Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations WORKPLACE CHEMICAL AUDIT FORM All areas are required to ensure that their workplace is checked to confirm there are no hazardous chemicals in the area. Please note general household cleaning products are not classified as hazardous (e.g. Windex, dishwashing liquid). Please ensure however that any general household cleaning products in the workplace are appropriately labelled with any relevant safety information available. Refer to the NOHSC Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances for further information on classifying hazardous chemicals. If it is established that the work area does not have any hazardous chemicals or has only has general household cleaning products, sign the below declaration. If there are hazardous chemicals in your work area, please continue to the Hazardous Substance Audit form beginning on Page 2. No Hazardous Substances in the Workplace declaration form Location Date of Audit I confirm that the above mentioned area has no hazardous chemicals in the workplace and that where there are general household cleaning products, appropriate labelling and safety information is available. Audited By Endorsement and Sign-Off Name Signature Signature Date Supervisor / Manager Dean / Director Page 1 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015 Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations Instructions for Hazardous Substances Audit In preparation for the hazardous substances audit, obtain a copy of the area chemical register/stock holdings and an incompatibilities report from ChemAlert Not all sections of the audit form will be applicable to all areas. If not applicable, please answer “N/A”. Answering “No” to any questions indicates a need for corrective action to be identified and implemented. ECU will be migrating to the Globally Harmonised System (GHS) of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals throughout 2016. An overview of GHS is available here. It is recommended that where action arising from this audit requires a new / updated SDS, labelling or placarding that they meet GHS requirements. GHS compliant SDS can be printed from ChemAlert. Ensure that the sign off at the end of the audit form is completed and signed by all required parties. For further assistance or guidance please contact the Safety and Employment Relations team on extension 2302 or HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AUDIT FORM ACTION FOR COMPLIANCE 1 Are all hazardous substances used in your work area recorded in the chemical register in ChemAlert? 2 Are stocks maintained as equal to or less than the allowable maximum volumes recorded in ChemAlert? YES NO N/A ACTION REQUIRED/COMMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE TARGET COMPLETION DATE DATE COMPLETED Page 2 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015 Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations ACTION FOR COMPLIANCE 3 YES NO N/A ACTION REQUIRED/COMMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE TARGET COMPLETION DATE DATE COMPLETED Are Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available in the area for all hazardous substances used? If no, up to date SDS need to be obtained and GHS compliant SDS are recommended. 4 5 6 Are all Safety Data Sheets (SDS) kept in the area dated as less than 5 years old? If no, up to date SDS need to be obtained and GHS compliant SDS are recommended. Have risk assessments been completed for the hazardous substances held and used? Are the risk assessments reviewed every 5 years or if circumstances change? Refer to the Guidelines for the Assessment of Risks from the Use of Hazardous Substances document 7 8 Have approvals for the use of any carcinogens or products listed in schedule 5 of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations been obtained? Are all containers of hazardous substances suitable and undamaged? Note – hazardous substances should only be decanted into fit for purpose containers and labelled according to the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations section 5.12(3) For GHS WHS Regulations schedule 9 Part 3 Page 3 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015 Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations ACTION FOR COMPLIANCE 9 N/A ACTION REQUIRED/COMMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE If Yes, complete Flammable Liquids section of this audit form Auditors TARGET COMPLETION DATE DATE COMPLETED If no, it is recommended any new labelling is GHS compliant to WHS regulations schedule 9 part 3. Are all areas in which hazardous substances are used or stored well ventilated? 11 Are all hazardous substances safely stored and protected from damage? 13 NO Are all containers adequately labelled according to Occupational Safety and Health Regulations section 5.12? 10 12 YES Is compatibility of dangerous goods considered when storing? Storage incompatibility reports can be run from ChemAlert Are security measures in place for any chemicals identified as Chemicals of Security Concern? A list of Chemicals of Security Concern is available here 14 Are the amounts of solvents used stored kept to a minimum? 15 Does the area contain flammable liquids? Page 4 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015 Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations ACTION FOR COMPLIANCE 16 YES NO N/A ACTION REQUIRED/COMMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE TARGET COMPLETION DATE DATE COMPLETED Is regular atmospheric monitoring or health surveillance monitoring required for the substances used? If yes is it undertaken? Is there any bulk quantity storage of hazardous liquids? If yes, is the area bunded? 17 Bulk, in relation to a hazardous chemical, means any quantity of a hazardous chemical that is either in a container with a capacity exceeding 500 litres or net mass of more than 500 kilograms Are building placards required? If yes, are they displayed? 18 Placards are required if placard quantities of any Dangerous Goods are stored within the premises. Placard quantities are defined in schedule 1 of the Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage and Handling of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007) 19 Are all gas cylinders suitably stored and secured? 20 Are emergency isolation switches available, clearly identified and regularly tested? Page 5 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015 Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations ACTION FOR COMPLIANCE 21 If there is a fume cupboard, is a CO2 fire extinguisher located nearby? 22 Are emergency eye wash stations readily accessible? 23 Is storage and consumption of food and drink prohibited in areas where hazardous substances are used / stored? 24 Are spill kits available and procedures in place to clean up spills? 25 Are all spills attended to and dealt with immediately? 26 Are all hazardous substances disposed of according to the SDS and ECU requirements? YES NO N/A ACTION REQUIRED/COMMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE TARGET COMPLETION DATE DATE COMPLETED Page 6 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015 Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations ACTION FOR COMPLIANCE 27 YES NO N/A ACTION REQUIRED/COMMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE TARGET COMPLETION DATE DATE COMPLETED Are all workers, students and visitors who use the workplace made aware of the hazardous substances used and Safety Data Sheets (SDS)? 28 Are workers and students working with hazardous substances adequately trained and competent to do so? If no, is supervision provided? 29 Are workers and students who use the workplace trained to take necessary action in an emergency? i.e. spills, fire etc. 30 Is appropriate PPE available, in good repair and being worn as per SDS requirements? 31 Is training/instructions provided on the correct use and maintenance of PPE? Page 7 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015 Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS AUDIT CHECKLIST Must be completed where an area has flammable liquids Storage of flammable chemicals must comply with Australian Standard AS1940:2004 The Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids. Connect to Standards Australia ACTION FOR COMPLIANCE YES NO ACTION REQUIRED/COMMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE DATE TO BE COMPLETED DATE COMPLETED Storage of minor amounts intended as day-to-day working stock: 1 2 Do the quantities of flammable and combustible liquids stored fall within the allowable quantities for minor storage as noted in Table 2.1 of AS1940:2004? Do minor storage areas meet the requirements of section 2.2 of AS1940:2004 in terms of: - Separation distances for multiple minor stores on the same premises being separated by at least 20m indoor and 15m outdoor? - Separation of buildings containing minor stores - Separation between minor stores and other stores Page 8 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015 Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS AUDIT CHECKLIST Must be completed where an area has flammable liquids Storage of flammable chemicals must comply with Australian Standard AS1940:2004 The Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids. Connect to Standards Australia ACTION FOR COMPLIANCE YES NO ACTION REQUIRED/COMMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE DATE TO BE COMPLETED DATE COMPLETED General Requirements 3 Are containers kept closed when not in use? 4 Is there room to open/decant flammable liquids away from ignition sources? 5 Is the storage/decanting area clear of combustible waste materials and residues? 6 Are flammable liquids stored and used away from escape routes and at least 3m from any ignition source? Page 9 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015 Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS AUDIT CHECKLIST Must be completed where an area has flammable liquids Storage of flammable chemicals must comply with Australian Standard AS1940:2004 The Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids. Connect to Standards Australia ACTION FOR COMPLIANCE 7 YES NO ACTION REQUIRED/COMMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE DATE TO BE COMPLETED DATE COMPLETED Are relevant staff and students trained in the use and handling of flammable and combustible liquids? Page 10 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015 Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations ACTION FOR COMPLIANCE YES NO ACTION REQUIRED/COMMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE DATE TO BE COMPLETED Storage of amounts other than those classified as minor storage 8 Do the amounts of flammable and combustible liquids stored meet the storage requirements of AS1940:2004? 9 Do storage locations and separation meet requirements of AS1940:2004 Are flammable cabinets constructed according to regulations 10 (double-walled sheet steel construction, gap not less than 40mm between the wall; gaps are either an air space or filled with noncombustible insulation; floor forms a liquidtight compound at least 150mm deep. All shelves are perforated for free air movement) and does the cabinet need to be externally vented? 11 Are cabinet doors self-closing, close-fitting and held shut at all times? 12 Are cabinets marked legibly with the maximum capacity of the cabinet, a class label and words “no smoking, no ignition sources”? 13 Are appropriate fire extinguishers with suitable rating for use with the range of materials being kept located in the area? Page 11 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015 Safety and Employment Relations Safety and Employment Relations Hazardous Substances Audit Details Location Date of Audit Audited By Endorsement and Sign-Off Signature Signature Name Date Supervisor / Manager Dean / Director Page 12 of 12 HPRM Sub Folder: SUB/68324 Version 2.0 2016 Workplace Chemical Audit Form Uncontrolled when printed December 2015