ESTIMATION OF DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON CONCENTRATION IN PEAT WATER USING AIRBORNE HYMAP IMAGE Yan GAOa, Kazuyo HIROSEb, Takashi OHKIc, Mitsuru OSAKId, Takashi KOHYAMAe, Jaime PANEQUEf a b Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, email: Japan Space Systems, Tokyo, Japan, email: c Mitsubishi Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan, email: d Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, email: e Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, email: kohyama@ees. f CIGA-UNAM, Morelia, México, email: ABSTRACT Peat water has high carbon content. Carbon measurement in peat water is important for carbon accounting in peatlands, where the content of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is highly related to the concentration of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Thus, DOC in peat water can be estimated through the measurement of CDOM concentration. Remote sensing has been used to measure DOC over large geographic regions. Hyper-spectral remote sensing sensors observe ground surface through many continuous, contiguous and narrow spectral bands, providing detailed spectral information of ground surface objects. The hyper-spectral sensor HyMap has 124 spectral bands of 10 nm width covering the wavelength range of 450 – 2500nm. In this research, we use airborne HyMap images for DOC/CDOM measurement in peat waters in Indonesia. Both HyMap images and simultaneous peat water samples were acquired for 13 sites. For each sampling site, measurements such as location, water depth, pH, temperature, and total dissolved solids (TDS) were collected. From the collected water samples, DOC concentration and CDOM absorption at various wavelengths were analyzed in the laboratory. A good linear correlation was found between DOC concentration and CDOM absorption at 400 nm wavelength with the correlation coefficient 0.8323. Linear correlation was also found between CDOM and HyMap spectral band ratio (470nm/500nm) with correlation coefficient of 0.8012. Based on the above two correlations, CDOM and DOC concentration for peat water were quantified. This work shows that HyMap image can be used to measure DOC in peat water with high levels of accuracy. This work contributes to the carbon measurement in peat land. Key words: Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), HyMap, Peat water 1 INTRODUCTION The annual global river discharge of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is ~0.25Pg (Spencer et al., 2007). In peatlands, DOC is identified as the most significant form of carbon export and it has been found to be between 51 to 88% of fluvial carbon export, and thus monitoring DOC is essential to estimate carbon flux dynamics in peatland ecosystems (Hope et al., 1997; Dawson et al., 2002). Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) is the component of total dissolved organic matter that absorbs light over a broad range of visible and ultraviolet wavelengths. As concentrations of CDOM and DOC are strongly correlated (Tranvik 1990), CDOM enables the estimation of DOC through remote sensing data; for instance, Kutser et al. (2005) measured DOC in lake water using Advanced Land Imager (ALI) images. The objective of this study is to quantify the concentration of DOC in peat water in Central Kalimantan, especially for the peat water in the Sebangau River. We acquired HyMap image and carried out field campaign to obtain peat water samples. 2 METHODOLOGY 2.1 STUDY AREA Our study area is located in Central Kalimantan province, Indonesia, on the island of Borneo (Figure 1). The climate is hot and humid year round, with annual rainfall of about 2400 mm, and the daily temperature varying from 25 to 33°C (Mirmanto 2010). The natural vegetation is composed mainly of tropical peat swamp forest in peatlands under permanent wet conditions. Tropical peat swamp forest has important ecological functions and it contains unique and diverse flora and fauna (Miettinen et al., 2011). Nevertheless, the natural vegetation has been reduced to a degraded state through continuing deforestation and land cover change (Langner et al., 2007). In this study we used HyMap imagery data, since it obtains the spectral information of earth objects in very fine and continuous spectral range, and it had been successfully applied to detect vegetation species (Lucas et al., 2008) and mineral types (Bedini, 2011). The specification of HyMap sensor is shown in table 1 (keeling and Mauger, 1998). Table 1. HyMap airborne Hyperspectral Scanner specifications. Spatial Spectral Module VIS NIR SWIR1 SWIR2 5 m pixel spatial resolution, at 2000m flying height 124 spectral bands Spectral range Band width Channels (nm) (nm) 420 ~ 880 15 ~ 16 32 881 ~ 1335 12 ~ 14 32 1400 ~ 1810 11 ~ 13 32 1950 ~ 2490 15 ~ 18 32 Beside HyMap image data, we also collected ground measurements data including field survey data and lab analysis data which include DOC concentration in peat water samples and CDOM absorption at wavelength of 400nm – 600nm. 2.3 PEAT WATER SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Figure 1. The study area. 2.2. DATA HyMap is a pushbroom-type imaging spectrometer that provides radiometrically calibrated data. It has 124 spectral bands in the 456 – 2490 nm wavelength range with 5 m spatial resolution. Each spectral band is 10 nm wide, and band spacing is about 11 nm. HyMap provides spectrally continuous data for the visible and short-wave infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, instead of the discrete (often broad) bands of multispectral images (e.g. Landsat, SPOT, IKONOS, SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS). The instrument can image a 7.7 km * 185 km area, has 16-bit radiometric resolution and its signal-to-noise ratio is between 140 and 192 (in the wavelength range 550 - 700 nm) according to the on-orbit calibration. Peat water samples were collected from 13 sites during a field campaign in July 2011. Sampling sites include 4 from the Sebangau River, 2 from the Kalampangan canal, 2 from Beran-bankel, 1 from an inland pond, and 4 from the Kahayan River. At each site, the coordinates were recorded with GPS; water depth and water quality (pH, total dissolved solid, conductivity, organic particles, temperature, etc.) were measured. The collected water samples were filled in pre-rinsed sample bottles which were stored in a refrigerator immediately. Before the measurement in the laboratory, the peat water samples collected were filtered with a 200 nm membrane filter. In the lab, both the DOC concentration and the CDOM absorption were measured at continuous wavelengths (400~2500nm). 2.4 REMOTE SENSING IMAGE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Airborne HyMap data were collected in 15 and 16 of July, 2011. The imagery was corrected both atmospherically and geometrically. Atmospheric correction removed the major haze effect and the accuracy of the geometric correct was within one pixel of HyMap image. After pre-processing, a group of HyMap pixels at the water sampling points were selected and exported to ASCII format with their spectral information; this file was processed in Excel to calculate band ratios, which were used to make correlation with the measured CDOM in order to find the band ratio with the optimal correlation which has the highest correlation coefficient. 2.5 CORRELATE BAND RATIO WITH CDOM FROM SAMPLE POINTS To measure the CDOM of peat water samples, we assessed the correlation between CDOM and HyMap spectral information. Around 10 pixels from HyMap imagery were selected as region of interest (ROI) to coincide with each sampling site. Such ROIs contained the spectral information of 31 bands from HyMap and were exported as ASCII files and opened in Excel. This information was used to calculate the correlation between CDOM absorption measured from the lab and the HyMap spectral band ratio. The first experiment includes 15 spectral bands of HyMap image, covering the spectral range of blue, green and red with a wavelength range of 456-668 nm. The band ratio from three spectral regions was calculated and laboratory values of CDOM at wavelength of 456 nm were used to correlate with the band ratios. The correlation coefficient was calculated and compared to seek the optimal band ratio for CDOM quantification. Figure 2. The correlation of CDOM absorption at 400 nm wavelength and DOC (mg/L) content. 3.2 HYMAP IMAGE ANALYSIS The spectral profile of HyMap images corresponding to the 11 sampling sites were analyzed and the results are shown in figures 3 and figure 4. 2.6 CALCULATION OF DOC QUANTITY IN PEAT WATER Based on the correlation of CDOM and HyMap spectral bands, CDOM was calculated for water features of the Sebangau River. And based on the correlation between CDOM and DOC, DOC values for water features of the Sebangau River was calculated as well. Using the field measurement of water depth, DOC concentration was mapped spatially. 3 RESULTS 3.1 ANALYSIS OF PEAT WATER SAMPLES Linear regression analysis was applied to DOC and CDOM lab analysis results. Linear correlation was found between DOC concentration and CDOM absorption at 400 nm wavelength (figure 2). The correlation coefficient is 0.8323. Figure 3. Spectral profiles of 13 peat water samples. Samples from the Kahayan River have comparatively high reflectance values due to the noise from mixed pixels. Figure 4. Spectral profiles of peat water samples selected from the Sebangau River and the Kalampangan Canal, which have high carbon content. 3.3 CORRELATION BETWEEN HYMAP BAND RATIO AND CDOM In order to establish the methodology, we carried out the DOC analysis with relatively pure samples, including the four samples from the Sebangau River and one sample from the Kalangpangan Canal. Figure 6, dissolved organic carbon in the Sebangau River. Figure 5. Correlation of CDOM absorption values from lab analysis at wavelength of 420 nm and HyMap 470 nm/500 nm band ratio. We found that the 470 nm/500 nm band ratio had the highest correlation coefficient (Figure 5) between imagery reflectance and CDOM. The correlation coefficient is 0.9187. 3.4 QUANTIFICATION OF PEAT WATER DOC Based on the lab analysis data, we obtained the correlation between DOC and CDOM: DOC = 67.155 * (CDOM) + 9.8231; and the relation between CDOM and HyMap band ratio: CDOM = 0.1642 * (b2/b4) + 0.1658. The averaged quantity of DOC concentration was 26.3 mg/L. CDOM and DOC range map for the Sebangau River was produced and shown in figures 6 and 7. Figure 7, a closer look of figure 6. 4 CONCLUSIONS The result shows that the DOC concentration can be quantified and DOC and CDOM distribution can be mapped spatially with HyMap images with high levels of accuracy. Since carbon in peat water has an important share in the total carbon in peat land, the advance of this study contributes to the carbon mapping and quantification in peat land. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is within the framework of the Project “Forest fire and carbon evaluation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia”, funded by JST and JICA. Thanks go to Jose Antonio Navarrete Pacheco for creating figures 6, and 7. REFERENCES Bedini, E., 2011, Mineral mapping in the Kap Simpson complex, central East Greenland, using HyMap and ASTER remote sensing data. Advances in Space Research 47, 60-73. Dawson, J. J. C., Billet, M. F., Neil, C., and Hill, S.: A Comparing of particulate, dissolved and gaseous carbon in two contrasting upland streams in the UK, J. Hydrol., 257, 226 – 246, 2002. Hope, D., Billet, M. F., and Cresser, M. S., 1997, Exports of organic carbon in two river systems in NE Scotland. Journal of Hydrology. 193, 61 – 82. 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