English Application

Thank you for your interest in the Good Market! This form should be used for artwork, clothing, accessories,
housewares, or other handicrafts. For other products, please use General form.
Please read the Good Market Standards and Vendor Information before completing the application form.
The Good Market is a curated event. Vendors are prioritized according to Good Market Standards. If you
have any questions, contact apply@goodmarket.lk or 0770 208 642.
Proposed Stall Name
Primary Contact Person
Contact Details
Website / Facebook Page
☐ I would like to be a Good Market approved vendor. I do not need a stall at this time.
I would like a Galle Good Market stall
I would like a Colombo Good Market stall
☐ Half stall (1,350) for 4 Saturdays: Rs. 5,400
☐ Half stall (1,500) for 4 Saturdays: Rs. 6,000
☐ Full stall (2,500) for 4 Saturdays: Rs. 10,000
☐ Full stall (2,250) for 12 Saturdays: Rs. 27,000
☐ Full stall (2,400) for 4 Saturdays: Rs. 9,600
☐ Full stall (2,150) for 12 Saturdays: Rs. 25,800
VENDOR TYPE (Select one)
☐ Non-profit organization trying to increase financial sustainability
☐ Social enterprise that was founded for a specific social or environmental mission and has a selffinancing business model
☐ Responsible business trying to increase social or environmental benefits
MISSION (Required)
The mission of our organization or company is:
SPECIAL SOCIAL / ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (Required for Arts and Handicrafts vendors.
Providing employment, quality products, and customer service are standard business practices and are
not considered special services)
We make a special effort to benefit society and / or the environment in the following ways:
☐ Level 1: Communicates We are able to explain our social / environmental services to the public
☐ Level 2: Monitors and Reports: We have social / environmental indicators and monitor our impact
☐ Level 3: Third-Party Certified: Our social and / or environmental impact has been independently
verified by the following accredited certifying body:
☐ I personally make all of the products myself
☐ I purchase products from others, but I have personally met all the producers and observed the
products being made
☐ I make some products and I purchase some products from others. I know the source of all the
Types of Products (List all)
Source (Who made it)
Any Other Info
MATERIALS (Select at least three to qualify for Level 2)
☐ Products are made from renewable raw materials that are sustainably sourced
☐ Products are made from recycled (upcycled) waste materials
☐ All dyes, paints, and other materials are non-toxic (e.g. no MDF wood, no azo dyes)
☐ All dyes, paints, and other materials used in the production process are handled and disposed of in a
safe and environmentally responsible way
☐ All materials, dyes and paints are from natural sources with no synthetic additives
Materials, Dyes, Paints, etc.
Source / Brand of
Material, Dye, Paint
Health & Environmental Safety Practices
☐ Preserves or develops traditional rural crafts
☐ Special steps taken to benefit disadvantaged or marginalized producers
☐ Profits reinvested to provide training and services to producers, their families, or their communities
☐ Level 1: Sustainably Sourced Every product comes from a known source. Products are developed
to maximize social / environmental benefit.
☐ Level 2: Sustainably Sourced and Responsible Materials Every product comes from a known
source. Products are developed to maximize social / environmental benefit. Materials are sustainably
sourced and responsibly handled.
☐ Level 2: Fair Trade PGS I have been approved under the Fair Trade Participatory Guarantee System
(Attach copy of latest PGS Certificate)
☐ Level 3: Fair Trade Certified I am certified fair trade by an accredited third-party certifying body
(Attach copy of latest Fair Trade certificate)
4. PACKAGING (Select one for Level 1, two for Level 2, and three or more for Level 3)
☐ Good Market Minimum: No Styrofoam. No plastic shopping bags. No single-use plastic bottles,
plastic cups, plastic containers, etc.
☐ All Packaging Biodegradable or Reusable or Recyclable: Packaging can decompose and leave no
toxic residue (e.g. leaves, paper, clay) OR packaging can be resealed and is safely reusable (e.g. glass,
#5 plastic) OR packaging is not made from compound materials and can be easily recycled in Sri Lanka.
☐ Sustainably Sourced: Packaging is made from recycled materials or has a social benefit
☐ Extended Responsibility: Packaging is collected by vendor for reuse or recycling
SPECIAL PACKAGE FEATURES (If any special package features, describe below)
I verify that all of the information in this application is correct. I certify that I have read and understood fully
the Good Market Standards. I certify that as a vendor I will only bring products to the Good Market that
comply with these Standards. I understand that the Good Market organizing committee may visit production
facilities or request additional information to verify that my products and/or services comply with Good
Market Standards.