www.interface-parentforumredbridge.org.uk CHILDCARE Introduction This response is submitted by Interface. Interface is a parent carer led Parent Forum. We are parent carers of disabled children and young people in Redbridge. Summary of questions Affordability 1. Why is childcare for a disabled child often more expensive and what can be done to reduce the costs of providing childcare for this group of children? Childcare is a business for many people. It is more expensive because people (individuals or businesses) feel they need to be more skilled or they will require more time to care for our children and that will have an impact on the number of children that can be looked after. There is also a cultural problem in that people have negative perceptions of disabled children and many think they should only be looked after in specialist and not in mainstream provisions. People often do not see the child and do not see the possibilities, only the difficulties. This becomes greater the more health and behavioural complexities there are. Family members can often struggle to accept and work with our disabled children unlike non disabled peers which also reduces the wider pool of support. We do not like begging people to take or look after our disabled children. 2. To what extent does the current system of support with childcare costs help parents with disabled children to meet the additional costs of childcare? It works for some families where the level of needs is not too much to impact caring ratios, but the more complexities that are added in in terms of behaviour and/or health needs the more impossible it becomes. Many families cannot even find carers for their children using the direct payments system and some may need 2:1 support. None of this is factored into the child care planning. 3. If there was to be financial support to meet the additional costs of providing childcare for disabled children, how could this be most effectively delivered? What do you think are the pros and cons of offering extra support either directly to parents or the providers, or via local authorities? If it goes to providers they might still not provide the care. Local authorities are not that good at assessing needs especially those that relate to behaviours as reflected in continual battles for services for some families. They may have specialist services in early years to support these assessments but they tend to relate to nursery and school provisions. The financial support offered had got to reflect actual needs. The Children and Families Act is trying to join all of this up better maybe you need to write it into the new regulations relating to EHC Plans and have it included as part of that funding which families can choose to take as money or services. Availability and inclusion 4. What are the barriers to extending access to suitable childcare for disabled children and what can be done to address them? Negative societal attitudes – need more positive messages especially for very learning disabled children like the new Disability Matters E Learning being developed by RCPCH and others. People should not be scared of our children. Too much work for too little money – there needs to be a legal incentive on someone to commission such services or ensure they are in place. More specific data is also needed to understand the needs as broad headings do not work. Such a new national data set has been developed and will soon be implemented through Chimat. Each child is unique and individual. Lack of skills and confidence – most people do not understand our children and many are not good at listening to parent carers and assume they know it all when they do not. Parent carers are also rightly concerned about quality of provision since many of our children are very vulnerable. 5. Do you agree that families with disabled children and young people experience fewer early years and childcare options compared to other families? If so, why is this and what can be done to address this? Yes – see above. - Are the reasons the same/different for older disabled children (eg 14 plus) - They get more magnified and difficult and the staffing ratios for some of our children will grow. Additionally disabled children may be more vulnerable and not have friends to come home with or at all and they cannot rely on wider social networks of support that others can. It gets harder as they get older because lots of the short breaks provision reflects what they had as children too in the holidays – ie. Few days and limited hours. - Are they the same/different for disabled children from BME communities? - The same in all communities as even in non BME communities academic excellence is valued and those who struggle or have learning disabilities are seen as being lesser human beings and having less value. - Are they the same/different for disabled children living in rural areas - Are they the same/ different for children with complex health/medical needs? - The issues will be greater – but also for those with challenging behaviour who will be the most marginalised of all. 6. What are the different challenges in extending access for disabled children for: pre-school childcare providers; See above. wraparound school or holiday childcare providers; Not geared up and lots of planning to try and make things work which may happen or may not depending on how receptive they are. They can fill provisions with non disabled children. providers of childcare for older children; and See above others, i.e. children’s centres? Limited spaces for children with differing and complex needs. 7. What is the role the following bodies or organisations should play in improving the availability of childcare for disabled children and what is needed to enable them to fulfil this role? National and devolved government Legal mandates to act and to listen to families direct. Local authorities and their health partners Legal mandates to act and to listen to families direct. Early years providers, including childminders Legal mandates to act and to listen to families direct. Schools (mainstream and special) It would be good if they could have more provision but they do not even for non disabled children. Legal mandates to act and to listen to families direct. 8. What can be done to ensure that inclusive childcare becomes the norm for disabled children going into the future? For some children there should be no question of their not being included its blatant discrimination. Disabled children are not a homogeneous group. For those with more complex behavioural, health and learning needs there needs to be specialist planning and commissioning. We feel quite disillusioned about the Equality Act as disability is at the bottom of the pile. Quality 9. What are the reasons childcare offered for disabled children can be lacking in quality and what do you think needs to be done to improve this? Quality for learning and care needs will require in-depth understanding of the needs and aids and resources to support those needs. Most of this is unlikely to be in place as it is also something families themselves may not have and will have to fight for or get themselves. For example some families have to pay for therapies and learning resources and language and communication resources. The EHC planning process may improve this if it is done well. 10.Are there particular groups of disabled children who are better or less well served by current childcare provision? Those with challenging behaviour are unlikely to have any and they will also not be able to access after school or other clubs and will be quite isolated. One family commented that even the wider family would not want to look after her son because of his complex behavioural and learning needs. 11. To what extent is the childcare workforce equipped to provide high quality care for disabled children? What role do the following people/ organisations have in improving the standard of childcare for disabled children? National and devolved government Local authorities Early years providers, including childminders and individual staff Schools (mainstream and special) Ofsted For all of them they lump all of our children together and they are not the same. They are unique individuals with their own needs. Not many people apart from parents seems to be able to tell the difference between learning difficulty and disability; speech and language disorders and difficulties, These are all very important to understanding the child. Existing commissioning and lack of any intelligent data means that no one but families know who our children actually are. The new data set should make a difference (see enclosed NNPCF paper and data set). Access 12.What more do you think needs to be done to improve the information provision to ensure that families are aware of the provision available in their area? Work with and deliver it through local Parent Carer Forums like Interface as they will be trusted. Families will be put off by bad experiences and if there is a lack of trust it soon spreads around communities. Equally Forums like Interface can promote confidence among its members and more broadly. June 2014