sample - Primary Research Group

What are the penalties at your college for underage drinking?
Community College
1) If they live in the residence hall, they will be removed from housing. If they do not
live in the residence hall, they will have other sanctions imposed by the code of
conduct officer,
2) Depends on the situation and can range from warning to suspension.
3) Referral to law enforcement; suspension or expulsion from the College.
4) First offense--warning; second offense--disciplinary probation with an educational
sanction; third offense could possibly by suspension.
5) Report to parents and law enforcement; college sanctions will depend on nature of
the offense, and responsiveness of student to our intervention.
6) n/a
7) $100 fine and mandatory 6 hours alcohol awareness course
8) Subject to judicial review for student conduct violations
9) Zero Tolerance
10)written warning eventually suspension
4-year College
1) Disciplinary probation up to expulsion depending on circumstances
2) Disciplinary probation and the Individual Reflective Experience (IRE) Program
through University PD on the first offense. Subsequent offenses depend on the
3) Through our judicial office there is a hearing, on-line modules and 3 - 6 months on
housing probation for first offence. Second offence is a referral to my office for
assessments plus community service hours. Third offense is a formal hearing where
you may be separated from housing for one week. A letter is sent home at the
second offense.
4) 2 strikes in the residence hall and then eviction
5) referral to counseling, referral to BASICS program, housing probation
6) In general, 4 step sanction process - written warning, 1st probation and parent
notification, disciplinary probation, and parent notification, suspension from the
college and/or residence halls with a fine imposed for each sanction except warning.
7) There is range based on number of violations and perceived individual need.
8) Similar to a warning for first offense. Sanctions increase if violations occur again. If
EMTs intervene, we use an on-line alcohol assessment program for education.
9) Varies from fines to expulsion.
10)Warning Education-online and research/papers Disciplinary Probation Parental
Notification Suspension from campus housing and/or the College
11)Depends on the circumstances---was there also destruction of property? If not,
there are no fiduciary penalties but repeat offenders may be removed from the
Residence Halls
12)Completion of an education-focused alcohol program; responsibility paper;
probation typically one semester in length
13)Progressive approach that takes into consideration the level of the student's
involvement and any prior conduct of similar nature. Low level: Online module,
reflection paper, apology, warning, constructive/educational activity; med level:
Community restoration project, AOD seminar with addiction counselor; High level:
Seminar about decision-making run by our experiential education staff, mandated
assessment (hold to recommendations of assessment) suspension, and dismissal.
14)Alcohol education classes, substance abuse counseling, disciplinary probation,
disciplinary suspension
15)Depends on the circumstances (if while in a clinical setting, up to and including
16)Ranges from probationary periods to suspension or dismissal, contributes service
hours, fines, mandated assessments, mandated online course work, suspension or
dismissal from housing, housing restrictions.
17)1st offense - probation ATOD classes, reflection essays, community service,
journaling, and possible meetings with the Dean of Students.
18)fines, counseling, community service
19)1st offense--6 hours community service, $50 fine, reflection paper; 2nd offense--10
hours community service, $100 fine, parent notification, BASICS session; 3rd
20)From warning, educational sanction, community service, and/or up to dismissal
from the College.
21)Probation, suspension
22)Usually warning or probation and often an educational package of sanctions.
23)Students found responsible must take our 90-minute alcohol education course. We
also work with the city to offer a DIVERSION program for students and non-students
found responsible in our community for underage drinking. This has been very
effective in reducing recidivism for these types of offenses.
24)Drinking tickets or required counseling
25)Alcohol awareness program, community service, possible suspension from school
26)Disciplinary meeting and a notation in a disciplinary file, referral for the BASICS
intervention, letter home to parents to indicate that an infraction of the alcohol
policy has occurred. If the circumstances warrant it, higher level sanctions such as
probation from the residence hall or the university, and/or deferred suspension for
the institution. In the most extreme cases, expulsion from the university for a period
of time, or permanently.
27)Alcohol course, $50 or $150 fine and possible required assessment.
28)Fines, suspension from clubs and other privileges as determine by University.
29)Don't know
30)Students get charged with either underage consumption or possession. All students
are assessed by an on-campus substance abuse professional and must follow the
recommendations from the assessment.
31)counseling, fine, online education
32)see previous questions
33)anything from a warning to expulsion
34)Student can drink at the age of 18 in this country, so very few students have to be
monitored for under-age drinking. When we do have 17 year olds coming on to
campus, we monitor them at University events.
35)30 day Social Probation -1st Semester SP - 2nd Dismissal - 3rd
36)2 session alcohol class, legal involvement
MA/PHD and Research Universities
1) Community service. Mandated counseling/education.
2) The following are possible sanctions which may result from a failure to follow the
Alcohol Policy. 1. Underage Students in the presence of alcohol. a. First offense:
disciplinary warning, parental notification, alcohol education program. b. Second
offense: parental notification, alcohol education program, monetary fine. 2.
Underage possession and/or consumption of alcohol or open container of alcohol in
public area or unconcealed transportation of alcohol. a. First offense: disposal of
alcohol, disciplinary warning, parental notification, alcohol education program,
monetary fine. b. Second offense: disposal of alcohol, parental notification, alcohol
education program, monetary fine, probation. 3. Use of false identification to
secure alcohol. a. First offense: disposal of alcohol, confiscation of false ID, parental
notification, monetary fine, probation. b. Second offense: disposal of alcohol,
confiscation of false ID, parental notification, alcohol education program, monetary
fine, probation, removal from University housing. 4. Furnishing and transporting
alcohol for a minor. a. First offense: disposal of alcohol, disciplinary warning,
alcohol education program, monetary fine. b. Second offense: disposal of alcohol,
monetary fine, probation, removal from University housing. 5. Possession of a
common source of alcohol (including, but not limited to, keg, party ball, etc.) a. First
offense: confiscation of alcohol, parental notification, monetary fine per person
involved, probation, removal from University housing. b. Second offense: disposal of
alcohol, parental notification, monetary fine per person involved, removal from
University housing, suspension from the University. 6. Use of alcohol resulting in
involuntary, erratic or abusive behavior (including vandalism). a. First offense:
parental notification, alcohol education program, monetary fine, restitution,
probation. b. Second offense: parental notification, monetary fine, restitution,
probation, removal from University housing, suspension from the University.
3) Educational sanctions first minor, first-time offenses; probation and loss of
privileges for others.
4) Probation and Alcohol Edu
5) Probation, must attend alcohol or drug education program, and letter home to
parents (for entering freshmen).
6) Probation, suspension, expulsion.
7) Probation, suspension, expulsion.
8) First Offense: For students under the age of 21, a parental contact letter detailing
incident written by student for file and future delivery upon subsequent offense; A
monetary fine of $100; and --- alcohol education module completion and 5 hours
community service project to be determined and monitored by the Office of Student
Affairs; or --- 2 page typed reflection paper and 10 hours community service project
to be determined and monitored by the Office of Student Affairs. If the violation
took place at social event, see organization and event violations policy later in this
subsection. Second Offense Monetary fine of $200, six month probation, parental
contact letter for student under the age of 21 detailing incident written by student
for file and future delivery upon subsequent offense, and Alcohol Education/
Counseling Assessment ($10 administrative fee). Individual Disruptive or
Repetitive (3rd or Greater) Alcohol Violation Monetary fine of $300, participation in
substance abuse counseling class and/or assessment (includes a $50 administrative
fee), 25 community service hours, parental contact letter sent for students under the
age of 21, and minimum of 6 month suspension (may be deferred upon
consideration of potential for remediation). If the violation took place at social
event, see organization and event violations policy later in this subsection.
9) Depending on type of violation: probation, assessment; educational session; loss of
10)Range of penalties varies based upon several factors and range from admonishment
to expulsion.
11)Police issue tickets initially. A student loses their housing contract, and finally a
student could be asked to leave the institution for some amount of time.
12)Probation, educational course, potential eviction from on-campus housing, referrals
to individual counseling.
13)mandated meeting with Community Standards office
Table 6.1 In the past three years at your college has any student been
expelled for violating the school's policies on alcohol use?
Entire sample
No Answer
Table 6.2 In the past three years at your college has any student been
expelled for violating the school's policies on alcohol use? Broken out
by Enrollment
Less than 1000
More than 9000
No Answer
Table 6.3 In the past three years at your college has any student been
expelled for violating the school's policies on alcohol use? Broken out
by Annual Tuition ($)
Annual Tuition ($)
Less than 9500
More than 32000
No Answer
Table 6.4 In the past three years at your college has any student been
expelled for violating the school's policies on alcohol use? Broken out
for public and private colleges
Public or Private
No Answer
Table 6.5 In the past three years at your college has any student been
expelled for violating the school's policies on alcohol use? Broken out
by Carnegie class or type of college
Carnegie class or type
of college
Community College
4-Year College
MA/PHD Granting
Research University
No Answer