1 Running head: Artificial Photosynthesis The Process of Artificial Photosynthesis Corey Thrasher Independent Study Mrs. Graves June 9th, 2015 Artificial Photosynthesis 2 What I knew and What I wanted to know In today’s world, there is a current and dangerous energy crisis. Gas prices at service stations are rising as the abundance of oil decreases. Many alternative energy sources have been developed; however, every alternative energy source comes with their own limitations and flaws. Solar energy can only be produced during sunlight. Hydroelectric power can only be obtained at a dam or a flowing river. Wind power can only be collected when there is strong enough winds to push the turbines. Also, each of these alternative energy sources comes with a high initial cost that is difficult to pay. It takes many years to turn a profit on systems such as these. I have always wondered if there was a better way to produce energy since humanity obviously is in dire need of a large renewable energy source. Also, I have developed an interest in the fields of chemistry and biology, so I wished to combine my passions into a solution. I didn’t know much about artificial photosynthesis besides what I knew about natural photosynthesis. Basically, I understood that artificial photosynthesis is a process in which light is absorbed to produce a product that contains high amounts of energy. I also knew that this system was driven by a series of oxidation and reduction reactions; however, I had no idea how this was possible without the use of biological agents which are utilized in natural photosynthesis. I’m a type of person that likes to understand things on a level that allows me to truly comprehend a subject to the point where it’s an extension of my own consciousness. I needed to know what I didn’t understand, so I could know what to research. I compared my knowledge of natural photosynthesis to artificial photosynthesis, so I knew where the black spots were. First I needed to initiate some capacity building. How does artificial photosynthesis work? What products can be produced by artificial photosynthesis? Can artificial Artificial Photosynthesis 3 photosynthesis be integrated into the global energy system? As I formulated my questions for capacity building, I soon discovered that they all had an over-arching question. How can artificial photosynthesis be used as an energy source? The Story of My Search As I might have expected, artificial photosynthesis is an extremely complicated region of science, and today, the process is still not perfected to the point that it is ready for industrial or commercial use. Before I realized I had an interest in artificial photosynthesis, I was enrolled in magnet molecular biology as a requirement of the math and science academy. Little did I know that this class would lead me to discover my passion within the field of chemistry. My magnet molecular biology teacher Mrs. Jackson, having a true appreciation for the science behind her profession, took her time to explain natural photosynthesis to our class. We spent two weeks to understand how the electrons excited by photons moves along the reduction and oxidation cycle. Without the information that I learned in magnet molecular biology, I wouldn’t have been able to research artificial photosynthesis and be able to grasp it within the time period I was given in academic study. Also, I took AP chemistry as an elective since I was so intrigued by this field of science when I was required to take magnet chemistry in ninth grade. As I was learning the science behind natural photosynthesis in magnet molecular biology, I was able to apply my knowledge from AP chemistry to give me a valid and true understanding of the process both on the molecular level and the chemical level. With this basic knowledge, I raced to the computer to begin my research. As most teenagers do when they are required to research, I went to Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Surprisingly, there were in depth descriptions of the artificial photosynthesis process. I began to understand; however, I realized that the information I was given was still too over my head for me to able to obtain an accurate understanding of the process. Artificial Photosynthesis 4 Another potentially fantastic aspect of Wikipedia, which most teachers don’t respect, is that at the bottom of the research article, there are many sources listed. These sources were used to compile the massive amount of information that appeared on Wikipedia, so I began looking at each of the supporting articles individually in order to better understand the subject. Many of the articles I researched through this process were scientific journals. As you might imagine, scientific journals are written for other scientists, so I still had a lack of understanding for the language of the discipline. There was a brief period of time where I didn’t have an idea of how to be able to grasp the subject. I believed that I had dived in to an intellectual pool that was much too out of my depth. On the following class, I began my research. On this attempt, I simply went down the list of websites that were loaded up when I typed artificial photosynthesis into the google search bar. Using this method, I found many sites that split the process of artificial photosynthesis into its individual steps. This greatly clarified the conundrum of artificial photosynthesis that still confuses many scientists to date. After developing a basic view of artificial photosynthesis, I reread the scientific journals. With clarity, I then began to understand the concept with some level of deeper understanding; however, I will not lie. The information was still very confusing, and there is still much that I need to learn. I began my notes section using the complex information of the scientific research articles. Then, I used my basic understanding of the subject from other websites and natural photosynthesis to covert the complex terminology into something that was easily understandable to me. The next step in this research process was to attempt to contact a professional with knowledge of the subject or a related field. As you might have guessed, the first person that came to mind was my magnet microbiology teacher, Mrs. Jackson. I developed a professional academic resume to be sent to Mrs. Jackson. Accompanying this letter, I delivered a letter of introduction which explained my intentions with relation to my research on artificial photosynthesis. To my great disappointment, Mrs. Jackson stated that I had learned well from her, and she could teach me no more than what she knew of Artificial Photosynthesis 5 natural photosynthesis within biological organisms. I had hoped that she would we able to clarify some remaining holes in my understanding of the subject; however, she referred me to the Ocean Lakes Biochemistry teacher. I was unable to set up a meeting with her in a timely manner that would have influenced this I search paper, but she will be a boundless resource in the future. With the knowledge that I learned, I hope to continue my research. This will hopefully transform into the ground work for senior project, and I can definitively answer my original research questions. The Search Results Artificial Photosynthesis is a chemical process that replicates the natural process of photosynthesis performed by plants and photo-bacteria. In both processes, carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight are converted into carbohydrates and oxygen gas; however, the methodology used in artificial photosynthesis is much more efficient than its natural counter-part. This is the reason that it is so important. Artificial photosynthesis can be a viable alternative energy source to take the place of harmful fossil fuels. Also, being that it uses solar energy to produce a variety of desired products, its potential is somewhat limitless. Artificial photosynthesis is accomplished either by a completely mechanical process or by a duel process which involves the use of bacteria. As in natural photosynthesis, energy must be collected from light. This is energy is absorbed in the form of photons. Select compounds and chemicals, such as fluorine, pyrene, and byodipy, are used to capture the photons from different areas of the visible light spectrum. In this fashion, the complete spectrum can be utilized in the process, increasing efficiency. The light harvesting complex transfers the photons' energy to the reaction complex, which leads to an electron being excited out of the complex. This electron is carried through the entire process in which it creates a current. This current causes a series of reduction/ oxidation reactions. Usually, a chromosphore is used as the reaction complex1. Artificial Photosynthesis 6 The energy from the electron transfer is converted to electrochemical energy (redox equivalents). Then, a water oxidation complex uses this redox potential to catalyze conversion of water to hydrogen ions or protons, electrons stored as reducing equivalents, and oxygen. A second catalytic system uses the reducing equivalents to make fuels such as carbohydrates, lipids, or hydrogen gas. This is the process where carbon dioxide is reduced to create the desired products. The oxidation/reduction redox reactions are accompanied by catalysts that lower the activation energy so the reactions can occur at reasonable and profitable rates. These catalysts can be either biological enzymes are simple inorganic substances. Hydrogenase, a natural catalysts for the reduction of water to hydrogen fuel can be a coupled process to the artificial photosynthesis process. Manganese, gold, and rubidium are typical catalysts for the oxidation and reduction reactions2. The electron eventually cycles back into the chromosphore to replace the electron lost, and the process continues. A similar version of artificial photosynthesis uses a bioreactor. In this process, tungsten and platinum nano-tubing captures photon energy, and transfers this energy to bacteria and cyanobacteria. In one, a reduction process occurs, and in the other bacterium a oxidation reaction occurs. The process is also cyclic. The difference using this process is that different products can be made. Also, there are varying efficiencies. Since this process is designed to be more efficient, it can be used as an alternative energy source. The energy produced by this process could be a viable way to power our world as we attempt to cut our use of fossil fuels3. Artificial Photosynthesis produces energy by absorbing photons that drive a series of redox reactions resulting in a desired product, usually being hydrogen fuel. The energy stored within this fuel can be released via burning and converting it to electricity. This electricity can then be added to the electrical grid, adding to the available energy for human consumption2. This is important since humanity is running out of viable resources for energy production, and artificial photosynthesis represents a limitless source of power. Artificial Photosynthesis 7 To determine if artificial photosynthesis can be a viable option to implement into the global energy system, we must first look at its possible products. Artificial Photosynthesis can produce a variety of products: Hydrogen fuel, bio-degradable plastics, medicines, simple carbohydrates, and other chemicals like acetate. However, not all of these products can be converted to electrical energy. Hydrogen fuel can be ran through a combustion generator to produce electrical energy4. The energy produced by an artificial photosynthesis process varies depending on the focal point of light hitting the light harvesting points on the system. So, an artificial photosynthesis system can't be connected directly into the global energy system because the electrical grid can only receive energy in fixed quanta. An option to get around the quanta problem is to store the energy before implementing it into the global energy system. To do this, the use of batteries would be required, and they would need to be able to store considerable amounts of energy. Previously mentioned in one of my blog posts are liquid fuel cells or "flow" batteries. These batteries can store large amounts of energy and implement it out steadily over a set period of time3, 5. Artificial photosynthesis can be used to create a great array of products. These products can be used for energy consumption, fuel, and medicine among other things. This is incredibly important because the Earth is running out of fossil fuels, and the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is reaching levels where an ice-age could emerge. This could be a renewable source of energy. Recent discoveries in artificial photosynthesis have been achieved with the formulation of a network that can absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions before they are released into the atmosphere and then, powered by solar energy, convert that CO2 into valuable chemical products, including biodegradable plastics, pharmaceutical drugs and even liquid fuels. Scientists are also developing a so-called gaselectrolysis system^3. This consists of an electrolyte sandwiched between two thin porous electrodes that mimics some of the processes occurring in leaves, but at a much larger scale. Close contact between CO2 and water molecules occurs in the artificial system. When gold, a catalyst, is added to Artificial Photosynthesis 8 boost the process, the CO2 is transformed into carbon monoxide and the water into hydrogen. With scaling-up of the system, this mixture of gases could be processed into various fuels, including hydrogen, or useful organic materials such as alcohol^6. Scientists with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California Berkeley have created a hybrid system of semiconducting nanowires and bacteria that mimics the natural photosynthetic process by which plants use the energy in sunlight to synthesize carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. However, this new artificial photosynthetic system synthesizes the combination of carbon dioxide and water into acetate, the most common building block today for biosynthesis^4. While some research groups are particularly interested in using the technology to mop up CO2 and so counter global warming, he says the potential benefits are much broader than that. Outputs could include: proteins for feeding humans and livestock; sugars for direct consumption; cellulose fibers for use as textiles; isoprene, rubbers and sealants; or sustainable fuels including hydrogen (from water) and ethanol^1. Most of the Hydrogen based products can be used to produce electricity at an industrial scale. In a sudo-mechanical-biological system, many carbohydrates can be produced via the use of bacteria. This in turn can provide food, energy, and medicine^2. Most of the bio-fuels produced can be decomposed to form natural gas or methane gas, the main component of natural gas. This is a clean burning fuel. Interestingly, this process can produce biodegradable plastic which could eventually save the environment from the massive amount of littered plastic produced by humanity^3. Until the efficiency of the system is increased, the products will not be worth the initial cost. Since artificial systems consume carbon dioxide in the process of artificial photosynthesis, they could be used to filter the excess CO2 out of the atmosphere^6. After this research, I have learned a lot about artificial photosynthesis. This information will be important in the future in relation to my academic research for my senior project. Artificial is a vast and Artificial Photosynthesis 9 complicated subject, but I have developed a desire to continue my compiling of knowledge within the subject area of artificial photosynthesis. MY GROWTH AS A RESEARCHER During this tremendous experience, I have truly grown as a researcher. I have learned how to start with very little experience on a complicated subject and establish an understanding. As a result of this I search paper, I have learned how to use google scholar to research scientific journals. Also, I have learned how to establish contact with a professional via a letter of introduction. Although I received a no, I have learned how to acquire knowledge through the aid of a professional, so this will greatly benefit my journey to being a professional in the scientific community. Artificial Photosynthesis 10 Cited References 1. Listorti, A. (2009, December 12). Solar to Fuel. Nature Materials. Retrieved May 29, 2015, from http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/v8/n12/full/nmat2578.html 2. Bockris, M. (1985, August 13). On the splitting of water. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Retrieved May 29, 2015, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0360319 985900254 3. Hammarström, L. (2008, March 27). Coupled electron transfers in artificial photosynthesis. Retrieved May 29, 2015, from http://techtv.mit.edu/videos/633-daniel-nocera-describes-newprocess-for-storing-solar-energy 4. Tard, C. (2005, February 10). Synthesis of the H-cluster framework of iron-only hydrogenase. Retrieved May 29, 2015, from http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/23/business/energyenvironment/liquid-batteries-for-solar-and-wind-power.html?ref=science&_r 5. Heyduk, A. (2001, August 31). Artificial Science. Retrieved May 29, 2015, from http://www.ecosmagazine.com/?act=view_file&file_id=EC117p10.pdf 6. Yano, J. (2005, August 23). X-ray damage to the Mn4Ca complex in single crystals of photosystem II. Retrieved May 29, 2015, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/articl e/pii/S1369702108702505