Karen Gaffney English Composition I Essay Assignment #4 Mon., Nov. 18 Meet in the library’s computer lab for introduction to research Bring Research Topic Sheet filled out Bring Essay #4 Assignment Tues., Nov. 19 Bring Research Topic Sheet (make changes from yesterday as needed) Bring any sources found so far In class, find a scholarly journal article relevant to your paper Wed., Nov. 20 Bring your scholarly journal article Bring summary (Step 5) of the essay you are using from TSIS Bring summary (Step 5) of your scholarly article Thurs., Nov. 21 In-class Essay #4 This in-class essay will focus on the scholarly journal article you are using (so make sure you bring it) and the essay from TSIS that you are using, so make sure you bring that as well. You won’t be able to refer to your summaries while you write your essay, but you should refer to the articles, so the more effectively you annotate the scholarly journal article and TSIS article, the easier this assignment will be for you. Mon., Nov. 25 Tues., Nov. 26 Bring revised working thesis for Essay #4 (bring electronic version) Bring working outline for your Essay #4 (bring electronic version) Bring all of your sources to class so you can start writing if you have not already started Mon., Dec. 2 Bring one printed copy of the draft you have so far (this should include at least your introduction) Tues., Dec. 3 Wed., Dec. 4 Bring your draft in an electronic form Bring 3 printed copies of your draft of Essay #4 for peer workshop Your draft should be at least 4 pages long Thurs., Dec. 5 Bring your draft in an electronic form Bring your actual sources so we can do the Works Cited page together and discuss In-text Citation Mon., Bring summaries (Step 5) of each of your other 3 required sources Prepare to write a working thesis for Essay #4 Instead of meeting as a class, meet with me individually in my office to discuss 1 Dec. 9 Tues., Dec. 10 Wed., Dec. 11 your essay. Bring your draft in an electronic form Bring any last-minute questions about Essay #4 Essay #4 due (make sure you include all the paperwork listed on the assignment) Informal student presentations of Essay #4 Topic: Choose one essay from TSIS, and then choose one of the following options: 1) Agree with the author but focus on a point or idea the author should have addressed but did not. Argue that the author should not have ignored the issue of ______ because ______. 2) Agree with the author but focus on a point the author makes that you agree with but prove it in a way that is different from how the author proves it. 3) Disagree with the author’s point. Create your own argument that opposes either a minor or major point the author makes. NOTE: Do NOT create an argument that just repeats what the author says. You should be focusing on an angle the author did not address or disagreeing with the author. The more specific your argument, the stronger your argument will be. Make sure you have clear areas of support. Source requirements: In choosing your TSIS essay, start by reviewing the essays we already read since those are more familiar to you. However, if you’d like to use an essay from the book that we didn’t read (whether it’s from a unit we covered or not), that’s an option. Not counting your TSIS, you must have a minimum of four sources. You must refer directly to each of these four sources at least once somewhere in your paper. I will be looking for a minimum of one in-text citation for each of your four required sources, and they must also be on your Works Cited page. One of your four sources must be a scholarly article from a scholarly journal. This source cannot be a book review, a short article (only a few pages), or an editorial from a scholarly journal. It must be a lengthy article with a clear description of the author as an expert in the field, and it must include citations, references, or sources. Your scholarly article must come from RVOneSearch, which connects to the databases in the RVCC library. I can help you determine if the source you find can be considered scholarly. Two of your other four sources must be articles or electronic book chapters found via RVOneSearch; they can be from a scholarly journal, e-book, or newspaper, magazine, or other popular source. Your fourth source can be from anywhere that you think is appropriate to help you back up your argument. It can be a regular website. You can interview someone or conduct a survey. Your fourth source can also be another article from the library databases. It can also be a book, film, television show, or other form of media. 2 You may use more than one essay from TSIS, but it will not count toward your four required sources. Requirements for organizing and supporting your argument: Your introduction must refer directly to the essay from TSIS, and your argument (specifically your thesis) must respond directly to some aspect of that essay. While your introduction should describe the essay from TSIS and explain your argument, you do not need to return to TSIS in the rest of your paper. Your thesis should clearly state your argument plus your areas of support. Three to five areas of support would be appropriate. You will need to devote a few paragraphs to each area of support. Make sure you write clear topic sentences and develop smooth transitions. Your reader has NOT read TSIS or any of your sources. You must clearly introduce your four sources and help your reader understand why you find these sources reliable and useful. You may use “I” and incorporate personal experience if appropriate. Essay format requirements: 7-8 pages long, word-processed, with 1” margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12 proof-read, spell-checked, with as few grammar errors as possible MLA in-text citation in the body of the paper. Every time you quote directly or paraphrase from a source, you must use in-text citation. MLA Works Cited page at the end of your paper (does not count toward page requirement). Your Works Cited page should have a minimum of your four required sources, plus the essay from TSIS. The final copy should be in a folder with rough drafts, materials from the peer workshop, and the rough draft I wrote on. You must also include your four sources with the final copy of the paper. For articles, include the whole thing, and highlight sections you quoted and/or paraphrased. If you're using any books, xerox the pages you quoted and/or paraphrased and include them. If you're using a website, print it out and include that. If you did any surveys, include them. If you did an interview, include your notes. You do not need to include any cds, dvds, etc. Plagiarism: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Plagiarism will result in failure of the assignment, failure of the course, and possible disciplinary action. Grading: The rubric for this essay is available in WebStudy. 3