Goal : For each one of the mini-assessments or online assessment target to score at least 80% consistently ( take mini-assessment 3 compare your 1st score read out with your second score, and your final score.. monitor your progress) YOU CAN POST THE RESULTS AS A COMMENT WITH YOUR NAME SIGNED, OR YOU CAN EMAIL RESULTS TO Email to to your teacher or to FOR EXTRA CREDIT. 1. 1. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE At Home … Below are the mini-assessments for Government, Biology, Algebra, and English) http://mdk12.org/assessments/high_school/index_d.html or type in Practice HSA in google.com and click on link ( You are to do each section (2008 year) then repeat for 2007 all the way to 2004( copy and paste yours scores and note the areas where you were the weakest).. you can copy and paste and email to your teacher, or do a screen shot ( ctrl + prtscrn) and paste 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click Cells and Organisms Skills and Processes Biological Molecules Inheritance of Traits Evolutionary Change Interdependence of Organisms 1. Email your answers or submit through TS3 or to your teacher and mentor) FULL Practice H.S.A http://mdk12.org/assessments/high_school/look_like/index.html 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on Biology (on your own can practice the others) Click on View the assessment Click on the 2009 assessment and proceed to take it Once finished copy and paste results into word and email or TS3 From School 1. 1. If you are on the city schools network then you can access data link practice assessments by clicking on csdl.bcps.k12.md.us 1. a. Students login by switching the droptab to SID 2. b. Login is student id 3. c. Password is also student id On Demand Videos Go to http://www.khanacademy.org , register for khan academy using your gmail account (if you don't have one sign up for a gmail account), then add your teacher as a coach by clicking on profile click on coaches add a coach( your teachers, parent/guardians, or mentors gmail and type in (they can see what videos you have watched, and if you have earned any badges) After doing that click ona video you in subject you are interested in and summarize the video in less than 1 paragraph Notes and information and practice Encyclopedia of the Earth http://www.eoearth.org/article/Organ_systems_and_organs Cell division 1. go to google.com and enter “ mcgraw-hill.com how cell” click on the 1stlink 1. click on watch cell division animation 2. take quiz at end 2. http://www.biologyjunction.com/cell_functions.htm o o identify the eukaryotic cell organelles and their functions identify what the structures look like 3. http://www.livebinders.com/play/play/32364# o o identify the eukaryotic cell organelles and their functions identify what the structures look like 4. http://www.biologyjunction.com/biology%20class%20notes2.htm 1. click on various parts to review www.biologyinmotion.com 1. CLICK ON Organize-It , then click on open 1. Click on Cell structure and read directions for the organize it activity, where you have to drag the item to where it belongs 2. Repeat for plant cell 3. Levels of organization 1. ATP and Energy Storage 1. Describe why we eat 2. What is atp 3. Describe the process of making atp from food 1. Cell Division Exercisehttp://www.cellsalive.com/mitosis.htm 1. Run through the animation and describe each phase http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/labbench/index.html 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on mitosis, run through simulation and take quiz Repeat for cellular respiration “” osmosis diffusion http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/biocoach/index.html 1. Click on cellular respiration, read and complete quiz 4x 2. Biomembranes I: Membrane Structure and Transport 3. Building Biomolecules 4. Cardiovascular System I: The Beating Heart 5. Cell Respiration 6. Cell Structure and Function 7. DNA Structure and Replication 8. From Gene to Protein: Transcription 9. From Gene to Protein: Translation 10. Meiosis 11. Mendelian Inheritance 12. Mitosis 13. Photosynthesis Click on evolution lab 1. Describe what natural selection is 2. Include the essential elements for natural selection to exist 3. Run through the simulation rate and describe what happens to the length of the reach of the organisms over time (explain why) http://www.tvdsb.on.ca/westmin/science/sbi3a1/cells/cells.htm 1. Cell organelle and structure and function login to www.explorelearning.com èlogin using login ID (1st) and Password (2nd) èGo to settings and change the first name and last name to your name èGo to Gizmos and click on each of the following è launch Gizmo èthen take assessment è check answers and email to your teacher (repeat for each) ð Cell Structure ð Osmosis ð Cell Energy Cycle ð Identifying Nutrients ð Building DNA ð Effect of Environment on New Life Form ð DNA Fingerprint Analysis ð Cell Division ð Photosynthesis Lab ð RNA and Protein Synthesis ð Homeostasis ð Water Cycle