TeleDoc All work Copyright © (2009) by The Quality of Life Technology Laboratory Version # 1.00 Mission Statement The Quality of Life Technology Laboratory is an interdisciplinary research lab focused on developing innovative technology and systems that improve quality of life of the elderly people. TeleDoc is a web based health care frame work developed at The Quality of Life Technology Laboratory for maintaining a high quality of life by monitoring vital signs and providing a highly reliable remotely monitored health care system. Our mission is to develop technology that will: 1. Increase quality of life as people age 2. Decrease health-care costs 3. Be applicable to war veterans Teledoc Overview TeleDoc is a web based framework where the doctor can remotely perform a thorough examination of his patients who can be located anywhere in the world. The tool provides a simple and an easy to use console where all the vital signs of the patient can be measured from a single web page. Teledoc framework facilitates live interactions between the doctor and patient by providing a high resolution audio - video interface. For detailed examination of the patient, the doctor can remotely pan, tilt and zoom by which he can precisely examine the specific areas. The doctor also has access to a map where the patient’s is location is plotted. Over the map the doctor can easily locate pharmacy / hospital nearest to the patient and prescribe medication at real time. The body sensors for measuring the patient’s vital signs, Bluetooth enabled to aid ease of access and mobility. The sensors thus connect wirelessly to a gateway through which the data is sent to the server for processing. All patients’ records are transmitted through TLS connections and stored on a HIPAA compliant and FIPS certified Highly Available server. Block Diagram Doctor Console EKG monitor Blood Pressure monitor Glucometer Internet Gateway Devices Connected Via Bluetooth Pulse Oxymeter Firewall for Internet HIPAA Compliant System Peak Flow Meter Weighing Scale Stethoscope Patient side Web, DB & Video Server Web, DB & Video Server Analytics Following is the block diagram showing the list of the body sensors which measure the vital signs and the HIPAA compliant cluster used to store the medical records. All connections to the system are passed through a customized firewall to prevent undesired access to the system. System overview Registration process The Patient connects to the TeleDoc web portal and registers for an account. As part of the registration all the user credentials are accepted and the user is added to the database. Upon completion of the registration the TeleDoc Patient Software (TPS) module is downloaded on to the patient’s computer. TPS is responsible for encrypting control and medical data sent / received. Patient side The user starts the session with TeleDoc by clicking on the TPS software which invokes a web based connection to HA cluster. The TPS connects to each of servers as part of the HA cluster and examines the load on each system. Once the optimal server it chosen, TPS invokes a web based connection to that server. The user is prompted with a login screen where the user enters his credentials and the patient logs in. Doctor side The doctor connects to Teledoc server through a web based interface and interacts with patients When a vital signs need to be measured the doctor sends a command to the server The server requests the reading from the TPS software on the client side (patient) Patient communicates with the Bluetooth sensors and passes the value to the server Server processes it and sends the result to doctor and patient console. Control Flow Diagram Doctor Server Patient Connect_to_server() Connect_to_server() Send patient id Send Doctor id get_vital_signs() get_vital_signs() Bluetooth Sensors Send value Process Data Display Result Display Result