Biology Chapter 3 Outline

Biology I Chapter 3 Outline
For graded assessments, you will need to be familiar with the
following terms:
Ecology, biosphere, species, populations, communities, ecosystem,
biome, autotrophs, producers, photosynthesis, chemosynthesis,
heterotrophs, consumers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores,
detritivores, decomposers, food chain, food web, trophic level,
ecological pyramid, biomass, biogeochemical cycles, evaporation,
transpiration, nutrients, nitrogen fixation, denitrification, primary
productivity, limiting nutrient, algal bloom.
A. To understand relationships within the biosphere, ecologists
ask questions about events and organisms that range in complexity
from _______________________________ to the entire________________________.
B. List the levels of organization on pg 64, figure 3-2.
C. The three basic approaches used by ecologists are
__________________, ___________________ & ______________________.
D. Observing is often the ______________________in asking ecological
questions; experiments can be used to _________________________________;
___________________ are made to gain insight into complex phenomena such
as the effects of global warming on ecosystems.
(STANDARD CLE 3210.2.1)
A. ___________________ is the main energy source for life on Earth.
Some types of organisms rely on the energy stored in
B. What is the difference between photosynthesis and
chemosynthesis? Refer to page 68, figure 3-5 and note the differences
between photosynthesis and chemosynthesis. Be able to give an
example of an organism that uses chemosynthesis to synthesize
C. Know the direction that energy flows in an ecosystem.
D. Understand the trophic levels illustrated on page 71, figure
3-8. List all 5 trophic levels shown.
E. Only about _____________________ of the energy available within
Trophic level is transferred to organisms at the next trophic level. List
the three types of ecological pyramids and distinguish between them.
(STANDARD CLE 3210.3.1)
A. Unlike the one-way flow of energy, ____________________ is
recycled within and between ecosystems. Biogeochemical cycles are
cycles in which elements, compounds and other forms of matter are
B. What is the water cycle?
C. Every living organism needs ____________________ to build tissues
And carry out essential life functions. Like water, __________________are
Passed between organisms and the environment thorough
D. Carbon is a key ingredient of living tissue. Please name and
briefly describe the four main types of processes that move carbon
through its cycle. ______________________________________________________________
E. Refer to page 77, figure 3-13 and be able to list at least 4
sources of Carbon in the biosphere.__________________________________________
F. What is the Nitrogen cycle?_________________________________________
Distinguish between nitrogen fixation and denitrification. ________________
What types of organisms are capable of fixing nitrogen and denitrifying?
G. What is the Phosphorus cycle? ___________________________________
Where is most of the phosphorus stored in the biosphere?
H. ___________________________________of an ecosystem is the rate at
which organic matter is created by producers. When an ecosystem is
limited by a single nutrient that is scare or cycles very slowly, this
substance is called a _______________________________________. When an
aquatic ecosystem receives a large input of a limiting nutrient,
(STANDARD CLE 3210.3.4)