Gliding Glacier Lab - Closter Public Schools

Gliding Glaciers - LAB
A glacier is a large, moving mass of ice. Glaciers are responsible for shaping many of
the Earth’s natural features. Glaciers are set in motion by the pull of gravity. As a
glacier moves, it changes the landscape, ending the surface over which it passes.
The material that is carried by a glacier erodes the Earth’s surface, gouging out
grooves called striations. Different materials have varying effects on the landscape. By
creating a model glacier, you will demonstrate the effects of glacial erosion by various
Purpose: ( What are we trying to demonstrate?)
Model the effects of glacial erosion using various materials.
Material: (What things are being used in the experiment?)
3 ice cube containers
metric ruler
Procedure: (How is the experiment done?)
1- Fill the ice cube containers with
a. Gravel(1 cm)- fill with water
b. Sand ( 1 cm) – fill with water
c. Plain – fill with water
2- Freeze ice cube container
3- Retrieve ice cube container from the freezer and remove the three ice blocks
from the containers
4- Flatten out clay
5- Hold the plain ice cube with a towel, and press it as you move it along the
length of the clay. Do this 5 times. In the space below, sketch the pattern the
ice block makes in the clay.
6- Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the ice block that contain sand.
7- Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the ice block that contains gravel.
Prediction: (What do you think will happen?)
Results: (What really happened)
Plain ice cube : ( include drawing of the results )
Sand ice cube : ( include drawing of the results)
Gravel ice cube : ( include drawing of the results)
Did any material from the clay become mixed with the material in the ice
cubes? (Explain)
Was any material deposited on the clay surface? (Explain)
What glacial features are represented in your clay model?
Conclusion: ( Why did this happen?)
Compare the patterns formed by the three model glaciers. Do the patterns
look like features carved by alpine glaciers or by continental glaciers?