INTRODUCTION Solving the problem of life safety is to ensure normal (comfort) operating conditions of people, their lives, to protect the human and the environment against harmful interference in excess of the regulatory allowable levels. Maintaining optimal conditions of human activity and rest creates prerequisites for higher working capacity and productivity. Provision of labor safety and recreation contributes to the preservation of life and health of people by reducing the injuries and illnesses. If we consider the number of accidents, industrial injuries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while the majority percent takes just enterprises that serving to all industries with technical means, equipments, etc. Linkages with this question on safety and labor protection is very actually. Therefore, in the diploma project we are considering actual problems of labor protection in LLP “Techno Trading LTD”. LLP "Techno Trading LTD" established on the basis Mangyshlak Promgeophysic in 1999 in Almaty, the main production of company located in the Mangistau region. The enterprise is appear service enterprise in the petroleum industry. The main activity of company geophysical, shooting-blasting operations in oil and gas wells and production repair of oilfield equipment. In LLP “Techno Trading LTD” used equipment such as the installation of pre-clean the inside of pump and compressor pipes, installation of wastewater treatment and water recycling, machinecouplingscrewdriver, hydraulic test rig, lathe, electrical overhead traveling cranes, etc. Found numerous dangerous and harmful physical factors: moving machinery; various lifting and transport devices and move loads; unprotected movable elements of production equipment (drive and transmission mechanisms, cutting tools, and moving the rotating tool eth.); flying objects, worked material and tools, electric current, high temperature surfaces of equipment and process materials and harmful factors of anthropogenic origin (noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation and others.), associated with production. The considered enterprise does not have a separate department of labor protection. Introduction to the production plan office of labor potection certainly, will play a positive role in the preservation of life and health of employees in the workplace, including legal, socio-economic, sanitary and other measures. The purpose of this diploma project is to research the safety and labor protection in the LLP “Techno Trading LTD”, the development of measures to improve safety and working conditions in the enterprise. 1.1 Main responsibilities and functions of “Techno Trading LTD” LLP "Techno Trading LTD" formed on the basis Mangyshlakskaya Industrial Geophysics in 1999 in Almaty, the main production company located in the Mangistau region. The enterprise is appear a service enterprise in the oil and gas industry. The main activity of geophysical, shooting-blasting operations in oil and gas production wells and repair of oilfield equipment. During the period of formation and development, the company's management did not go on the way up similar operations in the region, and on the way of development of new technologies, the use of modern high-tech equipment often has no analogue in the region and in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main customers are: JSC "Mangistaumunaigas" LLP "OSC", LLP "OCC", LLC "OTK" and other oil and gas sector Mangistau. Today LLP "Techno Trading LTD" - is a diversified, stable working and competitive company that has in its arsenal: the management of Geophysics; shop for repair of oilfield equipment; repair shop tubing and rods; shop for repair of electrical equipment; land drilling and blasting. The result of 12 years of development are integrated manufacturing base with unique equipment, modern organization and production planning, professionalism and high intellectual potential of the team. Number of employees in this time - 280 person. 1.2 General information of facility Fasility Zhetybai located in the western part of the peninsula Mangishlak and administrative subordination is included in part Karakiya district of Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The nearest fasility settlement are Zhetybai village (1km), Kuryk district centre (60 km), the city of New Uzen (70 km), 80 km the city from Aktau. In regard to spelling district is vast plateau, plateau immersed in the southwest direction. Marks relief vary from 145 to 170 meters. The climate is continental. Precipitation falls to 140mm. The absolute maximum temperature plus 47℃, absolutely minimum minus 35℃. The average annual air temperature is 10℃, the area characterized by strong winds and dust storms. Winds prevail northeast direction. The depth of the frost line reaches 1 meter. 1.1.2 Management on repair of pump and compressor pipes (MRPCP) Management on repair of pumping and compressor (MRPCP) founded in 2006 and put into operation in 2007. Equipped with automated complex of modern equipment, allowing the full cycle of repair of pump and compressor pipes and rods deep pumps (PR). Management is located directly on the Zhetybai Mangistau region. It consists of 5 buildings and a separate pre-wash area, has an autonomous heat supply, gas, electricity. The management RPCP includes: Area receiving, sorting and culling pumping and compressor pipes (after a hot wash)-shed #5 and #6; Area cleaning the pumping and compressor pipes from the salt deposits shop #2; Area sorted handling pumping and compressor pipes and flow to the area of cleaning and repair shed #4; Area cleaning and repair of the pumping and compressor pipes- shop #1; Area sorting and packaging of finished products-shed #3; Area cleaning and repair of sucker rods (SR)-shop #1. Supplied to repair equipment (pumping and compressor pipes, rods) after pre-sorting come to the site pre-treatment, where the preliminary (visual) rejection of the pipes and rods. Conventionally acceptable pipes and rods are fed to a hot wash. After washing by transport systems come to the site grading, where, after a separation of control pumping and compressor pipes into 2 streams: 1 Salt deposits pipe coming to the site clean from solid deposits, where the removal of deposits from the internal surfaces of the pumping and compressor pipes - shop #2. 2 Pumping and compressor pipes without salt deposits on the transport system of the vehicle are supplied to the primary site of repair, where they undergo a full cycle of repair. Pipes after cleaning hard deposits, also on the vehicle comes to the site repair shop #1. Pumping rods after prewash TS served on the site of repair, where the full cycle of repair - shop #1. After the repair of pumping and compressor pipes and rods arrive at the warehouse of finished products. Performance (input) is (planned): PCP ∅ 73×5.5-up to 1000 pipes/night Rods – up to 800 units/day 1.1.3 Section on repair pumping and compressor pipes (PCP) - shop #1 Performance, pipes / day - up to 1000; nominal diameter tubing in accordaning with GOST 633-80, mm – 73, 89; length of PCP, m. – 5.5 ÷ 10.5. Table 1- Name of the basic operations, characteristics of the equipment Nomination Characteristics of the process Washing and cleaning of the Working fluid - water, inner and outer surfaces of the Operating pressure of pumping and compressor pipes water - up to 23.0; 40.0 Name of equipment Automated line washing, water recycling system and from oil and paraffin. MPa water treatment. Table 1 continues Nomination Gauging Flaw detection, automatic application of technological marking. Loosening joints Characteristics of the process Control template according with GOST63380 Control parameters: the continuity of the pipe material, thickness measurement; boundaries of defective sections of pipe. Till 6000 Automatic segment of defective sections of pipe Machining Bimetal segment saw 2,465 x 27 x 0.9 (mm) Threading according to GOST 633-80 Screwing the new couplings With electronic torque control Pressure 30,0MPa Hydrotest Hot-air drying The temperature of 70˚...80˚ C Measure the length of the pipe Measured pipe length, the total length of the package, the number of pipes Marking Application of the mark indentation, up to 20 characters at the end of the coupling Setting transport plugs on the thread Formation of a predetermined number of packets pipe length or sorted by groups of strength Keeping records of Identification number manufacture and certification pipes, maintenance of of PCP computer certificates. Name of equipment Installing templating with automatic length defective areas. Automated inspection line, equipped with the instrument system "Uran-2000M". Auto Markers with industrial inkjet printer. Machine couplings screwdriver Machine belt cutting. Pipe Threading Lathe specialized type RT 772. Mufti-screwdriver machine Installing the hydraulic test drying chamber Setting the measurement of length Setting the branding program-controlled Booth Stillage system with stored ACS system PCP and certification 1.1.4 The purification section of the solid salt deposits pumping and compressor pipes (PCP)- shop #2 Productivity, pipes / day – till 200; Nominal diameter of the pipes in accordance with GOST 633-80, mm - 73; 89; The length of tubing, m – 5.5 ÷ 10.5 Table 2 - Name of the basic operations characteristic of the equipment Nomination Washing with hot water to remove the paraffin oil (if necessary) Table 2 continues Nomination Pre-clean the inner surface of the pipe from the salt deposits shock-rotational method. Finishing washing pipes Characteristics of the process -0.5 MPa pressure, temperature - 95˚C Characteristics of the process Working tool, drill bit, the drummer Name of equipment Installing a hot wash Name of equipment - Final cleaning of the Installing the washing inner surface of the and finishing pipe pipes by means of cleaning. nozzles. Waterpressure up to 80 MPa 1.1.5 Section on repair of rod pumping shop #1 Complex equipment designed to perform the following operations: cleaning rod, received after the operation, unscrewing couplings, thread control, editing, destructive testing (non-destructive testing), on the basis of grading of "fit"-"marriage" screwingclutche sand, bagging. Technical parameters: Performance, pcs/ day - 800; Rod size(GOST 1387796); Length, mm - 8600-9000; Diameter, mm - 19 ÷ 22. The installed capacity of the units, kW - 250. Table 3 - Characteristics of equipment Nomination Automated installation of Operations Cleaning the outer Note Purification by water washing surface of the rod from circulating without the asphaltene chemical additives under resinparaffinig high pressure. contaminants AFS. Couplingscrewdriver machine Unscrewing the couplings with rods. Installing straightening rod Edit the end portions end portions of the rods Machine for straightening Edit the body bars and body bars. ensure straightness its axis according to the requirements of GOST. Automated system for Detection of surface inspection bodies and fillets and structural defects rod "Uranium 2000SHM" unacceptable rod body and surface defects fillets according to the requirements of GOST. Table 3 continues Nomination Couplings machine Operations Wrap joints on the bar. Note - Automated control system for the repair of sucker rods Designed for software linking of process equipment, the issuance of the necessary information for accounting issue renovated and the number of defective rods, the formation of reporting documentation. - 2 Basic legislative rules and regulations In connection with the above present for all sections of RPCP, sucker rod pumps are the most dangerous work, including work with the technical equipment. Therefore, the organization must comply with all legal and regulatory issues, and must provide their workers regulations (comfort) working conditions. Thereby, first of all should work on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (May 15, 2007). Except the above-indicated laws, the company must comply with all requirements of the Law of Technical Regulation (November 9, 2004, with additions 2012). The main purpose of the Law "Technical Regulation" is: In the field of compulsory regimentation: ensuring the safety of products, processes for human life and health and the environment, including flora and fauna; ensuring national safety; prevention of actions misleading consumers regarding the safety and quality of products and services; elimination of technical barriers to trade. On the basis of this law in the Republic of Kazakhstan has the technical regulations for each production site. The organization shall comply the following requirements of technical regulations: 1 Technical Regulations "Requirements for signal colors, markings and safety signs at work sites" Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 29, 2008 # 803. Application field of technical regulation: Signal colors, markings and safety signs should be used on objects to attract people's attention to the danger, dangerous situation, warning the danger of a possible outcome in the case of neglect, regulations or requirements of certain actions, and to communicate relevant information. The choice of the type, size, order of application, number, place of installation and location of signal markings and safety signs must meet the requirements of this Technical Regulation, as well as governmental, intergovernmental, international standards approved for use in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, construction and sanitaryepidemiological rules and norms, labor protection regulations and, fire safety, duly approved. 2 Technical Regulations "General requirements for fire safety" Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 16, 2009 # 14. This Technical Regulation "General requirements for fire safety" adopted in order to: 1) Implementation of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan: November 22, 1996 "About Fire safety", dated July 16, 2001 "About Architectural, urban planning and construction activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan", dated November 9, 2004 "Technical Regulation"; 2) Protect the life and health of citizens, property of individuals and legal entities, as well as state property from fires. 3 Technical Regulations "Requirements for Safety of low-voltage equipment" Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 23, 2009 # 42. This Technical Regulations "Requirements for Safety of low-voltage equipment" extends to produce for circulation in and commissioned low-voltage equipment: new, not previously been in operation, regardless of the country of origin; in service after modernization; were in operation imported into the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this technical regulation under the low-voltage electrical equipment means an electrical equipment corresponding to the definition of Section 2 of this Regulation and intended for use at nominal voltage up to 1000 V alternating current and inclusive to 1500 V inclusive direct current. 4 Technical Regulations "Requirements for Safety equipment, operating under pressure "Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 21 December 2009 # 2157. This technical regulation "Safety requirements for equipment operating under pressure" establishes requirements for equipment operating under pressure, and the processes of its life cycle. 5 Technical Regulations "Requirements for Safety ventilation systems" Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 2, 2009 #234. This Technical Regulation "Safety requirements for ventilation systems" dilate ventilation systems and their components used in the manufacturing facilities. 6 Technical Regulations "Requirements for Safety of hot water and steam boilers" Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 15 December 2009 # 2126. This technical regulation " requirements for safety hot water and steam boilers" (hereinafter - Technical Regulations) establishes requirements for the safety of hot water and steam boilers operating at a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa, and hot water heating temperature above 115 ℃, as well as to the processes their life cycle. 3 Special chapter 3.1 Actual problems of labor protection in the management of repair pumping and compressor pipes (MRPCP) 3.1.1 Labor protection measures Measures to the organization in order to ensure effective working conditions. For safe operation, shall be responsible the operators of facilities. Chief mechanic responsible for the proper and safe operation of electrical and inspection instruments. Chief mechanic instruct, shall be responsible for compliance with safety regulations and sanitary hygiene, proper use of special clothing and safety products workers. And the head is involved in the investigation and elimination of accidents, industrial poisoning. All employees of pre-employment are attestation commission. The composition of the attestation commission includes chief engineer, safety engineer, chief mechanic, chief electrician, department of frames. According to the character and time of holding instructing on labor safety are divided into: introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted. Introductory instruction performs work safety specialist, or the person to whom the order of the company (board decision) assigned these responsibilities to the program developed by occupational health services, taking into account peculiarities of production. In order to improve the qualification annually workers are pass online learning. According to the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Article 312, the employer at its own expense shall arrange for periodic medical examinations and surveys of employees engaged in heavy work or work under harmful (particularly harmful) and (or) dangerous working conditions, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan . Workers employed in jobs associated with increased risk, machines and mechanisms, must undergo a medical examination before their shifts. List of occupations requiring pre-shift medical examination determined by the authorized state body in the field of public health. 3.1.2 Industrial accident By accident affects the following hazardous and harmful physical factors: moving machines and mechanisms; various lifting and transport devices and moving cargo; unprotected movable elements of production equipment (gearing and transmission mechanisms, cutting tools, and moving the rotating tool eth.); particles flying off the processed material and a tool, an electric current, increased surface temperature of the equipment and processing materials, etc.