WICKFORD JUNIOR SCHOOL Market Road, Wickford, Essex SS12 0AG Tel: 01268 733071 Fax: 01268 570214 www.wickford-jun.essex.sch.uk admin@wickford-jun.essex.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr. T .Flitman – Chair of Governors: Mrs. F. Kemzura 13th February 2015 Dear Parent/Guardian, Managing medicines on school premises - Dfe Statutory guidance April 2014 The rules for administering medicines in school has been changed by the Department for Education. As you will see from reading below the new rules are somewhat stricter than before and are aimed to ensure that no medicine can been administered without very strict controls. I have instructed the school office that the following guidelines must be followed without exception. Bringing medicine into school All medication must be brought to the office by the parent. If the child’s medical form is not signed by the appropriate person we will be unable to administer the medication. We cannot accept any medicine brought in by a child without the parent/guardian present, even if they have a signed letter. Please do not give your child medicine to bring in to school. In these cases we will store the medicine in a safe place but will not be able to administer it. We are under no circumstances allowed to take any permission over the phone or by email. Calpol/Antihistamine Calpol/antihistamine can only be given with your written consent (please see attached sheet). In all cases the office are required to get specific instructions directly from the parent before administering the medicine. This is to clarify your child has not had any other medication that day. Regrettably, if we cannot get confirmation we are unable to administer the calpol/antihistamine. Please note this does not apply to children with care plans who may require urgent medical attention. Prescriptions/packaging All medicines, including creams, must be prescribed, properly labelled and in the original package. We cannot accept anything in any other form of packaging. We cannot accept medicine that reads ‘as directed’, please make sure the label has the correct instructions. If a dosage has been increased, for whatever reason during the course, we need to see written permission from the doctor or a new prescription - it is a criminal offence to give more dosage than is instructed on the packet. Reactions If your child has been taken to the doctors and prescribed medication we are not allowed to give them their first dose in case of any allergic reactions – this can happen to anyone regardless if they have had the medicine before as children can become very poorly. Please do not come straight to school from the doctors with their new medication. Working For Everyone Dosage If your child has been prescribed antibiotics which require 3 doses a day this means ‘3 doses spread over a 24 hour day’ not just a working day. Please ask your doctor for advice. Only in cases where they are advised to be given with food, which should be stated on the label, or where 4 doses are required should the medicine be brought into school. We are now only allowed to administer in exceptional cases. . Aspirin A child under 16 should never be given medicine containing aspirin unless prescribed by a doctor. Tablets Solid, whole tablets are not to be broken. We cannot crush or break up a tablet because your child cannot swallow them. If your child has problems swallowing tablets please make the doctor aware at the time and they may be able to give the medication in liquid form. Asthma Children with asthma should carry their pumps with them at all times, or should be readily available in class. Only spares that are provided are kept in the medical room. If your child does not have their pump in school they may not be able to participate in some school activities. Trips If your child is attending a school trip their whole medication, including original packet, must be taken with them. It will be given to a responsible adult to look after and administer when necessary. Medical information from Parents/Guardians Parents should provide the school with sufficient and up to date information about their child’s medical needs so the school can add or amend their child’s school records. Thank you for your co-operation in this. Mr Flitman Headteacher Working For Everyone