Getting into Genes - Zoe-s-wiki

Getting into Genes
Getting into Genes
Unit Plan
TEACHER Jacquetta McGonagle
Strand Achievement Objectives to be
Social Studies Onlin
5 weeks
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
Resources and Economic Activities
How and why individuals and groups make
decisions about the use of resources, goods and
- explain how and why people make
decisions about using genetically
engineered resources, goods and services.
Learning Outcomes
Values Exploration
Students will:
- explain, with depth of understanding,
why people hold differing values
positions on GE
- be able to describe a range of
consequences of people holding differing
values positions on GE and the
significance of these.
Achievement Standard Externally
Learning Outcomes
1.2 Examine people's participation in society.
Students will
- explain, in depth, reasons for people's
participation in society and the effects of
- use information and examples that
reflect varying perspectives
Achievement Standard Internally
Learning Outcomes
1.4 Examine differing values positions
Students will
-explain why people hold differing value
positions about genetic engineering
-describe a range of consequences of
people holding different value positions
about genetic engineering.
-describe the significance of these
New Zealand; Global
Current Issues
Essential Learning About New Zealand Society
- Development of NZ's identity and ways
this is expressed
- Changing patterns of economic activity
and trade
Achievement Standards being assessed
1.2 Examine people's participation in society (formative)
1.2 Assessment Schedule
1.4 Examine differing values positions (summative)
1.4 Assessment Schedule
Select and adapt these learning activities to best meet the needs of your students,
and to fit the time available:
1. Starter Activity - Defining Terms
a. Genetic Engineering or Genetic Modification? Are you muddled about
these terms? Most organizations use the terms genetic engineering and
genetic modification without making a clear distinction between them.
For the course of this unit we will take these terms as being
interchangeable. Check them out for your self on
 Definition of Genetic Modification (pdf - requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader)
 What is Genetic Engineering?
b. Create a concept map to identify some of the key concepts and ideas
underlying genetic engineering.
c. Set up a Definition map.
d. Match Up Definitions
e. What are the two sides to the issue?
f. What do cartoons tell us about the issue?
Biotech illustration for Environment Hawaii
GE Cartoon
iii. GE Cartoon
Of Cabbages and Kings Sample Cartoons
2. Activity - The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Genetic Modification
Use 5 Ws and 1 H and record information about the Royal Commission of
For example:
What was the Royal Commission?
Why was it set up?
3. Getting your head around the GE debate
. Draw up a PMI table. The PMI stands for Plus Minus Interesting
a. Skim read the following web sites and note down points about the GE
debate that are a plus, a minus or interesting.
The Shifting Sands Of the GE Debate
GE Debate: Line Drawn In The Sand
4. Fact or Myth?
Put these statements into the correct columns MYTHS and FACTS.
Use it to survey your friends and family. Compare your results and file them
for reference later.
5. Examining viewpoints for and against genetic engineering
. Check out these sites:
Pro GE sites
Monsanto Bioteechnology
(NB: biotechnology is synonymous with genetic
Food Biotechnology: Talking Points
Greenpeace Founder Supports Biotechnology
Anti GE sites
Monsanto -- a major player in GE Technology
GE Free NZ - News
P.S.R.G.= Physicians and scientists for responsible genetics
PSRAST - Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application
of Science and Technology
Friends of the Earth
a. Set up a continuum with "For GE" at one and "against GE" at the other.
Choose 2 individuals or groups that are against GE and choose 2
groups that are for GE and plot where they are located on the
continuum. NOTE: Try and reflect just how strongly the person/group
feels by their position on the line.
b. Give a reason for why each of the four groups feels this way.
c. Place yourself on the line. Write a sentence to explain why you chose
that location.
6. Consequences
. To examine the consequences of GE in society, complete the template.
Use all the websites you have examined so far.
a. Use a highlighter or a colour pencil and highlight the consequences that
are positive for society.
b. Highlight in another colour consequences that are negative for people.
7. People's Participation in Society 1.2 - formative assessment
How and why do people make decisions about GE food? People feel very
strongly on this issue and are prepared to take a stand, which includes social
action. Have a look at one action taken by an anti GE group.
Choose an anti GE person/group, eg. either Jeanette Fitzsimons or Sue Kedgely
and a pro GE person or group such as Norman Borlaug or C.S. Prakash or
Monsanto and work through the following activities:
. Complete the structured overview diagram.
a. As a representative of your group/individual, write an informative
article for a newspaper explaining what you feel about GE. Make your
article easy to understand and relate to for everyday people. Include
any diagrams or sketches if you wish.
Assessment Schedule
You can see an example of a 1.2 assessment format
8. Close to Home - Supermarket Survey of GE Foods
Find out the following:
 What is ERMA?
 What is Food Standards Australia New Zealand?
 What is HNSO?
Group work: Divide into groups of 3-5
Survey: Gather information as to the current GE foods on the shelves and
labeling. Students could record whether or not the food has been genetically
modified from the label. For a list of.. To see how we know we are buying GE
products, check out: GE Foods on the market
List as many GE foods as you can find and categorise them into like products
(eg. Soy products). Indicate any that are labeled as a GE product with a star.
Combine your info as a class and draw some conclusions about GE foods in
our supermarkets (ie. how much and the type).
9. Not in My Back Yard - 1.4 Values Exploration Summative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Assessment Schedule
See also a sample 1.4 assessment "The Mighty Mall"
10. Wrap up
Create your own political cartoon (See this English Online unit for more on
political cartoons) representing a point of view on genetic engineering from
what you have learnt.
11. Have your say by contributing to the forum
Anderson, B. Ph D Exploding the Myth of Genetic Engineering 2nd Edition
Publisher enquiries
Royal Commission
GE Free NZ
This material has been produced by UNITEC Institute of Technology
under contract to the Ministry of Education.
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