Goal 7. Understand social, cultural, political, and economic institutions and their historical backgrounds, as well as human behavior and the principles of social interaction. They are able to: Outcome 7.1 Convey how issues relevant to social, cultural, political, contemporary/historical, economic, educational, or psychological realities interact with each other. Contexts and interactions (adapted from University of South Carolina Social/Behavioral Science rubrics) Knowledge of public issues (adapted from SUNY Geneseo Gen Ed Rubrics, Social Science) Initial 1 Cannot accurately differentiate social, cultural, political , contemporary/historical, economic, educational, or psychological phenomena; understands that they effect the behaviors of groups and individuals, but cannot use social science methods accurately to discuss or analyze a given situation or phenomenon. The student could not express the social, cultural, political, contemporary/historical, economic, educational, psychological, or moral aspects of a public issue. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY CHANNEL ISLANDS Emerging 2 Describes basic social, cultural, political, contemporary/ historical, economic, educational, or psychological structures and processes and accurately uses basic terminology; recognizes them in contemporary issues and can use structures and processes as analytical frameworks; understands the effects of these structures and processes on cultural, social or political groups and individuals within them. The student could express the social, cultural, political, contemporary/historical, economic, educational, psychological, or moral aspects of a public issue, but overlooked important aspects or made questionable judgments. Developing 3 Describes social, cultural, political, contemporary/ historical, economic, educational, or psychological structures and processes and applies knowledge to understanding and explaining their effects on human behavior; understands terms used to discuss these phenomena and the interactions of structures and processes and uses them to explain specific social problems and their effects on individuals. The student demonstrated a clear understanding of the social, cultural, political, contemporary/historical, economic, educational, psychological, or moral aspects of at least one public issues. Highly Developed 4 Accurately describes social, cultural, political, contemporary/historical, economic, educational, or psychological structures and processes in depth and can use several as frameworks for analysis; applies knowledge and appropriate terminology to understanding cultures and in explaining the interactions of political, economic, psychological and social structures and processes and their effects on individuals and groups. The student demonstrated a clear understanding of the social, cultural, political, contemporary/historical, economic, educational, psychological, or moral aspects of at least two public issues. as of February 2012