Consulting Services “Forest Programme II (REDD +)”: Biodiversity Conservation and Integrated Watershed Development within the Indonesian-German REDD+ Programme Country: Indonesia Deadline: 11 December, 2014 Deadline: 11 December, 2014 Ref.-Nr.: 201166255 Ref.: International, open Tender for “Forest Programme II (REDD+)” Project Executing Agency: Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry; Directorate of Forest and Land Rehabilitation under Directorate General of Watershed Management and Social Forestry in cooperation with related directorates within Directorate General of Watershed Management and Social Forestry and Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation. Project measures: The Programme concerns measures regarding conservation of biodiversity and watersheds in West-Jambi, and possibly Kalimantan. The objective of the Programme is to support Indonesia in strategy development and implementation of measures regarding conservation of biodiversity and watersheds in the framework of the national REDD+-Strategy in West-Jambi (Sumatra), and possibly Kalimantan. This is to contribute to the implementation of strategies for forest conservation and rehabilitation/restoration in order to reduce climate relevant emissions and improve livelihoods of the rural poor (Programme Impact). Requested consulting services: Implementation consultant Qualified international consulting agencies (alone or in cooperation) with proven regional expertise in the area of implementing: - Natural resource management Integrated watershed management Rehabilitation of critical landscapes Biodiversity conservation Protected Area Management Forest Management and Livelihood Measures Carbon Monitoring Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau Palmengartenstraße 5–9 60325 Frankfurt Tel.: (069) 7431-0 Fax: (069) 74312944 -2- Programme Planning REDD+ are herewith invited to submit applications. The integration of local Indonesian experts is essential. The turnover of the consulting agency shall exceed € 3,000,000/year during the last three years. The selection of the consulting firm for the execution of services will be made in accordance with the respective KfW Guidelines for the Assignment of Consultants in Financial Cooperation with Developing Countries, see: A tender agent has been assigned to assist the tender committee in the tender process. Documents have to be submitted as stipulated in the tender document on 11 December 2014 at: Ministry of Environment and Forestry Directorate General of Watershed Management and Social Forestry Directorate of Forest and Land Rehabilitation Tender Committee for Forest Programme II Consultancy Gedung Manggala Wanabakti, Blok I, 13th Floor Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Pusat 10270 INDONESIA Further information is available in the Annex. -3Annex Development Cooperation between the Governments of Indonesia and Germany “Forest Programme II (REDD+)” Preparation of a Biodiversity Conservation Component and Integrated Watershed Development Component within the Indonesian-German REDD+ Programme Invitation for Expression of Interest for Consulting Services Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry; Directorate General of Watershed Management and Social Forestry, and Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation -4INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST 1. KfW hereby invites qualified independent consultants to submit a prequalification document for consulting services required (see §3.). 2. PEA: Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry; Directorate of Forest and Land Rehabilitation under Directorate General of Watershed Management and Social Forestry in cooperation with related directorates within Directorate General of Watershed Management and Social Forestry and Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation 3. The project supports the Indonesian Government in implementing integrated watershed management and biodiversity conservation in Kerinci–Seblat National Park (TNKS), West-Jambi and possibly in Kalimantan. 4. It is expected that the project measures will include the following fields of intervention: Core Project Component on Biodiversity: Supporting the management of TNKS in the project area. Core Project Component on Watershed Development: Improvement and rehabilitation of the upper and middle watershed of the Merangin Sub-Sub Watershed. Joint TNKS and BP-DAS Batanghari (watershed management) activities in communes bordering TNKS for supporting biodiversity conservation and watershed development through protection and rehabilitation of forests and forest land. 5. The requested services of the Consultants comprise: Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Area Management Natural Resources and Integrated Watershed Management, REDD + and forestry Institutional development and capacity building and training Participatory approaches, community involvement Project management, including M&E, budgetary/financial matters Forest, Watershed and Carbon Monitoring Economic analysis, environmental economics, sustainable financing of environmental services Regional and local land use planning Rural development and social economics, 6. Services are to be provided by a team comprising of international and national long and shortterm experts. Efficient management and backstopping services shall be made available. 7. Consultants are free to associate themselves with other firms to ensure that all required knowhow and experience are available to them. 8. The prequalification document in English language shall have the following structure and content and shall be presented in the same sequence as shown below: (i) Covering Letter, comprising the firm’s name, address, contact person, telephone, fax and email, if applicable mentioning the association for this project. (ii) Presentations of firms (maximum 10 pages), inclusive clear statements of type, property and key task of the association, if applicable. (iii) Statements and Declarations: a) Declaration of submitting a proposal in case of being short-listed; b) Statement on affiliations of any kind with other firms which may present a conflict of interest in providing the envisaged services. c) In case of an association – the intended contractual arrangement with international and local firms, nominating the lead consultant and including letters of intent of -5participating firms (in case of local partners a fax copy of such letter of intent is sufficient). d) Declaration to observe the highest standard of ethics during execution of the contract. Applicants should be aware that any fraudulent or corrupt activities disqualify them immediately from participation in the selection process and will be subject to further legal investigation. The said declaration shall be submitted and duly signed according to the following form: We underscore the importance of a free, fair and competitive contracting procedure that precludes abusive practices. In this respect we have neither offered nor granted directly or indirectly any inadmissible advantages to any public servant or other person nor accepted such advantages in connection with our bid, nor will we offer or grant or accept any such incentives or conditions in the present tendering process or, in the event that we are awarded the contract, in the subsequent execution of the contract. We also declare that no conflict of interest exists in the meaning of the kind described in the corresponding Guidelines1. We also underscore the importance of adhering to minimum social standards (core labour standards) in the implementation of the project. We undertake to comply with the core labour standards ratified by the country of [●] (name of country). We will inform our staff of their respective obligations and of their obligation to fulfil this declaration of undertaking and to obey the laws of the country of [●] (name of country). We also declare that our company/all members of the consortium has/have not been included in the list of sanctions of the United Nations, nor of the EU, nor of the German Government, nor in any other list of sanctions and affirm that our company/all members of the consortium will immediately inform the Client and KfW if this situation occurs at a later stage. We acknowledge that, in the event that our company (or a member of the consortium) is added to a list of sanctions that is legally binding on the Client and/or KfW, the Client shall be entitled to exclude us/the consortium or, if the contract is awarded to our company/the consortium, to immediately cancel such contract if the statements made in the Declaration of Undertaking were objectively false or the reason for exclusion from the tender procedure occurs after the Declaration of Undertaking has been issued. (Place) ......................................, this ................ day of .......... Name of company ............................................................... Signature(s) e) Certified statement of financial capacity of the lead consultant and all associated partners showing the turnover (Balance sheet, statement of turnover or annual tax statement or profit and loss account all of the last three years). The turnover of the consortium shall exceed € 3,000,000/year during the last three years. (iv) List of project references (see Annex 2) covering the last 10 years and strictly related to the envisaged services (maximum 20 references). (v) Brief CVs Brief CVs of personnel proposed for backstopping and home office support only. (vi) List of available personnel structure for the envisaged services with information about education, professional experience, regional experience, years with firm, specific projectrelated experience and experience in similar posts. This list shall allow a profound judgement on the consultants’ general ability to provide the required personnel having the specific experience for the project in case of an offer. Personnel that belongs to the firm or have a long cooperation gets more points. Interested consultants are requested to submit concise and clear, but substantial documents and to adhere to the above structure. Non-compliance with this invitation or faulty information shall lead to non-qualification. Any surplus of information not specific to the material requested 1 See “Guidelines for the Assignment of Consultants in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries“ and “Guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works and associated Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries” -6will be penalized. All costs for a site visit, obtaining information/data and preparation/submission of the Preselection document, meetings, negotiations, etc. in relation with the Preselection or the subsequent proposal shall be borne by the consultants. 9. The prequalification proposal shall be submitted in one original, four hardcopies and one softcopy (consisting of PDF file on CD-ROM) to : Ministry of Environment and Forestry Directorate General of Watershed Management and Social Forestry Directorate of Forest and Land Rehabilitation Attn.: Tender Committee for Forest Programme II Consultancy Gedung Manggala Wanabakti, Blok I, Lt. 13 Jalan General Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Pusat 10270, INDONESIA The original hard copy is decisive for the evaluation if in doubt. Deadline for receipt of the expression of interest is 11 December 2014, 16.00 Western Indonesian Time (Jakarta, Indonesia) Two additional hardcopies and one softcopy of the set shall be submitted not later than this date and time to: KfW, LEc4, Dr. Marcus Stewen, Palmengartenstraße 5-9, D-60325 Frankfurt, GERMANY” 10. It is planned to establish a short-list of not more than five prequalified consultants not later than four weeks after the submission date and to invite technical and financial proposals from these consultants. 11. The evaluation procedure for the Pre-selection process will follow the latest version of the „Guidelines for Assignment of Consultants in Financial Co-operation Projects“ (refer to homepage of KfW development bank Only financially capable firms which have submitted the necessary statements satisfying the set conditions will be evaluated. Specific evaluation criteria and their individual weight are presented in the following table: Criteria Maximum Score 1. Evidence of relevant experience gained by consultants during the past ten years (experience of the firm) 45 1.1 Experience in handling similar projects. 20 1.2 Experience under various working-conditions in developing countries. 15 1.3 Experience with working-conditions in Indonesia preferably in the same sector. 10 2. Suitability for this specific project (experience of the available experts) 55 2.1 Assessment of available technical expertise specific to this project (refer to the listed key personnel) 20 2.2 Assessment of the personnel structure in regard to the tasks expected (additional personnel) 15 2.3 Assessment of the key personnel in permanent employment and always available to monitor the team and provide back-up services from the home office. 10 2.4 Form of the application documents: Are they complete, concise and related to the project? 10 12. After having completed the evaluation of the Prequalification documents, a short-list consisting of five highest ranked Consultants or less scoring a minimum of 70 points will be established. Short-listed firms will be invited to submit a technical and financial proposal; firms not prequalified will be informed accordingly. -713. PEA/KfW is not bound to select any consultant. 14. The preparation and the submission of the prequalification document is the responsibility of the applicant and no relief or consideration can be given for errors and omissions. 15. After opening the prequalification documents until preparation of the short-list of the qualified consultants, no communication of any type shall be entertained unless called for by PEA. -8Annex 2 EXPERIENCE Please complete a table using the format below to summarize the major relevant projects related to this project carried out in the course of the past 10 years by the legal entity or entities making this application. The number of references to be provided must not exceed 20 for the entire application. Ref (maxi mum 20) Name of legal entity … … Project title Country … Overall project value (EUR) … Proportio No of staff n carried provided out by legal entity (%) … … … Description of project Name of client … Origin of funding … … Dates (start/end) Name of partners if any … … Type of services provided