Guidelines for Submission of Project Proposals Arannayk Foundation Bangladesh 2009 for updates see: To apply for an Arannayk Foundation project, the applicant should submit the following documents: 1. Technical proposal i.e., detailed work plan and methodology as per guidelines/ format presented in Annex-1 (maximum 6 pages) 2. Financial proposal , using the format presented in Annex-2 3. Organizational profile of the applying entity as well as of its partner organizations in case of a consortium, using the format presented in Annex-3 (maximum 6 pages per organization). A photocopy of the valid registration certificate of the organization should be annexed. No other documents should be attached with the proposal. Annex-1 Format and Guidelines for the Presentation of Technical Proposal (Detailed work plan with methodology) The projects should be primarily focused on particular forests/landscapes, within the broad region mentioned in the advertisement, that need biodiversity conservation and restoration interventions. The proposed sites should be based on its strategic importance in the above regard. The field based projects should consider an integrated approach to conserving and restoring the biodiversity of the selected forests which may include the following activities: Survey and documentation of the state of the forest – especially floral and faunal biodiversity (baseline and post-intervention situations). Establishment of community based management system for the targeted forest area – through mobilization and human and institutional capacity development of communitybased organizations. Development and implementation of scientifically sound systems of natural resource management, including sustainable utilization of medicinal plants and other non-timber forest products. Training programs to increase scientific, technical and managerial capacities of individuals and organizations involved in forest conservation efforts. Awareness campaign on forest and biodiversity conservation in the project area Social forestry activities in the buffer zone of protected forest areas Technical and entrepreneurial capacity development of rural poor (men, women) in alternative income generating activities (IGA) and facilitation of small and micro enterprises (SME) development as appropriate for them – including community-based ecotourism in prospective areas Specialized institutions, however, may work on a particular problem related to an important area of biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh forests (e.g., the development of propagation technique for a threatened species). Outline of the document (Technical Proposal): The Project Proposal should be concise, not exceeding 6 pages, presenting information under the following headings: 1. Title of the project (The title should be short and should highlight the broad objective and location of the project). 2. Rationale and Objective (This section should include a brief description/analysis of the problem to be addressed and the general and the specific objectives of the project, particularly as they relate to the Arannayk Foundation's list of eligible activities). 3. Location and Scope of the Project (Proposed project location - the Village/Mouza, Union, Upazila and District – including forest type and total area. The scope/extent of project impacts should also be stated). 4. Outcome or Expected results (Categorize expected results and how these improve or advance the current situation. Outcomes or expected results must be quantified and closely linked to the stated objectives. Baseline information should be indicated). 5 . Activities (Major activities in line with the outcomes/expected results for each objective in the form of a logical framework) 6. Methods/general plan of action (Strategies) : Describe strategies for achieving results, particularly elaborating the following aspects: Criteria and process of selecting project participants Vision of institutional development of the project participants (groups/communities), process of community organizing and the exit strategy of the NGO Process of developing annual work plan of the NGO and that of the community-based organizations. Training approach (i.e., how various types of training (forestry activities, alternative income generating activities, organizational development and management) will be organized for the project participants Building community awareness on conservation of the ecosystem and the biodiversity assets of the targeted tropical forest area Monitoring of project activities Coordination with other stakeholders 7. Organizational set up (staff structure) of the project, with terms of reference (ToR) and qualification requirements of, and the recruitment process for, the key staff members. 8. Implementation Schedule (in the form of ‘Gantt Chart') 9. Budget (Describe the general budget items in support of planned activities. Budget allocations for personnel services (staff cost) should not exceed 30% and 15% for administrative costs (overhead). Counterpart contributions of proponent and potential partners, including monetized value of labor and use of equipment, should also be described). Annex-2 Prescribed format for presentation of Financial Proposal Sl Line item A. Arannayk Foundation Contributions 1 Staff cost (Salary and other benefits) Project Coordinator Field Supervisor Any other staff? Sub-total 2 Other Direct Costs 2.1. Program administration (eg. Utilities; supplies; furniture, equipment, etc.) 2.2. Program development, field supervision and monitoring (eg. TA/DA/Field allowance; fuel, oil and maintenance, workshop, hiring of services, etc.) Unit Qty Rate Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Total 2.3. Staff capacity development (Training, study visit, etc.) 2.4. Participants skill development (Training, study/exchange visit, etc.) 2.5. Input support (Critical inputs, revolving fund to participants' association etc.) 2.6. Promotional activities (Community meetings, Bill Board, signboard, poster, etc.) Sub-total Organizational overhead (max 3 15%) Total – AF Contribution B. Self/counterpart contribution (to be defined) 1 2 ... Total – Self/counterpart contribution Self/counterpart contribution as % of overall (A+B) cost Annex-3 Format and Guidelines for the Presentation of Organizational Profile of the Applying Entity Brief description of the organization (and of its partner organization in case of a consortium) including the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of the organization Address of the organization (Head Office) Year of establishment Vision and mission of the organization Legal standing (Registration details, attaching valid registration certificate) Organizational structure (Organogram) List of regional offices and that of its local offices in the region of the project applied for Physical facilities such as office accommodation, equipment, vehicles and information technology (IT) facilities at the Head Office of the organization and that at its Regional/local office nearest to the proposed project site 9. List and brief CV of the key staff members and consultants to be involved in the proposed project in a running paragraph format, not exceeding 300 words. The CV should include the name, age, academic qualification, specialization, duration and nature of contract with the organization, relevant experience and significant achievements of the staff member/consultant and his/her prospective role in the proposed project 10. List of support staff relevant to the project (giving name, designation, academic qualification and nature of contract and duration of engagement with the organization) 11. Brief description of relevant experiences (name of the program/project, duration, source of fund, project area, significant achievements, success stories)