should be circulated within 2 weeks. 14. Accountability and delegated responsibilities 14.1. The Working Group will report to and have accountability to the National Dental Commissioning Group. 14.2. All members are expected to declare any interest at each meeting Page 12 Restorative Care Commissioning Guide Working Group Terms of Reference 15. Name 15.1. This Group shall be known as the Restorative Care Commissioning Guide Working Group (RCCG WG). This is a sub-group of the National Dental Commissioning Group. 16. Aim 16.1. The aim of the group is to oversee the development of a needs led outcome focussed care pathway approach for orthodontic service delivery and to produce an associated single operating commissioning framework to deliver improvements in quality, outcomes and value for money in all settings. 17. Objectives 17.1. To review best practice and agree the details of a needs led, quality and outcome focussed care pathway for orthodontic service delivery, details of which are in development, and to agree and endorse a single operating commissioning framework. 17.2. To encourage creativity and innovation, identify and communicate best practice so that NHS England Area Teams can implement a single operating model, working with local providers, to meet local needs and ensure quality and value for money. 17.3. To stimulate active local Area Team dialogue, via the dental local professional (LPN) and other networks, with clinicians, managers, patients and general public, and education/training providers on issues and challenges relating to this work. 17.4. To take a co-ordinating role in agreeing and sharing the quality standards and outcome measures. 17.5. Support Area Teams establish local orthodontic implementation groups via dental LPNs. Page 13 17.6. To share the work with HEE and LETBs to capture issues and stimulate development of change needed within Under Graduate and Post Graduate orthodontic training and education; to ensure an effective and sustainable workforce for the future. 17.7. To report back to the Chief Dental Officer and NDCG. 18. Membership 18.1. The Group shall consist of: Name Paul Brunton Paul Gray Alyn Morgan David Cheshire Simon Hearnshaw Colette Bridgman Serbjit Kaur Dionne Hilton Peter Nixon Tanya Moon Elizabeth Jones Brett Sinson Eric Rooney Annie Godden Amanda Elder Sue Parroy Elizabeth Lynam Kevin Fairbrother Rob Haley Trevor Ferguson Karl Bishop Ian Harris Ulpee Darbar Matthew Garrett Claire Forbes-Haley Phillip Lumley Francis Hughes Peter Briggs Sally Simpson Representing Chair NHS BSA Senior Clinical Adviser Primary Care Secondary Care LPN PHE NHS England NHS England HNS consultant Restorative Dental Nurse COPDEND BDA Consultant in Dental Public Health Commissioner Commissioner Patient / public DH ADH PCC FGDP rep FDS ACSRD BSRD Consultant in restorative dentistry SRRDG Specialty Registrar in Restorative Dentistry BES BSP BSSPD President of BSSPD BSDH 18.2. The Group may in addition co-opt any person to provide required expertise not provided by the above Page 14 19. Roles of the members 19.1. Nominated members shall serve until the pathway is developed. 19.2. All members are required to nominate and brief a suitable deputy; clinicians attending should nominate a clinical deputy if they are unable to attend. 19.3. Members who fail to attend 2 consecutive meetings may be asked by the Chair to resign. 19.4. Members who are deemed by the majority of core members to be consistently disruptive or disrespectful of the other members of the group will be asked by the Chair to resign. 20. Working methods 20.1. Frequency of meetings 20.1.1. The full Group shall hold face to face meetings from June 2014 and at intervals to be determined 2014/15 as per proposed schedule. 20.1.2. Additional or sub group meetings shall be convened as necessary for the proper discharge of the Group’s functions. 20.2. Location of meetings 20.2.1. The meetings will take place in London and exact venue details will be provided at least 4 weeks before each meeting. 20.3. Administration 20.3.1. The agenda will be agreed by the Chair of the Group. 20.3.2. The circulation of the agenda and minutes will be the responsibility of the Chair. The agenda will be circulated one week prior to the meeting and minutes should be circulated within 2 weeks. 21. Accountability and delegated responsibilities 21.1. The Task Group will report to and have accountability to the National Dental Commissioning Group. 21.2. All members are expected to declare any interest at each meeting Page 15 Oral Surgery & Related Specialties Commissioning Guide Working Group Terms of Reference 1. Name 1.1. This Group shall be known as the Oral Surgery & Related Specialities Commissioning Guide Working Group (OSRS WG). This is a sub-group of the National Dental Commissioning Group. 2. Aim 2.1. The aim of the group is to oversee the development of a needs led outcome focussed care pathway approach for oral surgery & related specialties surgery service delivery and to produce an associated single operating commissioning framework to deliver improvements in quality, outcomes and value for money in all settings. 3. Objectives 3.1. To review best practice and agree the details of a needs led, quality and outcome focussed care pathway for oral surgery & related specialties surgery service delivery, details of which are in development, and to agree and endorse a single operating commissioning framework. 3.2. To encourage creativity and innovation, identify and communicate best practice so that NHS England Area Teams can implement a single operating model, working with local providers, to meet local needs and ensure quality and value for money. 3.3. To stimulate active Area Team dialogue, via the dental local professional (LPN) and other networks, with clinicians, managers, patients and general public, and education/training providers on issues and challenges relating to this work. 3.4. To take a co-ordinating role in agreeing and sharing the quality standards and outcome measures. 3.5. Support Area Teams establish local special care implementation groups via dental LPNs. 3.6. To share the work with HEE and LETBs to capture issues and stimulate development of change needed within Under Graduate and Post Graduate oral surgery & related specialties surgery training and education; to ensure an effective and sustainable workforce for the future. 3.7. To report back to the Chief Dental Officer and NDCG. Page 16 4. Membership 4.1. The Group shall consist of: Name Paul Coulthard Rebecca Thierons Pete Brotherton Colette Balmer Illanko Illankovan Michael Davidson Dave Cottam John Milne Julie Bradshaw Elaine Hawthorn Colette Bridgman Melanie Catleugh Serbjit Kaur Dionne Hilton Tara Renton Andrew Smith Michael Escudier Kim Piper Helen Falcon Ian Sharp Andrew Harris Ben Squires Geoff Chiu Emma Fernandez TBC Rob Haley Jasveen Matharu Representing Chair Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Consultant Oral Surgeon Primary Care Oral Surgeon SAS Grade Oral Surgeon Secondary Care Oral Surgeon BAOMS BAOMS President BAOMS BAOMS Chairman BDA rep Commissioner Local Professional Network Public Health England NHS England Deputy Chief Dental Officer NHS England BAOS Oral Microbiology British Society for Oral Medicine British Society for Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology HEE / COPDEND Postgraduate Dental Dean, COPDEND Chair Associate Postgraduate Dental Dean AT Commissioning rep AT Commissioning rep Fellow in training OMFS Royal College of Surgeons Patient / public PCC Dental Core Trainee 4.2. The Group may in addition co-opt any person to provide required expertise not provided by the above 5. Roles of the members 5.1. Nominated members shall serve until the pathway is developed. Page 17 5.2. All members are required to nominate and brief a suitable deputy; clinicians attending should nominate a clinical deputy if they are unable to attend. 5.3. Members who fail to attend 2 consecutive meetings may be asked by the Chair to resign. 5.4. Members who are deemed by the majority of core members to be consistently disruptive or disrespectful of the other members of the group will be asked by the Chair to resign. 6. Working methods 6.1. Frequency of meetings 6.1.1. The full Group shall hold face to face meetings from June 2014 and at intervals to be determined 2014/15 as per proposed schedule. 6.1.2. Additional or sub group meetings shall be convened as necessary for the proper discharge of the Group’s functions. 6.2. Location of meetings 6.2.1. The meetings will take place in London and exact venue details will be provided at least 4 weeks before each meeting. 6.3. Administration 6.3.1. The agenda will be agreed by the Chair of the Group. 6.3.2. The circulation of the agenda and minutes will be the responsibility of the Chair. The agenda will be circulated one week prior to the meeting and minutes should be circulated within 2 weeks. 7. Accountability and delegated responsibilities 7.1. The Working Group will report to and have accountability to the National Dental Commissioning Group. All members are expected to declare any interest at each 7.2. Page 18 Commissioning Guide Review Group Terms of Reference 1. Name This Group shall be known as the Commissioning Guide Review Group (CPRG). 2. Aim The group will oversee the four (and any other) working groups and hold them to account making sure the work is progressing in accordance with the agreed timescales and is in line with the aspirations of NHS England. The group will make decisions regarding the programme timeline, delivery, and review and sign off the final drafts of the working groups before these are presented to the NDCG. 3. Objectives Page 19 To improve health outcomes and care for patients Progressing the implementation of securing excellence To promote oral health and the tackling inequalities. To improve access to dentistry and tackling inequalities in access. To ensure clarity and consistency in the delivery of specialist dental services To ensure the development of a comprehensive dental commissioning strategy for specific dental specialities. To oversee the delivery of the commissioning guides, ensure financial viability and suggest any further work required. To ensure consistency and alignment of the specific working groups. To act as the link between national strategic direction of NHS England and the work of the working groups. To encourage creativity and innovation and the identification of best practice and excellence in commissioning dental services. To encourage active dialogue on issues and challenges relating to specialist dental services To play a lead role in the development of the governance model around the working groups. To provide assurance to the National Dental Commissioning group with regards to programme outputs, to ensure they are of high quality and delivered on time. To co-ordinate the working groups implementing specific pieces of work identified by the group. To ensure the ability to measure outcomes to allow effective and accurate benchmarking To ensure the pathway approach developed is commissionable. 4. Membership The Group shall consist of: NHS England Public Health England PCC Support Birmingham, Solihull, Black Country Area Team Patient public representative Department of Health, Analytical Team Dental LPN Devon Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Area Team Stakeholder Relations, NHS England Strategic Finance NHS Business Services Authority NHS England, Operations Directorate Commissioning Resources Steering Group NHS England Commissioning Development NHS England, National Support Centre NHS England, Legal Services NHS England, Policy and Commissioning NHS England, Analytical Team, Primary Care Commissioning NHS England, Equality and Health Inequalities Team NHS England, Analytical Services, Policy and Commissioning Sighted on information, not attending meetings National Data Collections Team Commissioning Development Working group chairs (As required) Chair Orthodontics working group Chair Oral Surgery and Related Specialties working group Chair Restorative Care working group Chair Special Care working group The Group may in addition co-opt any person to provide needed expertise not provided by the above 5. Roles of the members The group will be chaired by the Deputy Chief Dental Officer Page 20 Nominated members shall serve until the completion of the commissioning guide scheduled for April 2015. Members shall be eligible for re-appointment. All Members shall have the right to nominate a suitable deputy. Members shall offer their resignation if, during their term of office, they move to full time employment outside their current role. Any person appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the term of office of the person whose vacancy he/she has filled, and shall be eligible for reappointment. Members who fail to attend 2 consecutive meetings may be asked by the Chairman to resign. Members who are deemed by the majority of core members to be consistently disruptive or disrespectful of the other members of the group will be asked by the Chairman to resign. 6. Working methods 6.1 Frequency of meetings The full Group shall hold regular meetings 4 times a year. Additional meetings shall be convened as necessary for the discharge of the Group’s functions. Six weeks’ notice shall be given of a meeting. 6.2 Location of meetings Skipton House, 80 London Road, SE1 6LH 6.3 Quorum: 50% of members shall form a quorum, with at least one member of the programme team commissioning and finance. 6.4 Administration Secretariat of the group for arranging meetings and minute taking will be provided by the Programme team. Topics will be generated by the membership of the group and the agenda finalised by the Chair of the Group. The outcome of discussions will be circulated via the minutes of meetings. Minutes to be produced a maximum a week after the scheduled meeting. Confidential materials and copyright issues will be clearly identified and dealt with. 6.5 Working groups Page 21 The function of the working groups will be to oversee the development of the care pathway approach and to produce an associated single operating commissioning guide. A summary of proceedings shall be presented to the full group at the next available meeting. A member of the Commissioning Guide Review Group will sit on each of the working groups. 7. Accountability and delegated responsibilities The Group will oversee delivery and have accountability to the National Dental Commissioning Group. 8. Review of Arrangements The arrangements set out in this constitution will be reviewed after 6 months. 9. Amendment of the Constitution. A proposal to amend the constitution can be put to the Chairs and if the amendment is supported by the quorate membership, the amendment can be adopted. Page 22