Intelligent Resource Prediction for OpenFlow-based Datacenter Testbed. Wei fan Hong 0056028 Department of Computer Science National Chiao Tung University VM Abstract-In cloud computing, the load prediction is a very important issue. In order to provide an efficient allocation of resources and power-saving, and Immediacy supply services. Resource prediction mechanism is a key technology. We propose a using artificial neural network to predict demand of resource in each application, and each application is independent to predict. The advantage is can set different SLA standards for each difference application, and can instant assign the appropriate virtual machine to meet application require. We consider the time information that can affect user traffic, so we training time information in the artificial neural network, it allows to prediction more accurately. Application request Provisioning Manager Load balancing service Application service Application service VM VM Allocation service Application service VM VM SLA Analyzer Performance Monitoring Resource prediction Fig. 1. System architecture In the following sections, we propose the artificial neural network method in resource prediction. In section II, we introduce the relevant resource prediction literature, and compare our proposal. In section III will explain the details of our methods; we compare another method in simulation, and compare their difference in section IV. Finally, we describe the future expectations in section IV. I. INTRODUCTION I n the recent decades, network bandwidth and hardware technology is the unceasing rise. The cloud needed to support a stable network bandwidth and the hardware technology. Accordingly, the cloud system is a feasible idea in modern. Through the cloud, machine solved large computation data for user. Cloud computing bring up a lot of advantages about convenient user. They consist of several applications that user can access faster with internet application. The cloud system can handle the service request from each user. Cloud applications of cloud computing can increase user convenience, such as YouTube. Cloud system application can provide a user interface for solve problems, and cloud system can allocate resource, and load balancing algorithm to increase performance. II. RELATED WORK As shown in Fig. 2, the load prediction can have a variety of ways to do it, and it appliance is a lot of environments in cloud computing. For example, it can apply on the massively multiplayer online game environment for predict game loading. It also can apply on cloud web servers about loading. Relative papers propose a lot of method. Load prediction Figure 1 illustrates the autonomic system architecture. The load balancing service the incoming requests among the leased resources, maintaining user sessions. The VM allocation service decides how much VM capacity to support services. The performance monitoring detect using the amount of resources in the application, and then transferred to the resource prediction, resources required using neural network prediction estimates of future supply applications, and check for SLA violations. Artificial neural network Max(CPU, memory, BW) [1] Last value Sliding window median Timeline [2] Fig. 2. Comparison Tree Vald N et al. [1] focus on the resource provisioning in 1 massively multiplayer online games, it compared many methods (neural network, average, moving average, and last value, Exp. Smoothing) to prove neural network is best load prediction. Finally, it used the neural network apply on massively multiplayer online games, and get a better result in simulations. The effectiveness of the historical record If the history of the training data, Virtual machine can be configuration pre-assigned virtual machine Fig. 4. Method comparison table As shown in Fig. 4, we propose a prediction application future use of resources. It benefits is can set a different level of SLA in different applications, and virtual machine capacity allocation according to different service, and have effectiveness of the historical record, and the history of the training data, can be pre-assigned virtual machine. Reig, G. et al. [3] propose a fast analytical predictor and adaptive machine learning based predictor, and also show how a deadline scheduler could use these predictions to help providers to make the most of their resources. Our design Each application load MMOG[1] Server load Prediction method Artificial neural network Artificial neural network Artificial neural network Application Environment III. THE LOAD PREDICTION ARCHITECTURE General Cloud We propose a load prediction method than using the artificial neural network. The cloud environment needed to maintain each operation node of the services. The neural model receives three inputs x (n) from external information source and is applied to the input layer of the sensory nodes. Each neuron is composed of two units. The first unit adds products of weights coefficients and input signals. The second unit realizes a nonlinear function called the neuron activation function. The desired response vector d(n) is obtained at the output layer of the computation nodes. When the network is run, each layer performs the calculation on the input and transfers the result Oc to the next layer[2]. MMOG Server General Cloud & Data center Deadline Cloud data Server load Euler schedulers [3] center Fig. 3. Relative work comparison table Timeline[2] Server load flexible Only know the server load is too heavy John J. Prevost et al. [2] focus on the load prediction architecture. It used timeline loading method to input neural network. It provided a four existing old data to estimate of loading the next, and training the system. In simulation, the Forecast accuracy is high. Performance Monitoring Effectively lost when the server application to change As shown in Fig. 3, we compare to difference paper method, and we aim difference prediction in the cloud environment, and compare to predict method. In [1], It used Artificial Neural Network apply to load prediction in Massively multiplayer online game, and it had a pretty good performance. In [2], it proposed an timeline mechanism, use old timeline input to Artificial Neural Network. And it training to open source data(EPA, NASA web server). In [3], it show how a deadline scheduler could use these predictions to help providers to make the most of their resources. Predict server load Our design SLA Only set a highest level of SLA on signal server set a different level of SLA in different applications Resource utilization Fixation capacity of the virtual machines will have internal fragmentation Virtual machine capacity allocation according to different service In Fig. 5, In order to take into consideration more system information, we input CPU usage, memory size, GPU usage, hard disk I/O and time information in input layer, and training the artificial neural network. When training is completed, artificial neural network provide the output of the predictor from each input, and the sum of all the information in each virtual machine, we can get the resources required to run this application, and allocate the most appropriate resources to the application. 2 CPU usage ∑ ƒ (1) CPU usage ƒ (1) Memory b1 = 1 Memory ∑ b2 = 1 GPU usage ∑ ƒ (1) ∑ ƒ (1) GPU usage b3 = 1 Hard disk I/O Time information Hard disk I/O ∑ ƒ (1) b10 = 1 An Application Time information Fig. 6. The Load prediction using Artificial Neural Network in Server Prediction Fig. 5. The Artificial Neural Network prediction method In Figure 9 and 10, this is the difference between prediction and actual in virtual machine level. We monitor request bytes, and training artificial neural network. We are the top 70 percent of the data as training, and then after 30 percent of estimated data. When the change of future resource estimate, resource supply also needs to change with it, so we define the following formula: RPt = Resource provision level at time t RDt = Resource demand at time t RPt+1 = the predict RD t+1 In order to complete the resource allocation, we define RPt is a resource provision level at time t, RDt is resource demand at time t, RPt+1 is the predict RD t+1. If RPt+1 > RPt express to overloading in the next time, we needed to start new virtual machine to support application. If RPt+1 < RPt express to low loading in next time. In this time, we can close or suspend virtual machine to reduce power consumption. Fig. 7. The EPA Load prediction using Artificial Neural Network from EPA web data Our monitoring of resources and the use of artificial neural network to predict the immediate allocation of the necessary resources, so we can be guaranteed not to violate the SLA, IV. EVALUATION AND DISCUSSION Fig. 6, Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 is a reality difference between actual and prediction, and the prediction line is very approached the really actual. The prediction value had a good result in Artificial Neural Network. Fig. 8. The Load prediction using Artificial Neural Network from NASA web data In Fig .8, this is the difference between prediction and actual in server level. We monitor CPU, memory and bandwidth, and training artificial neural network. We are the top 70 percent of the data as training, and then after 30 percent of estimated data. The calculation of the mean squared error (MSE) is shown below. The MSE express to the difference from actual and predicted, If the predicted is very accurate, MSE difference will become smaller. In Fig .11, we compare the input average(CPULoad, 3 memoryLoad, bandwidthLoad) (avg) and input max(CPULoad, memoryLoad, bandwidthLoad) (max) to artificial neural network, because the maximum has more dramatic changes, Relatively high value of the MSE. In other words, the average is more gentle changes, so the MSE is relatively low. [2] Prevost, J.J. ; Nagothu, K. ; Kelley, B. ; Jamshidi, M, “Prediction of Cloud Data Center Networks Loads Using Stochastic and Neural Models”. System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), 2011 6th International Conference on. 27-30 June 2011, pp. 276-281. [3] Reig, G.; Alonso, J.; Guitart, J., “Prediction of job resource requirements for deadline schedulers to manage high-level SLAs on the cloud,” in Proc. 9th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), July 2010, pp. 162-167. Figure 11. Comparison MSE in Server Level In Fig .12, we compare input timeline(t~t-2) and last value(t) to artificial neural network. The timeline is more reference parameters for artificial neural network, so relatively high value of the MSE. In other words, The last value(t) only a single parameter, so the MSE is relatively low. Figure 12. Comparison MSE in Virtual Machine Level V. CONCLUSION In this paper, we introduce some recent researches in the load balancing field. Through better load prediction, method can increase the stable and the performance, and we propose the artificial neural network method have a good result. These results provide a cloud framework that can be utilized, and the framework can manage the state-changes required for optimal operation and control in the cloud system. VI. REFERENCES [1] Nae, V. ; Iosup, A. ; Prodan, R, “Dynamic Resource Provisioning in Massively Multiplayer Online Games”. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. March 2011, Vol. 22, Issue:3, pp. 380-395. 4