Alex Silva University of Arizona College of Education/MASTER-IP 1 Does the Data Collected Match Your Observations? Established Goals What content standards and program goals will the unit address? HS-PS2-1. Analyze data to support the claim that Newton’s second law of motion describes the mathematical relationship among the net force on a macroscopic object, its mass, and its acceleration. CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. For example, rearrange Ohm’s law V = IR to highlight resistance R. Analyzing and Interpreting Data Goal is for students to use lab results to conclude that increasing unbalanced force and/or decreasing mass increases acceleration of an object. Students will analyze the lab results graphically, mathematically and visually using graphing software and 3d modeling software. Stage 1 – Desired Results Transfer Patterns between physical variables measured in the lab can be represented mathematically and visually. Empirical evidence is required to differentiate between cause and correlation and make claims about specific causes and effects (NGSS Cause and Effect) Understandings Meaning Essential Questions Unbalanced force acting on a system is necessary for an object to accelerate. Direction of unbalanced force is same as direction of acceleration. Knowing what you know about Newton’s 2nd law, what do you think an engineer has to consider when designing an object that has to accelerate at a specific rate? How can the motion of a Proportional/qualitative falling object in a video relationships between game be designed to look mass, acceleration, and realistic? force. Acquisition Students will know … Students will be skilled at How force, mass, and acceleration relate to one another. Interpreting data to determine relationships between variables. mathematical relationships can be used to predict scenarios Using software programs (LoggerPro and/or Excel) to analyze data. empirical evidence supports claims of cause and effect Building models with software programs (Blender or Unity) based on data to analyze data visually. Explaining how their visualization supports their claims. 2 DOES THE DATA COLLECTED MATCH YOUR OBSERVATIONS? Stage 2 - Assessments Performance Task (in GRASPS format) Goal: Your task is to design, model, and animate a scene that realistically visualizes the data you collected in the lab so that it is easier for people viewing the animation to interpret if the data has a causal relationship and matches reality. Role: You are an engineer that needs to present your data in a visual, easy to understand format. Audience: Your clients are lab equipment designers and manufacturers. Situation: The lab equipment designers and manufacturers are concerned that when their equipment is used, data collected does not represent what actually happens. Specifically they are concerned that the motion predicted using their data does not match the actual motion of the equipment. They want to compare your visualization to a recorded video of their equipment in use. Product/performance: You will create a visualization of the data you collected to show a wide range of stakeholders the performance of their lab equipment and describe the specific causal or correlational relationship between measured variables. You will be assessed using the accompanying rubric based on your presentation and the visualization your group produces. A component of the assessment will also be based on your individual contributions to the project. Standards: HS-PS2-1. Analyze data to support the claim that Newton’s second law of motion describes the mathematical relationship among the net force on a macroscopic object, its mass, and its acceleration. CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. Other Evidence: Informal assessments will be used during class discussions after data is initially collected in the lab. Responses to bell work prompts that review learning from previous lesson. Worksheet answers with supporting work demonstrating the thought process for students to reach answers to questions. Responses to practicing with the model prompts that demonstrate understanding of how the model developed based on the relationships between the variables can be used. Quiz evaluating understanding of relationships between unbalanced force, mass, and acceleration. Performance based assessment with students collecting acceleration and force acting on system and predicting mass of system based on data collection and analysis. Student Self-Assessment and Reflection Reflect about daily learning for closure activity within notes Student review/self-evaluation at end of project Alex Silva University of Arizona College of Education/MASTER-IP 3 Does the Data Collected Match Your Observations? Stage 3 – Learning Plan W: Give students the performance task and the rubric for the end of unit project. They are headed towards a deeper understanding of the relationships between mass, unbalanced force, and acceleration of a system. They will have just finished units about kinematics so they should already have a good understanding of acceleration, so in this unit they are investigating what causes the acceleration and how exactly acceleration depends on the other two variables. Pre-Assessments What pre-assessments will you use to check student’s prior knowledge, skill levels, and potential misconceptions? Concept inventory of force interactions will show potential misconceptions and student prior knowledge before this unit. H: Show two virtual animations. One of a realistic simulation and one that This will determine does not look realistic. Then prompt students with the questions: how can students’ learning 3d models be generated to represent physical observations in the lab and experiences to confront possible misconceptions. how can 3d models be useful tools to analyze collected data? Students’ skill levels will be informally assessed as they E: Carefully designed lab apparatuses will be used by students to complete tasks in previous experience data collection with uniformly accelerating systems (cart units. rolling down ramp, cart being pulled by constant tension force, ball freefalling). Results and naïve conceptions will be discussed after students experience data collection to equip them with the understandings they need to be successful in this unit. R: Practice applying relationships to new scenarios and rethink or revise model as needed (this will be a longer step in the sequence with varied methods of introducing scenarios to students i.e. worksheet questions, lab scenarios, practicing with the model prompts) E: Students will present and discuss their lab results and the meaning that can be derived from the patterns with the data. In their note-taking they will also reflect/self-evaluate themselves as a closure activity with a prompt asking students to reflect on what they have learned (what they thought before, what they think now, and why it’s the same or changed) T: Practice scenarios will be given through varied methods. While this doesn’t tailor each activity to each student it does tailor the unit so that at least one activity aligns well with each student. The project is also done collaboratively in groups and each student will be able to contribute ideas/work to accomplish the project objectives. O: Students will first experience the phenomena in the lab, making observations and collecting data in order to determine what the acceleration of a system depends on. Students will analyze the data in groups, present their findings to the class, and the class will discuss the results. After students have collected and discussed data I will model possible applications of the results to new scenarios. I will demonstrate how to problem solve using the relationships derived from the lab, then Progress Monitoring • How will you monitor students’ progress toward acquisition, meaning, and transfer, during lesson events? During lessons I will monitor students’ progress with tasks and address student questions or concerns as they happen. I will be looking for students working collaboratively to advance through solving a problem and listening for evidence of acquisition, meaning, and transfer from the lab experience to new situations. • What are potential rough spots and student misunderstandings? Bigger mass bigger acceleration Mass always causes unbalanced force 4 DOES THE DATA COLLECTED MATCH YOUR OBSERVATIONS? students will work in groups problem solving, then they will take a small quiz individually. After the quiz, students will work collaboratively towards more complex problem solving and ultimately their 3D project. • How will students get the feedback they need Students will get immediate feedback from me and their peers during small group discussions Students will get written feedback on their assessments in a timely fashion. Alex Silva University of Arizona College of Education/MASTER-IP 5 Does the Data Collected Match Your Observations? APPENDICES The project for this unit is based directly on my summer internship at Raytheon. In the immersive design center, engineers work collaboratively to make high visual fidelity virtual reality environments that demonstrate fitment and/or performance of a product. They can visualize computational simulations to make data easier to understand and as a result, make the data more meaningful. Students will be visualizing data in a nearly identical way, so that they can better understand what the data is showing them. This will hopefully give students a deeper understanding of the relationships between the variables that they measure when collecting and visualizing data. The activities are also structured so that students will be working collaboratively to accomplish their assigned tasks. At Raytheon, projects are nearly never done individually but instead are always done in groups. Group work at Raytheon does not mean that one engineer does most of the work, while the other engineers struggle to find out how they can help. It means that each engineer has a specific set of skills and expertise that they bring to the project and the project wouldn’t be possible with out each person’s input. Similarly in my group activities I will be aware of groupings and try to situate groups so that there are students with strengths in 3D modeling, animation, or algebra. Each student will make significant, measureable contributions to make their final group product. 2) Computers with Blender installed will be necessary for the project and LoggerPro software and Vernier LabPro equipment will be necessary for the lab data collection and analysis. Labs that students will gather data from: Modified Attwood’s lab measurable acceleration, force, and or mass Cart rolling down ramp measurable mass and acceleration, solvable unbalanced force Fan cart measurable mass and acceleration, solvable unbalanced force 6 DOES THE DATA COLLECTED MATCH YOUR OBSERVATIONS? Animating an object constantly accelerating Objectives for this activity: 1. Make a model of an object that undergoes constant acceleration. 2. Animate the model using keyframes from the game engine. (or animate using keyframes like in previous activities using data you collected in the lab) 3. Render the animation in stereoscopic 3d. 4. Present the animation to the rest of the class, explaining the physics that caused the motion. Instructions for using the game engine after you build your model. Select Blender Game from the dropdown menu Select the object that you want to animate and open the Physics tab Change Physics type to Rigid Body Check Collision Bounds and change the bounds with the dropdown menu to match the shape of your object (triangle mesh if the object is an odd shape) Adjust the attributes to make the motion match your video of the lab equipment accelerating. Save the game physics to keyframes that can be rendered going to Game on the top toolbar and selecting Record Animation. Then open the render tab and press Start under the Embedded Player Render the animation by switching back from Blender Game to Blender Render and following the procedure from the previous Blender activities to render the animation in stereoscopic 3d. by Alex Silva University of Arizona College of Education/MASTER-IP 7 Does the Data Collected Match Your Observations? Rubric Visualization Model Animation Presentation Explanation of lab 0 Single basic geometric shape No animation Little to no explanation of data collection 1 Multiple basic shapes represent most of lab equipment Animation does not match video Explanation attempted but unclear 2 Multiple basic shapes represent all of lab equipment Animation resembles video but acceleration is either far too great or far too little Some of lab apparatus, procedure, and/or sources of error explained clearly 3 Models clearly represent most lab equipment Animation closely resembles video but doesn’t match frame by frame Most of lab apparatus, procedure, and/or sources of error explained clearly 4 Models clearly represent all lab equipment Animation appears identical to the video Lab equipment, data collection methods, and possible reasons for differences between animation and video are clearly explained Causal Little to no Some causal Most causal All causal All influences relationships explanation relationships relationships are relationships are of variables of causal are defined defined but not defined but not on one relationships but not clearly explained clearly explained another are between clearly or some causal or most causal clearly variables explained relationships are relationships are explained clearly explained clearly explained Mathematical Little to no Mathematical Some Most Proportional relationships explanations relationships mathematical mathematical and of do not relationships relationships mathematical mathematical represent and and relationships relationships group’s data proportionalities proportionalities between between but are match data but match data but variables are variables attempted most do not some do not clearly explained Out of 20 points possible