Nutrition Quick Facts

Nutrition Quick Facts
Food Choices
Always be conscious of what you’re eating and the choices you make
o If you want to lose weight or feel better, first work on the small day to day choices, these add up!
o How will it benefit you in terms of recovery, satisfaction, nutrients?
o How will it make you feel?
o Google some of your favorite foods and learn more about them
Try to choose whole foods
o Brown rice / pasta instead of white are better sources of carbohydrate
o Whole wheat bread instead of white also a good course of carbohydrate
o Whole grain oats / Quinoa / Chia seeds are a great source of carbohydrate, protein, and anti oxidants. Also great for
vegetarians for filling the protein gap.
o A common saying is, if it wasn’t around 10000 years ago – don’t eat it.
Stay away from saturated fats and processed foods – these are high in calories and not very nutrient dense, thus, your
body cannot utilize the calories as effectively.
o For example, anything fried – even though tasty.
If you are not a vegetarian, eat lean meat, this will provide quality protein
Try to add fruit and vegetables to your main meals - these are the building blocks to recovery on a cellular level.
o Preferably, steam your vegetables. Second best is grilling them. Boiling vegetables kills the nutrients.
Treat yourself!
If you want an ice cold beer, or a fine wine, sure, go for it! Life is meant to be enjoyed
Should you suddenly crave some cake, then treat yourself to a slice, maybe even two on a Friday!
o All treats should be in moderation and thoroughly enjoyed, don’t feel guilty Don’t sacrifice all your food pleasures
Chose water, it plain water is too bland, perhaps add a little flavor using a Nuun
o Be conscious of always having a water bottle with you wherever you go, especially as it get warmer outside
If your craving a soda, have a soda and enjoy it! But try not let it be habit forming.
Try to supplement your coffee consumption with a water. Coffee is a diuretic, as is alcohol, which makes you want to pee
more often. In excess, this can deplete your nutrients more quickly.
Food Timing
Your body absorbs more nutrients up to 45 mins of exercise than any other time of day, this is a crucial window for optimal
The sooner you eat after exercise with a high carbohydrate / protein mix the better
Examples are Fluid Recovery, or Chocolate Milk, which can be found in the Rogue store
Food Allergies / preferences
If you are gluten free - many restaurants and grocery stores are more equipped to meet your needs, just check the labels.
Vegetarian / Vegan - There are many world class athletes who are vegetarian, just be super conscious of protein and iron
intake. Although many plant sources are high in iron, they aren’t as easily absorbed
o Green vegetables are great sources of iron.
o Quinoa is a great source of protein
o Many pant based food sources are nutrient dense.
o Many cereals such as bran are fortified with iron
Non-Dairy – There are soy, rice, and almond alternatives to milk, and are heavily fortified with nutrients
o There is also so, rice and hemp based ice cream and cheese
o Be careful of calcium deficiency - many soy, nut and grain milk based products offer calcium fortification.