Networks and Interactions practical

Networks and Interactions
Version 1.0
Exercises: Networks and Interactions
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Exercises: Networks and Interactions
In this practical we will use free, web-based resources to construct networks from gene lists. In doing
so, we will be able to visualise interactions between genes in gene lists, and possibly gain further
understanding of the pathways that may be of interest to our research.
Exercise 1: Basic network construction and exploration using geneMANIA
You should find a file called “Pathway 48p.xlsx” in your Data folder. This list contains 48 proteins from
the NOTCH signalling pathway in humans, from which we will construct a network.
Navigate to geneMANIA in a web browser (, or search for
Use the gene names (column D) to construct a network, making sure you select the appropriate
species (our data is from humans).
The constructed multiple network should appear.
Change the options so that the ‘predicted’ and ‘co-localisation’ networks are no longer shown in
the multiple network.
Look at the evidence for the physical interactions shown. Which genes are involved in the
interactions from Yatim-Benkirane-2012?
What are the 5 most significant functions?
Do these make sense, given that we know these proteins are from NOTCH signalling?
Highlight genes from the most significant function in the network.
Specify the number of related genes that geneMANIA adds to the network, choose 20 related
Manually move the nodes of the network until you are happy with the layout.
Save the image of the network as a SVG file.
We will also save the interaction information, so that we could import the network into other programs
– such as cytoscape.
Save the interaction information as a tab delimited text file.
Exercise 2 – Network exploration using STRING
Here we will look at the same network using STRING.
Navigate to STRING in a web browser (, or search for ‘string network’).
Construct a network using the gene names (Column D) from “Pathway 48p.xlsx”.
Look at the evidence, confidence and action views of the network.
What type of data is the evidence based on – find the colour key.
In the parameters, update the required confidence score to 0.9 and reconstruct the network.
Add in 20 additional nodes, does this make the network clearer? If not remove these additional
Remove any disconnected nodes.
Cluster your network to an appropriate level, using both Kmeans and MCL algorithms.
Save your favourite view of the network as an SVG file.
Save the interactions of the network as a tab delimited file.