2013 “Who are the students from junior high school” ESSAY “Always been regarded adolescence as a difficult stage of life, rebellious, challenging for institutions such as schools. Until the beginning of the process of education reform in the nineties, the problem of junior high school explained by authoritarianism and rigidity of traditional education, which did not include any interest or the needs of students …” EDNA YOLANDA ARELLANO PÉREZ. PROFR. DE LA ROSA LEYVA JUAN GERARDO OBSERVACION DEL PROCESO ESOLAR. 17/02/2013 WHO ARE THE STUDENTS FROM JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL? INTRODUCTION Always been regarded adolescence as a difficult stage of life, rebellious, challenging for institutions such as schools. Until the beginning of the process of education reform in the nineties, the problem of junior high school explained by authoritarianism and rigidity of traditional education, which did not include any interest or the needs of students or maybe some of them but, If schools and teachers encouraged student participation, living arrangements established, favoring creativity and personal construction conducive to learning and skills development by incorporating content on the response of the pubescent and adolescent students would be different: active, enthusiastic, committed with knowledge that it is the principal objective in junior high school and in all basic education. Many times only believe that a junior high school student is one who does not like to the rules of the school or she/he is a rebel, and the junior high school student hear most people imagine troubled youth. So the focus of this essay is on who are the junior high school students? , And this questions is for us, people who want to be teachers and and between our principal objectives are:, to learn more about the people who we are going to teach, we will work and live together for three years, what they like and dislike about school and teachers, and to know how they imagined the school, when they studied the elementary school. WHO ARE THE STUDENTS FROM JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL?. It is observed that the student can assess all school activities, and with this plan or the secondary system is specially designed to educate and train adolescents with a clear objective, which is to educate them for life, that students are trainees, future citizens with the capacity to choose and decide. One of the parts of this essay treats of how students imagine junior high school when they attended the primary school, there are several opinions that they imagined it is very large with beautiful gardens and well care, with several laboratories, and much better facilities, than the primary infrastructure, some others imagined it difficult in terms of subjects and be dealing with a teacher for each of them and not with only one as in the primary, another factor is of the tasks that they thought that it was very difficult to accomplish all the tasks teachers responsible for them and as these are various, students caused them fear the thought of all the homework that teachers could leave them. Another factor that they had a little scared is the time for the break, thought that this was more little than from their previous school. Well that's what the young people thought before being registered and course it, but now that they are studying it, their opinion is different for example, they have discovered that is not anything difficult work with different teachers at once, or the infrastructure of the school in which they are studying to meet their expectations with respect to the infrastructure that they imagined. They say that attended high school is one of the stages more beautiful from the life is here where they have lived many experiences that may not return to later, and being already pursuing it is not as difficult as they imagined it is, although here make mention of a very important point in the education that it's about teachers who teach at this level which discusses the most teachers only are concerned by a number or assign a grade without even knowing well to students and not worry about what they like or dislike them. The objective is clear however it is contrasting to see that students do not feel adapted to the system is more like a "misfits school" feeling, teachers are being far, authoritarian, incomprehensible, they are the closest element that have students with the educational system and it is the element that causes more rejection, there is a gap between adults and 'them' and teachers the mark each that can be so intolerant and they don’t listen to them, and this is the principal problem that students said, the students only want be attended. Other factor is the school organization, principals, teachers and support staff also contributes to approach with adolescents, but any of the activities within the school allows them to practice and exercise these skills. Students consider (expectations about the school): Junior high school as a link in the chain of knowledge that intend to carry out, consider it a requirement for superior achievements and that is the importance that confers to them alone is to comply with the requirement, not linked to reality nor its context, the utility give you process it and is there where it is perhaps his detachment and lack of interest since they do not consider that this brings them something or will be useful for something more than to go to the top-level in a time there 'something' better. Perhaps the most important element for students is the social context that surrounds the school secondary, is the place where limited can be individual beings, they encounter a world where relations, personal, friends, dating, etc., are the motor shaft in their personal life; they are in high school space to link up with their "peers" and that is perhaps the most motivating aspect offered by the school while he also stressed them because development in the informal school world is of vital importance. The majority of the students mentioned (the high school students think and experiences) that when they are in high school if it meets their expectations, because the majority of the teachers are trained, their secondary facilities are not bad and treat them with respect, although they also make mention that there are some situations where it is not a good organization from the school (civic events etc.) and they recommend that there are some things that they could improve at school, such as facilities, more supporting material in the classrooms and teachers with more knowledge of the subject. CONCLUSION. As personal conclusion I can say that high school students are young people who are part of it, is why teachers and staff working at the school, should know them in a more profound way and that not only think they are young people problematic only by that they cross through a very hard stage as adolescence that in which they face various physical, psychological and cognitive changes. It is essential that teachers know what they like and what they dislike to the young and to generate strategies to teach their subject from this knowledge. From this knowledge we as future teachers, we generate, develop and implement strategies in future so that students learn in a way more enjoyable and fast so that young people fulfill their purposes and goals, because they are the future of our country, that we are committed to the society and it is our responsibility and commitment addition to choosing this profession is that we have a vocation and that vocation is the teach for life and not for the moment. BIBLIOGRAFIA Bibliografía Los alumnos de secundaria opinan,en Cero en conducta, añoII, Núm 9, Mayo. (1987). México: Educación y cambio pp-19-25. Bibliografía (2013). Experiencias (salón de clases). Los alumnos de secundaria opinan,en Cero en conducta, añoII, Núm 9, Mayo. (1987). México: Educación y cambio pp-19-25.