Unit O1: Fractions Year levels: Year 1-2 Teacher: Stage 1 Orange Cluster Orange Public School DET NSW Mathematics Program – Fractions 1 Outcomes NES1.4 Describes halves, encountered in everyday contexts, as two equal parts of an object NS1.4 Working Mathematically WMS1.1 Asks questions that could be explored using mathematics in relation to Stage 1 content. WMS1.2 Uses objects, diagrams, imagery and technology to explore mathematical problems. Quality Teaching: Deep Knowledge, Deep Understanding, Problematic Knowledge, Higher-Order Thinking, Metalanguage, Substantive Communication, Explicit Quality Criteria, Engagement, High Expectations, Social Support, Students’ Self-Regulation, Student Direction, Background Knowledge, Cultural Knowledge, Knowledge Integration, Inclusivity, Connectedness, Narrative Cultural Perspective: Language: Indicators Learning Maps Non verbal 4 5 Describes and models halves and quarters, of objects and collections, occurring in everyday situations Symbols & images Land Links 6 7 8 Term 2 Week or time period 2 3 Stage 1 Yr1 9 10 11 NS2.4 Models, compares and represents commonly used fractions and decimals, adds and subtracts decimals to two decimal places, and interprets everyday percentages. NS3.4 Unit 1 Compares, orders and calculates with decimals, simple fractions and simple percentages Model and describe a half and quarter or a quarter of a whole object Use fraction notation 12 and 14 WM1.3 Describes mathematical solutions and methods using everyday language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols. WM1.4 Supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained. WM1.5 Links mathematical ideas and makes connections with, and generalisations about, existing knowledge and understanding in relation to Stage 1 content. NonLinear DeconstructReconstruct Story Sharing Community Links group, divide, quarters, part, part of, other part, equal, equal parts, about a half, more than a half, less than a half, one part out of two, two equal parts, one half, one part out of four, four equal parts, one quarter 8 ways Learning Experiences Differentiat ion Reg ister Preassessment. What do my students know and understand now? Half and quarter the people in a family are male. What might the family look like? Draw it. How many different ways can you cut a square into quarters? Open ended Yarn up: personal experience incorporating dividing/sharing something eg: birthday cake/pizza Students tell their stories using Think-Pair –Share KWLKnow, Want to Learn, Learnt) brainstorm with students the language of position. Learning map should be re-visited throughout the learning cycle. Mathematics K-6 Syllabus p. 61 Mathematics K-6 Sample Units of work pp. 52-56 Fractions: pikelets and lamingtons p.11 – 31 Learning Object-What is a fraction http://www.kidsolr.com/math/fractions.html Introduce the concept of a half and quarter by folding a piece of paper in half and quarter. Discuss. Invite individual students to come out and fold different shaped pieces of paper in half and quarter. Compare halves to make sure they are exact. Discuss. Direct comparison Discuss how a half and quarter can be written – 1 part out of 2 or ½. Fractions of money (Year 2). Activity below Model and describe a half and quarter of a collection of objects Activity stations: Can you Making shapes out of playdough and cut them in half show ¼? and quarter Folding and then cutting various symmetrical paper shapes in half and quarter. Activity sheet (see attached stencil) Draw a shape on the fold of a piece of paper, cut out while paper is folded then cut along fold line. Students record all results by drawing pictures or pasting work into books and writing ½ next to examples of ½. Rotate around activity stations every 6 minutes. More ideas - Exploring fractions – Bev Dunbar P21 Students share with the rest of the class some of the things they divided in half and quarter and talk about how they know it is in half and quarter and how they worked it out. Show class some non-symmetrical paper shapes and discuss whether they can be cut exactly in half and quarter. Model and describe a half and quarter or a quarter of a collection of objects Exploring Fractions - BevDunbar Picture It – Cut out magazine pages. Cut into 2 equal parts (half and quarter) and then 4 equal parts (quarters) Cut quarters in half (2 equal parts)eighths. Colour the cakes 1 and 2 ( Curriculum support Maths K-6 Programming support) The activity can be extended showing a quarter and three quarters. How many? Students use a collection of objects e.g.counters, blocks, pegs. One student selects a number of objects and covers up half the objects with their hand. Their partner is then asked: How many counters are under my hand? How many counters are there altogether? How do you know? Have workstation problems set up for small groups as below. Each workstation should have the problem written down, some concrete materials to represent to items to be divided, blank paper and pencils. A farmer has to put 16 sheep into 2 OR 4 paddocks equally. A lady wants to put 16 plants into 2 OR 4 gardens equally. A mum wants to give 8 patty cakes to 2 OR 4 children equally. A dad wants to share 24 lollies to 2OR 4 children equally. A child wants to share 4 trading cards to his 2 OR 4 friends equally. Technology- Smartboard activities, websites Attached notebook file. Sharing Pikelets Studyladder.com Ribbon Maker Game Curriculum support Maths K-6 Programming support Learning object – pikelet cutter CMIT website Fraction Track game Curriculum support Maths K-6 Programming support Fractions ( Cutting into halves,quarters) http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/maths/contents08fracdecper ratprop.htm Fraction Stories (Introducing Fractions with an apple) http://www.happychild.org.uk/wks/math/key2/fractions/addi tion.htm Set up a model of four equal paddocks using hoops. Have a collection of eg: 12 balls (sheep). Pose the problem of a farmer wanting to put the sheep equally into the paddocks so that they don’t eat all the grass in one paddock more than the other. Chn create own problems and solve Have the fractional notation ¼ on flashcards. Ask the students how might we write what we have done. (Students need to see a quarter as an equal part of the whole.) Assessment: Select any of the appropriate assessment tasks below AND/OR A teacher wants to share 8 quiet reading pillows to 2 OR 4 children equally. Each child should; D - Solve the problem physically with the concrete material D C - Draw a diagram of their problem (WM) C - Label each quarter/half C B - Write an explanation of the whole and the quarters using fractional notation. e.g. a ¼ of 16 is 4, ½ of 16 is 8 B/A A – solves the Early Stage 2 assessment tasks Key Ideas: Modelling and describing a half or a quarter of a whole object. Modelling and describing a half or a quarter of a collection of objects. Describing equal parts of a whole object or collection of objects. Desribing parts of an object or collection of objects as ‘ about a half’, ‘ more than half’ or ‘less than half’. Using fraction notation for half ½ and quarter ¼. Recording equal parts of a whole, and the relationship of the groups to the whole using pictures and fraction notation. Identifying quarters of the same unit as being the same. Year 1 Year 2 Evaluation: Pre-Assessment observation matrix Maths: Fractions and Decimals Term: 2 Week: 9 Activity/Outcome: NS1.3: Uses a range of mental strategies and concrete materials for division Pre-assessment: whole class/ individually- using 12 counters, paper and pencil Half and quarter the people in a family are male. What might the family look like? Draw it. How many different ways can you cut a square into quarters? D - Solve the problem physically with the concrete material D C – Can show 2 different B - Write an explanation of the whole and the quarters using fractional notation. e.g. a ¼ of 16 is 4, ½ of 16 is 8 B/A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E ahhh A B C D E Fractions of Money Answer these questions: 1. What is half of $10? 2. What is a quarter of $10? 3. What is half of $6? 4. What is a quarter of $6? 5. What is a third of $6? Complete these statements: 6. $5 is half of ____ 7. $6 is half of ____ 8. $1.50 is a quarter of ____ 9. $2.50 is a quarter of ____ 10. $2 is a third of ____ Working Below Stage 1 Knowledge and Skills NES1.4 Sharing and object by dividing it into two equal parts. Draw a line to show where you need to cut the objects to make two equal parts. Draw your own pictures which have equal parts. Knowledge and Skills NES1.4 Sharing and object by dividing it into two equal parts. Draw your own pictures of two equal parts. ---------------------------- Knowledge and Skills NES1.4 Recognising fractions of objects using drawings. Working At Stage 1 Knowledge and Skills Modelling and describing a half or a quarter of a whole object. Shape Draw the shape Draw the shape and the cut it and then cut it into halves. into quarters. Knowledge and Skills Modelling and describing a half or a quarter of a whole object. Object Describe the pictures. Knowledge and Skills Modelling and describing a half or a quarter of a whole object. Materials : You will need shapes made out of paper. * 2 squares * 1 circle * 1 triangle Instructions: Fold 1 square into quarters (1/4). Folder 1 square into halves (1/2). Fold the circle into halves (1/2). Fold the triangle into quarters (1/4). Create a picture using your shapes. Glue your shapes on the sheet called Quarters and Halves (below) Knowledge and Skills Modelling and describing a half or a quarter of a whole object. Using fraction notation for ½ and ¼. -----------------------------------Label your shapes with ½ of ¼ Knowledge and Skills Modelling and describing a half or a quarter of a collection of objects. Draw a circle around a Draw a circle around in quarter of the group. half of the group. Knowledge and Skills Describing equal parts of a whole object or collection of objects. Recording equal parts of a whole, and the relationship of the groups to the whole using pictures and fraction notation. You are having a birthday party. Cut out the lollies . Share the lollies equally between 2 people. Stick them on the page with the heading Birthday Party. -----------------------------------Share lollies between Sam and Tom ----------------------------------Share the lollies between Sue, Tom and Ben Knowledge and Skills Describing equal parts of a whole object or collection of objects. Recording equal parts of a whole, and the relationship of the groups to the whole using pictures and fraction notation. Sam Tom Did Sam and Tom get equal shares? __________ Write the fraction or the share ____. -----------------------------------Sam Tom Ben Did Sam, Tom and Ben get equal shares? ________ Write the fraction or the share ________. Knowledge and Skills Describing parts of an object or collection of objects as ‘ about a half’, ‘ more than a half’ or ‘ less than a half’. Draw pictures to match the words. about a half more than a half less than a half about a half more than a half less than a half Knowledge and Skills Using fraction notation for half ½ and a quarter ¼. Label the shaded area using the fraction symbols of ½ or ¼. ____ ____ ____ Draw a line to make ½ and ¼ for each picture. Knowledge and Skills Identify quarters of the same unit as being the same. Colour in each quarter ¼ using a different colour. Label each quarter using the symbol ¼. Student Name: Date: St 1 N1.4: Describes and models halves and quarters, of objects and collections, occurring in everyday situations N1.4(a) Indicators The student, for example: Models and describes a half of a whole object Uses fraction notation for half (1/2) Models and describes equal parts of a whole object Lesson: 1 Record Circle the shapes that have been cut in half. Write ½ beneath each half. Draw a line to cut these shapes in half. Write ½ beneath each half. Student Name: St 1 Date: N1.4: Describes and models halves and quarters, of objects and collections, occurring in everyday situations Lesson: 2 N1.4(a) Indicators The student, for example: Models and describes a quarter of a whole object Uses fraction notation for quarter (1/4) Models and describes equal parts of a whole object Record Circle the shapes that are in quarters. Write ¼ beside each one. Draw lines to show quarters for each of these shapes. Write ¼ inside each quarter. Knowledge and Skills Use fraction language in a variety of everyday contexts eg half an hour, one quarter of the class. Recognise the use of fractions in everyday contexts eg half- hour of television. Draw pictures of the way we use the language of fractions (half an hour, a quarter and other examples) in our lives. Clue: Think about food and activities you like doing. ----------------------------------- Working Beyond Stage 1 Knowledge and Skills (Beginning Stage 2) NS2.4 Modelling, comparing and representing fractions with denominators by 2, 4 and 8. What part is shaded in? Draw a circle around the objects to make the fraction. 1/4 ____ 2/4 ____ What is another name for this fraction?______ 1/2 ______ What is another name for this fraction?___ 1/8 _____ How many tenths are shaded in? ______ The bottom line show fifths How many fifths make up the amount of tenths shaded in?______ Write the equivalent fractions. 0 --- = 10 0 --5 Knowledge and Skills ( Stage 2) NS2.4 Modelling, comparing and representing factions with denominators with denominators 5,10 and 100- with fifths, tenths and hundredths. Instructions Make equivalent fractions on the grid paper.