Date: Saturday, September 15, 2012
Coordinator: Lance & Jen Bean
Show Time: 11:00 am
Place: Arena 1
Proof of Livestock Exhibitors Insurance, Rabies, EHV-1, and current Coggins required.
Stallions must show registration papers. All ages of equine will be determined as of January 1 st . Definition of a yeld mare: A mare four years of age or older that has not raised a foal during the current year, has dropped a dead foal, or had a foal that died within two months of birth.
Pony Rules: All Ponies will measure a maximum of 58” from bottom of the hoof to the withers. No ponies over 58” will be allowed in the pony class. Each exhibitor is allowed only two monies in any one class.
For this show purposes, juniors are defined as under 18 years old. Juniors can show either in junior or open classes but not both.
Junior exhibitors must have an adult attendant.
CLASS (H=Horse, P=Pony)
1P. Junior Showmanship
2H. Junior Showmanship
Men’s Cart
4H. Men's Cart Class
5P. Ladies Cart
Lady’s Cart Class
7P Junior Cart Class (9-17 yrs)
8H Junior Cart Class (9-17 yrs)
Attendant Required –Draft Horse and Draft Pony
9P. Tandem Hitch
10H. Tandem Hitch
11P. Pair Class-(Ladies and Men) Team to wagon
12H Pair Class-(Ladies and Men) Team to wagon
13P Junior Pair Class- (9-17 yrs)
14H Junior Pair Class-(9-17 yrs)
Attendant Required –Draft Horse and Draft Pony
15P. Unicorn-Ponies
16H. Unicorn-Horse
17P. 4 Pony Hitch -to a wagon
19H. 4 Horse Hitch– to a wagon
20P. 6 Pony Hitch - to a wagon
21H. 6 Horse Hitch– to a wagon
$30 $25 $20 $15 $10
$30 $25 $20 $15 $10
$60 $50 $40 $30 $20
$65 $55 $45 $35 $25
$60 $50 $40 $30 $20
$65 $55 $45 $35 $25
$50 $45 $40 $35 $25
$50 $45 $40 $35 $25
$90 $80 $70 $60 $50
$100 $90 $80 $70 $55
$70 $60 $50 $40 $30
$80 $70 $60 $50 $40
$50 $45 $40 $35 $25
$50 $45 $40 $35 $25
$100 $75 $65 $45 $30
$125 $95 $75 $55 $40
$135 $100 $80 $60 $30
$185 $125 $100 $75 $40
$210 $140 $95 $80 $40
$245 $175 $125 $90 $50
Overall teamster awards to be chosen at the end of the day by the show staff. To be decided based on sportsmanship, reinsmanship, and overall show attitude. Trophy
$100 Trophy
$100 Trophy
Date: Friday
Coordinator: Sandy Snow
Show Time: 11:00am
Proof of insurance for $1,000,000 will be required. Mandatory copy of rabies certificate and EHV-1 required.
Prize Money
Regular Class: 1 st )$20.00
Champion Class: 1 st )$40.00
2 nd )$15.00
2 nd )$30.00
3 rd )$10.00
3 rd )$20.00
4 th )$5.00
4 th )$10.00
Pattern: Judged on 40% of handler’s ability to perform pattern & handler’s horse, 60%will be judged on cleanliness/appropriateness of horse and handlers attire.
Junior Grooming and Showmanship (E&W) - White Glove
Senior Grooming and Showmanship (E&W) - White Glove
Equitation: Judged on the correctness of rider’s position. All riders will be judged against the ideal of the seat they are riding in.
Leadline Equitation (E&W)
Walk Trot Equitation
Junior English Equitation
Senior English Equitation
Junior Western Equitation
Senior Western Equitation
Judged on manner of the horse’s way of going. All horses will be judged against the ideal of the seat they are being ridden.
Leadline Pleasure (E&W)
Walk/Trot Pleasure (E&W)
Junior Western Pleasure
Senior Western Pleasure
Junior English Pleasure
Senior English Pleasure
Pairs: Horse and rider pairs will be judged on ability to perform all horsemanship patterns correctly and accurately while maintaining proper equitation for their seat while being able to calmly control their horse.
Western Horsemanship (Junior & Senior)
English Horsemanship (Junior & Senior)
Oxford Fair Classic - all seats - pattern - top 3 from each horsemanship class (pay during break)
Jumping: English Only, Safety helmets are required
Beginners Cross - Rails (18” limit) Walk/Trot is allowed as long as they are not cantering, 30% judged on ability to steer and maintain a sage steady pace 70% judged on rider’s equitation.
Intermediate Hunt seat Equitation over fences (2’3” limit) 30% judged on steering and regularity of pace 70% judged on riders equitation.
Pairs Jumping (2’ limit) 50% judged on ability to jump in unison, while maintaining safe, steady pace 50% judged on proper rider equitation.
On Command
4. Keyhole, junior
7. Single Pole, Walk/trot and lead line
10.Speed Barrels, Junior
13.Bleeding Heart Barrels, Junior
2. Speed, Action, Control
5. Keyhole, Senior
8. Pole Bending, Junior
11.Speed Barrels, Senior
14.Bleeding Heart Barrels, Senior
17.Break and out pairs
3. Hole-in-one
6. Single Pole, Junior
9. Pole Bending, Senoir
12.Shotgun Barrels, Pairs
15.Ribbon Race, Pairs