NAME: _____________________________________________________ PERIOD:___________ ASSIGN #:________ Visit the website to complete this handout. The ______________ ______________ ____________-House Museum serves as a dynamic memorial to social __________________ Jane __________________ the first _________________ _______________ to receive the ________________ _______________ ________________, and her colleagues whose work changed the lives of their ________________ neighbors as well as national and international public policy. The Museum preserves and develops the original Hull-House site for the interpretation and continuation of the historic _________________________ house vision, linking ______________________, ___________________, and ____________________ engagement. Founded in _____________ as a ______________ ________________, Hull-House played a vital role in redefining American ______________________ in the modern age. Addams and the residents of HullHouse helped pass critical ___________________ (laws) and influenced public ________________ on public ______________ and ______________, free __________________, fair ________________ practices, ___________________’ rights, _________________ and public space, ____________, and philanthropy. Hull-House has long been a center of _________________’s political and cultural life, establishing Chicago’s first public ______________________ and public __________ gallery, helping to ____________________ the Chicago Public Schools, and influencing philanthropy and culture. (CLICK "ABOUT JANE ADDAMS") Social _____________________began in the _____________s in London in response to problems created by ___________________________, _____________________________, and ___________________________. The idea spread to other industrialized countries. Settlement houses typically attracted ______________________, native born, _______________-class and _______________-middle class women and men, known as “residents,” to live (settle) in ________________ __________________ (City) neighborhoods. Some social settlements were linked to religious institutions. Others, like Hull-House, were ________________. By 1900, the U.S. had over _____________ settlement houses. By 1911, Chicago had 35. In the 1890s, Hull-House was located in the midst of a densely populated urban neighborhood peopled by _________________, _______________, ________________, _______________, Bohemian, and Russian and Polish _______________ __________________. During the 1920s, __________________ Americans and __________________began to put down roots in the neighborhood and joined the clubs and activities at Hull-House. Jane Addams and the Hull-House residents provided ___________________ and ____________ ______________ facilities for the children of _______________ mothers; an _____________________ bureau; an ______________ gallery; _____________________; _______________ and ___________________ classes; and _________________, ___________________and _________ classes. The residents of Hull-House formed an impressive group, including Jane ______________, Ellen Gates Starr, __________________ _________________, Dr. Alice Hamilton, _____________________ _______________, Sophonisba Breckinridge, and Grace and Edith Abbott. From their experiences in the Hull-House neighborhood, the Hull-House residents and their supporters forged a powerful _____________movement. Among the projects that they helped launch were the Immigrants' Protective League, the Juvenile Protective Association, the first _______________________ court in the nation, and a Juvenile Psychopathic Clinic (later called the Institute for Juvenile Research). Through their efforts, the Illinois Legislature enacted protective legislation for women and children in 1893. With the creation of the ____________________ ______________________ Bureau in 1912 and the passage of a _________________ ______________ ______________ law in 1916, the Hull-House reformers saw their efforts expanded to the __________________ level. NAME: _____________________________________________________ PERIOD:___________ ASSIGN #:________ Based on Information from the Hull House Museum website answer the questions below… Who is the older woman on the left?______________________________________________________________________ What can you guess about the children? ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What can you guess about the mothers of the children? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What do you think is happening in this photograph? ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________