OFFICE OF SECRETARY I. i. MEETINGS The Secretary, as a member of the Board of Directors, will attend the following meetings: Combined Sections Meeting, all Section Executive Committee and Board meetings, all Acute Care Section Meetings, and other meetings deemed appropriate and necessary by the APTA and/or the Section. ii. Newly elected Secretary may attend CSM prior to taking office for orientation with the outgoing Secretary. II. MINUTES i. The Secretary will record the minutes during all Section meetings ii. The Secretary will send a draft of the meeting minutes to the Section office for distribution to all Board members for review within two weeks of each meeting. The Section office will distribute the meeting minutes to all Board members within 30 days of the next scheduled meeting. iii. The Section office will send a draft of all meeting minutes to the APTA within two weeks of each meeting, and a final approved copy to APTA when approval for the minutes is obtained. iv. The Executive Committee and/or Board will approve or make corrections to the minutes at the next scheduled meeting. Changes will be made by the Secretary and forwarded to the Section office for revisions and distribution. If there are no changes, Secretary will cross out DRAFT at the top of the minutes and reflect approval of the minutes in the next meeting’s minutes. v. The Secretary will maintain copies of all Section meeting minutes. vi. A copy of the minutes of all Executive Committee & Board of Directors meetings will also be filed with the Section Office, with a copy to APTA Components. vii. The Secretary will provide a copy of the approved minutes to the President for the next meeting's information packet, if needed, in advance. Acute Care Section March 24, 2015 Page 1 III. i. COMMUNICATIONS The Secretary will prepare a written report prior to each Executive Committee and Board meeting on all activities performed as Secretary since the last meeting. ii. The Secretary will submit the highlights of the Executive Committee/Board meeting to the appropriate Section publication after each Executive Committee/Board meeting, listing the Executive Committee/Board actions which were taken. iii. Any Acute Care Section communication, other than e-mail that is sent from the Section, should reference the Section’s Strategic Plan as our reason for any actions taken. IV. i. GENERAL The Secretary will initiate and maintain any written correspondence as deemed appropriate and necessary by the Section President or Board. ii. The Secretary will assume responsibility for maintaining a current / updated version of the Section Policy and Procedure Manual. V. i. FINANCIAL The Secretary will submit an annual budget for the office of Secretary which reflects reasonable requests and anticipated expenses. ii. The Secretary will submit to the Treasurer, an itemized report of expenses for reimbursement following each national meeting. Acute Care Section March 24, 2015 Page 2