repertório audições

07 de dezembro, 2015
Mozart: Concerto K 211, 216, 218 or 219 (1st mvt. with cadenza) and
a romantic or 20th century concerto or a concert piece
Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 (1st violin: 2nd mvt. Trio: bars 5 - 110; 3rd movement,
bars 1 – 7; 2nd violin: 3rd mvt.: D,bars 57 - 64
Mozart: Symphony No 39 (4th mvt.: exposition)
Strauss: Don Juan (1st violin: bars 1 - 62)
Stamitz or Hoffmeister Concerto (1st mvt. with cadenza) and a piece of your own
Brahms: Haydn Variations and Symphony No. 1
Bruckner: Symphony No 4, Symphony No 9
Dvorak: Symphony No 7
Mozart: Overture to “Die Zauberflöte”
Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra
A standard Concerto of your own choice (1st mvt.)
Beethoven: Symphony No 8 (3rd mvt.: Trio)
Beethoven: Overture to „Coriolan“ (bars 102 - 152)
Brahms: Symphony No 2 (2nd mvt.: Adagio)
Mozart: Overture to „Figaro“
Smetana: Overture to “The Bartered Bride”
Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra ( 14th bar after 3 to 5; 14th bar before 18 until 9th bar
before 18;
2nd bar after 23 until 3rd bar after 25)
Double Bass:
Koussevitsky: Concerto (1st and 2nd mvt.) or
Bottesini: Concerto (1st and 2nd mvt. with cadenza) or
Vanhal: Concerto for double bass (1st mvt. with cadenza)
Brahms: Symphony No 1 (1st mvt. Allegro)
Dvorak: Symphony No 7 (Scherzo)
Haydn: Symphony No 59 (1st mvt. Presto)
R. Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra (prepare and play 3rd desk)
Piece of your own choice
Brahms: 1 (4th mvt.) und Brahms 4 (4th mvt.)
Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night´s Dream (Scherzo)
Mozart: The magic flute (1st act, No 8 Finale)
Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf
Ravel: Daphnis 2nd suite (Solo from bar 176)
Beethoven: Symphony No 9
Rossini: Overture to “Semiramis”
Shostakovich: Symphony No 9
Piece of your own choice
Brahms:Haydn Variations (2nd Oboe)
Brahms : Symphony No 1 (1st and 2nd mvt.)
Ravel : Le tombeau de Couperin
Rossini : Ouverture to “La scala di seta”
Schubert: Symphony No 9 (2nd mvt.)
English Horn
Strauss: Heldenleben
Dvorak : Symphony No 9 „Neue Welt“ (2nd mvt.)
Clarinet :
Piece of your own choice
Beethoven: Symphony No 6 (2nd mvt.)
Brahms: Symphony No 1 (2nd and 3rd mvt.)
Dvorak: Symphony No 7 (1st mvt. bars 8 - 12; 73 – 91; 2nd mvt. bars 1 – 11; 44- 48)
Kodaly: Tänze aus Galanta
Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night´s Dream (Scherzo)
High Clarinet :
Ravel: Daphnis (2nd suite)
Stravinsky: Sacre du printemps
Bass Clarinet:
Shostakovich: Violin Concerto No 1
Liszt: Dante Sinfonie
Piece of your own choice
Beethoven: Symphony No 4 (4th mvt.)
Beethoven: Violin Concerto (2nd mvt.)
Brahms: Haydn Variations ( 2nd and 5th variation)
Mozart: Ouverture to „Le nozze di Figaro“
Ravel: Bolero
Shostakovich: Symphony No 9
Brahms: Symphony No 1
Ravel : Ma mere l´oye
Horn (high)
Strauss: Concerto No 1 or
Mozart: Concerto No 4 K 495
Beethoven: Symphonies No 6 (1st horn: 3rd and 5th mvt.) and No 7 (1st horn: 1st
Brahms: Symphony No 2 (1st mvt, 1st and 3rd horn: bars 2 to 14, 1st horn: bars
454 to 477;
2nd mvt. 1st horn: bars 17 to 31)
Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel (1st horn: bars 6 to 20, 3rd horn: bars 449 to 463) and
Ein Heldenleben (1st horn beginning and 78 to 79)
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No 5 (2nd mvt)
Horn (low)
Mozart: Concerto No 3 K 447 and
Neuling: Bagatelle
Beethoven: Symphony No 7 (2nd horn: 1st mvt. bars 89 to 102 and bar 436 until
the end)
Shostakovich: Symphony No 5 (17 to 21)
Strauss: Don Quixote (2nd horn: Var. VII and VIII) and
Ein Heldenleben (2nd and 5th horn: 5 ff and 78 to 79)
Wagner: Götterdämmerung (2nd horn: 2nd act, 2nd scene, bars 207 to 226)
Haydn: Concerto in E flat
Beethoven: Leonore Overtures Nos 2+3 (Signals)
Mahler: Symphony No 5 (1st mvt.)
Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra
Stravinsky: Petrouchka and
Le Sacre du Printemps (L’adoration de la terre, piccolo only)
David: Concerto
Brahms: Symphony No 1 (4th mvt. bars 47 to 61)
Mahler: Symphony No 3 (1st movement, solo)
Mozart: Requiem
Ravel: Boléro
Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra (“Der Genesende”, “Das Tanzlied”) and
Till Eulenspiegel (31 and 37)
Wagner: Lohengrin (Prelude to Act 3)
Bass Trombone
Sachse: Concerto
Haydn: The Creation No 26
Rossini: Guglielmo Tell (Overture)
Schumann: Symphony No 3 (4th mvt.)
Strauss: Ein Heldenleben (51 to 2 bars after 56 and 2 bars after 62 to 74)
Wagner: Die Walküre (3rd act, 1st scene: ”Ride of the Valkyries”; 2nd scene)
Strauss: Horn Concerto op. 11 or
Vaughan Williams: Concerto
Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique op. 14 (4th and 5th mvt.)
Bruckner: Symphony No. 7 (1st mvt. 35 to 248, 2nd mvt. 176 to 193, 4th mvt. 93 to
Mahler: Symphony No 1 (3rd mvt. solo)
Strauss: Ein Heldenleben (8 ff and 65 ff)
Wagner: Siegfried (2nd act, Prelude)
Beethoven: Symphony No 9 (1st mvt. Coda)
Hindemith: Symphonic Metamorphosis (2nd mvt., from S)
Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps (Finale, 189 to end, one player)
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No 4
Snare Drum
Prokofieff: Peter and the Wolf (49)
Ravel: Bolero and Alborada del Grazioso
Rimsky-Korsakov: Sheherazade (3rd mvt., D to J, 4th mvt., P to R)
Rossini: La gazza ladra (Overture)
Gershwin: Porgy and Bess (Introduction)
Hindemith: Chamber Music No. 1
Stravinsky: The Firebird, complete version (1st act, 47 to 48, 127 to 133)
Debussy: La Mer (2nd mvt. bars 16 to 32; 3rd mvt. bars 179 to 187)
Dukas: L’Apprentí sorcier (Scherzo)
Boildieu: Concerto for harp and orchestra C major (1st and 2nd mvt.) or
Dittersdorf: Concerto for harp and orchestra in A major (1st and 2nd mvt.)
Strauss: Salomes Tanz
Ravel: Tzigane, Cadence et
Ravel: Introduction et Allegro, Cadence