Allan Wilson Centre Summer Studentship 2011-2012 Student: Mick Westbury Supervised by: Prof. Lisa Matisoo-Smith/ Dr. Ann Horsburgh Domestic sheep Modern domestic sheep are believed to have been first tamed and domesticated during the Pre-pottery Neolithic B period, approximately 9000 years ago. Evidence has shown that a number of different domestication events have occurred and given rise to the multiple maternal haplotypes that can be seen in modern domestic sheep (Meadows et al., 2007). The two major maternal lineages have been coined haplotypes A and B. Other minor lineages have also been found; haplotypes C, D and E. Studies have shown that haplotype A most likely originated of the Asiatic mouflan sheep (O.orientalis) eastern populations while haplotype B most likely originates with Asiatic mouflan sheep populations found in Turkey and western Iran (Horsburgh and Rhines, 2010). Descendents from these original domestication events can be found all over the world. Examples of such include the fat-tailed sheep in South Africa, Romney sheep in New Zealand and Merino European sheep. These sheep are seen as major sources of income and food in their respective countries (Almeida, 2011). South Africa is home to a wide range of sheep breeds (Snyman and Jackson-Moss, 1970), some of which include the fat-tailed breeds Damara, Namaqua Afrikaner, and Ronderib Afrikaner. These breeds are now gaining more international recognition as “no-care” breeds and are consequently well suited to live sheep trades. These breeds are much more robust than many European wool breeds and can tolerate more extreme environments along with large changes to their environments so are starting to become more identified as potentially economically valuable breeds (Almeida, 2011). The Damara and Namaqua Afrikaner indigenous South African sheep breeds arrived alongside the Khoi people as they migrated south, to Southwest Africa. Whereas it is believed that the Ronderib Afrikaner are a descendent breed from a sheep breed that migrated with the Khoi people but are still separate from the Damara and Namaqua Afrikaner breeds (Soma et al., 2011). These 3 breeds were the topic of this study. Namaqua Afrikaner is an ancient breed of sheep which are most likely to have been originally bred by the Nama people in the Northern Cape and Southern Namibia. This breed is the most endangered of the South Africa region. The ancestors of the modern Damara sheep breed most likely originated in South-West Africa and Namibia. These ancestors are thought to have been bred by, but not restricted to the people of the Himba, Sjimba and Herero (Almeida, 2011). The Damara are a valuable sheep breed in South Africa as they undertook a migration through Africa, taking hundreds of years. This migration was undertaken without any veterinary interventions meaning not only human artificial selection acted upon the species but so did natural selection. Natural selection acted for disease resistances and abilities to cope with different environmental conditions. Damara are now considered an ideal sheep breed for harsh South African farming conditions because of this and is most likely why they are the most common of the indigenous sheep breeds in South Africa (Du Toit, 2008). Finally, Ronderib Afrikaner is a sheep breed indigenous to the Cape region of South Africa. The origin of its name comes from its round ribs. Ronderib is a highly endangered breed and is mainly found only at specific research stations. This is because its meat quality and characteristics are less economically valuable than sheep breeds like Dorper (Almeida, 2011). The aim of this study was to determine the maternal haplotype types from 3 different sheep breeds found in South Africa; Damara, Namaqua Afrikaner, and Ronderib Afrikaner by sequencing their complete mitochondrial genomes. The knowledge of these haplotypes will help to determine where the breeds may have originated. Methods 57 sheep tissues samples, in the form of ear clippings were taken from 32 Damara, 15 Namaqua Afrikaner and 10 Ronderib Afrikaner sheep. The Damara and Namaqua ear clippings were obtained from a farm owned by Dawie du Toit in Prieska in the Northern Cape of South Africa and the Ronderib samples were obtained from another farm in the Northern Cape of South Africa. DNA was extracted using Qiagen’s DNeasy animal tissue DNA extraction kit and manufacturer’s protocol. The extracted mitochondrial DNA was initially amplified as two separate fragments. The 8911bp LR1 fragment of the mtDNA genome was amplified using primers OvisLR1_F and OvisLR1_R, while the 8008bp LR2 fragment was amplified using primers OvisLR2_F and OvisLR2_R. PCR amplification reactions used 27μl of PCR reagents and 3μl of extracted DNA. Each PCR reagents mixture contained 6μl of long range buffer, 1.2μl of dNTPs (0.4mM of each nucleotide), 0.6μl forward (F) primer (0.4μM), 0.6μl reverse (R) primer (0.4μM), 0.9μl DMSO (3mM), 0.5μl LR enzyme (0.083U/μM) and 17.2μl ddH2O. PCR conditions consisted of an initial denaturation period at 92°C for 2 minutes, 10 cycles of; denaturation at 92°C for 10 sec, annealing at 55°C for 10 seconds, extension at 68°C for 8 minutes 30 seconds, 20 cycles of; denaturation at 92°C for 10 sec, annealing at 55°C for 15 sec, extension at 68°C for 8 minutes 30 seconds with 20 seconds being added to each step after each cycle, and a final extension step at 68°C for 7 minutes. After the PCR amplification reaction, samples underwent gel electrophoresis and were run on SYBR safe stained 2% agarose gels in TAE buffer to see if the target DNA fragments had amplified correctly. Successfully amplified PCR products were purified using QIAGEN MinElute PCR purification kit and protocol. The DNA concentration of the purified PCR products in ng/μl was obtained by using a nanodrop spectrometer. Purified PCR products then underwent a fragmentase reaction to cut the long range PCR products into smaller fragments for sequencing. 1μg of total DNA from each sample was used which contained equal quantities of each amplified fragment. 2μl of fragmentase reaction buffer, 0.2μl of BSA was added to the DNA then ddH2O was added to make 18μl total volume. The reagents were incubated at room temperature for 5 minutes before 2μl of fragmentase enzyme was added. The reaction then underwent an initial incubation at 4°C for 1 minute before being incubated at 37°C for 18 minutes. After that, 5μl of 0.5M EDTA was added to stop the fragmentase reaction. Products from this reaction underwent a cleanup process by using a QIAGEN MinElute reaction cleanup kit and the manufacturer’s protocol. Breaking the complete mitochondrial genome into 2 fragments had a low success rate for many of the samples so each of the two fragments LR1 and LR2 were broken up and amplified as 2 fragments. LR1 was amplified in 2 fragments, a 5364bp fragment using primers OvisLR1_F and OvisLR3_R and a 4083bp fragment using primers OvisLR3_F and OvisLR1_R. LR2 was also amplified as 2 fragments, a 4132bp fragment using primers OvisLR2_F and OvisLR4_R and a 4472bp fragment using primers OvisLR4_F and OvisLR1_R. These shorter fragments then followed the same protocol as the longer ones and had higher success rates for amplification. Primer name Primer sequence 5’- 3’ OvisLR1_f ACCACACCCCCACGGGAGAC OvisLR1_r ACACGCCTAGTGCGATGGTAATGA OvisLR2_f CCTTGCCCCCACACCCGAAC OvisLR2_r GCGGTGGCTGGCACGAGATT OvisLR3_f TGGGCTCCACCCCCACGAAA OvisLR3_r GGGTTGGCCTAGTTCGGCG OvisLR4_f AGGGCCCAACACCCGTCTCA OvisLR4_r TGGCTGTGAAGGAGGTGGCG Table 1: Primer name and sequences Results Due to time constraints, the need to order new LR enzyme and ordering new primers after the low success rates of the original ones, this project could not be completed so no results were obtained during the given 10 week period. However, this project will still be finished in collaboration with Dr. Ann Horsburgh. The samples will be fragmented, tagged and sequenced using a 454 sequencer. Side projects As a side project while Primer orders were arriving, Nguni cattle mtDNA was extracted and amplified. This was done using the same protocol as mentioned above for the sheep. The complete mitochondrial genome was amplified as two fragments. One fragment used primers BOS534 and BOS511 to amplify while the other used primers BOS535 and BOS510. References: Almeida, A. (2011). The Damara in the context of Southern Africa fat-tailed sheep breeds. Tropical Animal Health and Production 43, 1427-1441. Du Toit, D., J. (2008). The indigenous livestock of South Africa. Horsburgh, K., Ann. and Rhines, A. (2010). Genetic characterization of an archaeological sheep assemblage from South Africa’s Western Cape. Journal of Archaeological Science 37, 2906-2910. Meadows, J. R. S., Cemal, I., Karaca, O., Gootwine, E. and Kijas, J. W. (2007). Five Ovine Mitochondrial Lineages Identified From Sheep Breeds of the Near East. Genetics 175, 1371-1379. Snyman, M. A. and Jackson-Moss, C. A. (1970). A comparison of leather properties of skins from ten different South African sheep breeds, (ed.: South African Journal of Animal Science Association of Crop Science, Uganda. Soma, P., Kotze, A., Grobler, J. P. and van Wyk, J. B. (2011). South African sheep breeds: Population genetic structure and conservation implications. Small Ruminant Research.