Engineering - Illinois Science + Technology Park

Tenant Handbook
Table of Contents
Section 1 Introduction to
Forest City
.............................................. 3
Section 2 Building
Management Services
.............................................. 5
Section 3 Deliveries and Moving
.............................................. 9
Section 4 Security and Access
............................................ 14
Section 5 Signage Requirements
............................................ 15
Section 6 Insurance
............................................ 16
Section 7 Tenant Rules &
............................................ 18
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Page 2
1 / Introduction to IS+TP
expertise, we adopt a collaborative, multi-
Forest City Enterprises, Illinois Science +
disciplinary approach to planning and decision
Technology Park’s developer/owner/manager,
making. Involved in these decisions are
is a publicly-held company nationally
professionals with expertise in asset
recognized for its expertise in the development
management, property management, leasing
of urban multi-use projects. With all zoning and
and marketing, finance, accounting,
permits in place and a diversified team of
engineering and construction.
experts in design, construction, finance and
facilities management, Illinois Science +
Technology Park offers today’s technology
The Illinois Science + Technology Park will serve
company immediate opportunites for top-
as a catalyst to transform Illinois from a
quality office, research and production
scientific research hub to an economic engine
facilities on either a lease or a build-to-suit
for bioscience technologyies. Strategically
basis, together with flexibility for growth and
located near the Chicago area’s major
expansion within a comprhensive corporate
universities, teaching research hospitals, and
pharmaceutical/medical devise companies,
the 23-acre park will play an integral role in
Tenant satisfaction is paramount in our property
creating the coveted, high-quality scientific
jobs that are driving the 21st Century economy.
management strategy. Ongoing
communication with tenants at all levels, high
quality and efficient delivery of building
Illinois Science + Technology Park offers a full
services, special amenities, cost-effective
range of services and amenities including,
management, maintenance and
dedicated conference space, campus café,
enhancement of the properties' common
shuttles to public transit and 24-hour/day
areas, and implementation of capital
campus wide security.
improvements are all integral to our
management plan.
Forest City's on-site management team works in
From Downtown:
close communication with the professional and
technical resources of all Forest City’s divisions,
including construction, design, development,
management, and ownership. To ensure that
we make effective use of this wealth of
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Ontario Street West to the Kennedy
Expressway, 90-94 West.
90-94 West to the Edens Expressway, 94
Page 3
1 / Introduction to IS+TP
94 West to Dempster East exit
East on Dempster Street to Skokie
94 West to Dempster East exit.
South (right) on Skokie Boulevard to Searle
East on Dempster Street to Skokie
West (right) on Searle Parkway to Searle
From the North:
94 East (Edens Expressway).
Exit to Dempster East.
South (right) on Skokie Boulevard to Searle
90-94 West to the Edens Expressway, 94
South (right) on Skokie Boulevard to Searle
West (right) on Searle Parkway to Searle
CTA/Metra Information:
The most convenient public transportation stop
is the CTA Yellow Line at the Skokie Swift Station
use #97 Skokie Bus. The closest Metra stop is
West (right) on Searle Parkway to Searle
located in Morton Grove on the Metra
Milwaukee District North Line.
From O’Hare Airport:
190 East to the Tri-State Tollway, 294 North,
towards Milwaukee.
294 North to Dempster East Exit.
South (right) on Skokie Boulevard to Searle
West (right) on Searle Parkway to Searle
From Midway Airport:
Exit Midway’s Terminal North on Cicero.
North on Cicero to the Stevenson
Expressway, 55 East.
55 East to the Kennedy Expressway, 90-94
West, towards Milwaukee.
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Page 4
2 / Building Management Services
operate the building in accordance with the
Management Office hours are from 8:00 a.m.
highest standards of the real estate industry.
to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The
Therefore, we request your assistance by
maintenance and engineering staff are
notifying us of any situation or condition which
available from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday
might exist that you feel needs attention.
through Friday.
The staff is located at the following address:
Forest City Management
When you have a maintenance request (e.g.,
4901 Searle Parkway
inoperative lights, air conditioning adjustments,
Skokie, IL 60077
cleaning problems, security concerns, etc.)
contact the Management Office at (847) 568-
847-568-5020 - fax
8400. Requests for maintenance services must
be made by an authorized delegate of your
 Joe Riley, Chief Engineer
 George Brown, Engineer
The building will be closed and regular building
 Carl Evert, Engineer
 Art Stender, Engineer
services will not be provided on the holidays
listed below. Please note that no heating,
ventilation, or air conditioning will be in
operation and no janitorial services will be
 Tracy Finger, Facility Coordinator
provided unless otherwise specified in your
 Rich Groh, Property Manager
Observed Building Holidays:
 New Years Day
 Fred Robinson, Director of Security
 Martin Luther King Day
 Staff of 12-15 Security Officers
 Memorial Day
 Independence Day
 Labor Day
Providing service to you is our primary business.
 Thanksgiving Day
Through frequent inspections and careful
 Christmas Day
management of the building resources and
personnel, we hope to promptly and
courteously respond to your needs and to
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
In the interest of energy conservation, we
discourage overtime operation of HVAC
Page 5
2 / Building Management Services
systems. However, if you need to operate on
inspections in an effort to maintain satisfactory
any of the above dates, please provide us with
a 48-hour advance written notice.
Below you will find a schedule of the minimum
standards of cleaning services covered by the
The single largest area that you, as a Tenant,
janitorial contract. This list is not the full
can assist in reducing building operating costs
specification, only a guideline (please refer to
is through energy conservation. Please make a
your lease for full details). Should there be any
special effort to educate your employees
problem, please call the Management Office
about the importance of using energy wisely.
immediately for corrective action. It would be
There are several ways in which your
appreciated if your staff would notify us
employees can positively impact energy costs:
immediately if there are any spills on the floors
and the nature of the substance spilled. Quick
 Lights should be turned off when not in
attention makes a big difference.
use. (lunch room, empty office,
conference rooms, storage and file
Please note that the cleaners will not move
rooms, etc.)
papers or other materials on surfaces to be
 Keep decorative lighting off whenever
possible and practical.
 Consider use of task lighting instead of
overhead lights.
 Employees should be reminded to turn
cleaned, dusted or vacuumed. Trash not in
wastebaskets must be clearly marked
"trash/basura". Cleaning of private kitchens
and baths or other special areas not
customarily found in office spaces is the
responsibility of the Tenant.
off all lights, computers, etc. when not
in use or before leaving for the day.
Janitorial services required by the Tenant but
not provided by the building can be arranged
with the janitorial contractor at the Tenant's
cost. These services include special floor
Good housekeeping is of utmost importance in
treatment, carpet cleaning. If interested in
our building operations. We meet regularly
additional services, please contact the
with the janitorial contractor which services our
Management Office.
Park to discuss performance and to address
areas where improvement may be required.
Minimum Janitorial Services
The building staff also makes regular
DAILY (Monday through Friday, except legal
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Page 6
2 / Building Management Services
 Empty and re-line waste baskets,
permitted to assist with any task that requires
including recycling collection
lifting or moving of heavy furniture, boxes, etc.
If you require assistance, the Management
 Dust accessible area of horizontal
surfaces within fingertip reach.
 Vacuum carpet in reception areas,
Office will be happy to assist you in making
arrangements with a reputable moving
suite corridors and other high traffic
 Spot clean carpet as needed for stain
 Sweep and mop tile floors.
 Clean and disinfect restrooms.
 Vacuum all common areas, including
An exact description of the services provided
at no additional cost ( included in your base
rent and operating expense charges) are
defined in your Lease. Generally, these
services include heating and cooling during
business hours, janitorial services on weeknights
and maintenance of the common areas of the
building (snow removal, lighting, access
control, elevators, restroom maintenance, etc.)
Normal building trash removal is provided for as
Most repairs outside of these areas are the
a standard building service. Large-scale
Tenant's responsibility. The Tenant can contract
debris, such as that following construction or a
out for services (construction, electrical repairs,
move-in, is the responsibility of the Tenant. The
plumbing repairs, and HVAC repairs etc.,) or
Tenant must also arrange for private disposal of
may use the building staff for these purposes.
items not accepted by the landfill.
Occasionally, a Tenant will request services
which the building staff is unable to provide. In
those instances, we are happy to assist you in
Please see the section for "DELIVERIES &
securing bids for work from reliable contractors.
MOVING" in this manual for further details. The
Should you need recommendations for
building staff are not permitted to accept
contractors or if your would like the
deliveries on behalf of Tenants.
Management Office to review pricing for you,
please contact us.
Due to the Workers' Compensation and liability
Per the terms of your Lease, all repairs or
insurance requirements stipulated by our
alternations performed in your premises that
insurance carrier, the building staff are not
affect fixtures, electricity, plumbing, fire/life
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Page 7
2 / Building Management Services
safety equipment, structural integrity and other
building systems, as well as any other work
performed by outside contractors (painting,
telephone installation, etc.,) must be
coordinated with the Management Office.
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Page 8
3 / Deliveries and Moving
 After-hours scheduling that includes
The following information is designed to assist
over-time costs to be borne by Tenant
you in ensuring effective deliveries of supplies
for Management Office and/or
and equipment, including, but not limited to,
engineering personnel.
furniture deliveries, record archive storage,
D. The delivery agent must use approved
shipments and deliveries of large-scale supplies
equipment within the building including,
or computer deliveries.
but not limited to, rubber-wheeled dollies,
rubber-wheeled hand trucks, and rubber-
Please give the following information to the
wheeled float bed delivery carts. Plastic or
Management office:
metal-wheeled equipment will not be
A. All deliveries to and from Tenant premises
which require more than one trip with a
E. In all cases, the Tenant must have a current
Certificate of Insurance on file at the
wheeled dolly should be scheduled at least
Management Office, per terms of the
24 hours in advance with the Management
Lease, before any delivery will be
B. Deliveries will be permitted during business
Although a Certificate of Insurance from
hours only to the extent that they do not
the delivery agent offers some measure of
impede access to the lobbies or elevators
protection to the Tenant and Building, the
by other tenants, as determined by the
Tenant remains soley liable for any injury or
Management Office. Deliveries will be
damage caused by the delivery agent.
scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
C. The Management Office may also
For more information on the exact
determine whether some or all of the
requirements for the Tenant and delivery
following steps are necessary:
agent Certificates of Insurance, refer to the
 Padding of the freight elevator
"Insurance Requirements" section of this
(provided by Building Management).
 Laying of masonite on the lobby and
corridor floors by the delivery agent.
 Padding of doors and doorways by the
delivery agent.
 Submission of a Certificate of Insurance
by the delivery agent.
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
The following regulations are designed to
ensure a safe and efficient move-in.
Page 9
3 / Deliveries and Moving
guests and contractors. In order to protect you
A. It is of the utmost importance that the
from damage caused by your Mover, please
Management Office be notified in writing
note that an acceptable Certificate of
of the exact date and time of your
Insurance must be submitted by both the
proposed move. Please use the "MOVE
Tenant and the Mover prior to the move. See
SCHEDULING FORM" in the last section of
the "Insurance Requirements" section of this
this guide. Your Mover should be instructed
guide for the specific requirements for both the
to contact the Forest City Management
Tenant and the Mover.
Office to confirm all arrangements prior to
the move.
B. Your move MUST be scheduled for an
evening or weekend, thus eliminating
elevator restrictions. All weekday moves
must occur after 6:00 p.m.
C. Forest City Management shall designate a
The Tenant is responsible for the removal of all
moving boxes and other debris from the
building and building site. If necessary, Forest
City can arrange for disposal at the Tenant's
cost. It is recommended that the Tenant
arrange for the Mover to dispose of debris.
person to be present during your move.
D. All moves and deliveries will take place
through the designated entrance of the
building. No access through the Main
The list below may be of some assistance to
Lobby will be permitted without specific
you in coordinating the various aspects of
permission from the Forest City
relocating your offices. While it is not
Management Office.
comprehensive, it is meant to provide a broad
E. Use of the designated entrance and freight
scope of the issues most companies must
elevator for moving is strictly on a first-
address when relocating. If Forest City
come, first-serve basis. Those tenants that
Management can be of assistance in any of
have requested use in advance and in
these areas, please do not hesitate to contact
writing will have priority.
All moving will be performed using the
designated "freight" elevator.
A. Designate one individual as moving
coordinator. Depending upon the size of
the move, the coordinator should assign
Per terms of the Lease, the Tenant is responsible
assistants on both ends of the move and
for any and all damage that occurs in the
special coordinators at libraries, file rooms
building as a result of its actions or negligence,
and other special areas.
or the actions or negligence of its invitees,
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Page 10
3 / Deliveries and Moving
B. Choose a company to handle the moving.
insurance companies, subscriptions,
Movers should be asked to submit a bid,
newspapers, etc., and arrange for change
and each invited bidder should be
of listing in telephone directories and trade
supplied with a furniture plan. Bidders
papers, etc.
should be shown the loading entrance and
access so they may use appropriate size
E. Order all necessary stationery, such as
equipment. Bidders should be invited to
letterhead, business cards, business forms,
tour the existing space, so that each may
checks, etc., designating the new address.
review the equipment that is to be
Be sure to confirm the suite number in the
C. Schedule dates for the following:
Coordinate the move date with
department or person responsible for
Weekend or weeknight move.
telephone and computer services.
Weekend is the ideal time to schedule
moving, however, weeknight moves
G. Notify employees of the move and assign
can be accommodated. Inform Forest
individual responsibility for the packing and
City Management in writing of the date
un-packing of specific offices or
as soon as possible.
Dismantling and reassembling of
special machinery and equipment that
H. Tag all furniture, equipment and cartons to
the destination, check them off against the
would be moved at a time different
coordinator's original inventory, and
from the actual relocation time. This
schedule distribution accordingly.
could include water coolers, printing
and photocopying equipment, data
processing equipment and any other
numbers and letters. Tag furniture (non-
items that may require more than
permanent adhesive) that coincide with
normal moving time.
the plan. It is helpful to number the rooms.
iii. Refurbishing furniture and equipment.
iv. Delivery of furniture and equipment
being purchased.
Code the final furniture plan with colors,
Keep employees informed of construction
progress on the new quarters, and either
arrange for tours just prior to move-in or
D. Arrange for moving notices to be sent to
the Post Office, clients, suppliers, banks,
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
provide each employee with a copy of the
new floor plan. (Such tours for the area
Page 11
3 / Deliveries and Moving
under construction will be coordinated with
Q. Arrange for refuse removal after the move
Forest City Management due to safety
has been completed. You are responsible
for the removal of all boxes, cartons, etc.,
from the premises and the building site
K. Arrange for the design and procurement of
after your move. If necessary, make
additional items to be built or purchased for
arrangements with Forest City for disposal
the new offices, such as shelving, storage
at your cost.
bins, extra chairs and furniture, etc.
R. After move-in is completed, check for
Schedule public relations programs
damages to premises and furniture.
including plans for news releases, articles,
Promptly report damage to your Mover,
office "open house" party, etc.
Forest City Management, and your
insurance company.
M. Door signage and required lobby directory
listings for your new location must be
requested, in writing, to the Forest City
Tenants may use any professional moving
Management Office as soon as feasable in
company provided that such company carries
order to have your signage fabricated and
adequate commercial insurance. (See the
installed before your scheduled move-in
"Insurance Requirements" section in the Tenant
Information Guide for more details).
N. Coordinate move date with current
landlord or property manager.
We are happy to provide you with the names
of moving companies which have done work
at Illinois Science + Technology Park and are
O. Schedule the installation of dismantled
familiar with these buildings.
special machinery and equipment. Any
special electrical or telephone wiring must
We recommend that you seek proposals from
be authorized by Forest City prior to
several companies.
 Ask them to provide detailed pricing so
P. Submit Certificates of Insurance for your
company and for the Mover to Forest City.
NO move will be permitted without
evidence of adequate insurance.
that you can compare estimated hours
and volume.
 Ask for a "guaranteed, not-to-exceed"
price so that you can identify your
maximum cost.
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Page 12
3 / Deliveries and Moving
 Ask for and call commercial references.
 Ask about cost overruns, furniture
damage and professionalism.
 Find out whether the Mover's employees
are bonded.
A little time invested up front can save you
from difficulties during and after your move.
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Page 13
4 / Security and Access Control
D. No Soliciting is permitted in the building. If
Forest City Management contracts with
you are visited by a solicitor, please
Securitas to provide 24 hour uniformed security
promptly call the Security Office at (847)
at Illinois Science + Technology Park. Each day
568-8420. Please provide a physical
security is provided with a memorandum from
description of the solicitor and last known
the Management Office that specifies after-
hour activities in each building (6:00 p.m. to
E. Try to memorize a physical description of
8:00 a.m.).
any suspicious person. Concentrate on
physical attributes, as well as clothing.
All Tenant employees are required to use their
security access pass for entry after hours.
Security will not take any packages or
G. Note license plate number AND description
of car, if applicable.
deliveries for tenants. All deliveries must be
made directly to the Tenant space.
Do NOT attempt to apprehend or detain the
H. Report all thefts, no matter how small, to the
police as well as to the Forest City
 Call Police (Emergency) ........................ 911
 Police (Non-Emergency) ..... (847) 982-5900
 Call Security ........................... (847) 568-8420
A. Keep purses and valuables out of sight. Do
not leave your purse on your desk top,
under your desk or in an unlocked desk
Management Office.
Keep records of serial numbers of all office
equipment. Permanently mark your Tax ID
number on all equipment. This will facilitate
the return of stolen items should they be
drawer. Do not leave wallets in coat
pockets or unsecured briefcases.
B. Keep your doors locked if working after
hours or if you are alone. After hours, lock
entrance door behind you whenever
C. All building personnel have uniforms or
badges. All Security Guards, building
cleaners, building maintenance and
engineering staff wear uniforms.
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Page 14
5 / Signage Requirements
To have your signage ready prior to
occupancy, return the signage request
requirements to the Management Office at
least three weeks prior to the anticipated
occupancy date.
Space is allotted on the lobby directory, based
on the Tenant’s proportionate share
(percentage share of the total building square
footage), with a minimum of one directory strip
per Tenant. A Tenant may request additional
space in the directories beyond their
proportionate share. This space is “on loan”,
however, and may be re-claimed at any time
by another tenant not using the full amount of
their proportionate share.
As soon as possible, please forward to the
Forest City Management Office, any signage
requirements. Have them listed on your
company’s letterhead. It is important that the
signage order be submitted as early as
possible. If signage is not completed before
occupancy, any type of temporary signage
must first be approved by the Management
Office. Changes to the Tenant suite sign (other
than those due to the vendor’s error) after the
initial installation will be at the Tenant’s expense
based on the vendors current rates.
Please check with the Management Office for
more detailed information on Sign and Building
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Page 15
6 / Insurance Requirements
The Tenant should read the Lease to determine
the exact requirements for insurance.
Evidence of compliance with this portion of the
Lease, in the form of Certificates of Insurance,
must be submitted prior to the move-in. The
Tenant is required to keep an accurate
Certificate of Insurance on file at the
Management Office at all times. In order to
ensure accuracy, we recommend submitting
to your insurance carrier a copy of the sections
of your Lease pertaining to insurance.
Generally, the Tenant insurance requirements
are as follows:
A. The Tenant is required to carry adequate
commercial liability insurance, property
insurance and Workman's Compensation
insurance. The amounts stipulated in the
Lease are dependent on the Tenant's size
and intended use of the premises.
B. The amounts generally required are:
General Liability: $2 Million
(combined single limit)
Property: $1 Million
(but in no event less than the cost of
furniture, fixtures and improvements in
the premises)
C. The Certificate shall name Forest City
Commercial Management, Inc., Gramercy
Warehouse Funding II LLC, its successors,
assigns and participants, as their respective
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
interests may appear, as first mortgagee,
Forest City Enterprises, Inc., Forest City
Commercial Group, Inc. and Forest City
Commercial Management, Inc. It should
describe the premises location and should
name the same insured party as listed on
the Lease. The Certificate shall provide for
a minimum of 30 days notice in the event
of cancellation or termination of coverage.
D. The Tenant is liable for any changes caused
to the building by its invitees, guests or
contractors, including its moving company.
For the mutual protection of the Tenant
and the Building, the Management Office
requires that all delivery agents, movers
and contractors performing work within the
Tenant's premises submit. Certificates of
Insurance to Forest City prior to the
performance of any work in the Building.
Such Certificate shall meet the minimum
requirements stipulated above for the
Tenant's coverage. Please call
Management office for a list of additional
E. In addition to the requirement listed above,
we recommend that the Tenant require the
delivery agent, mover or contractor to also
list the Tenant as an additional insured. This
will protect the Tenant in the event that
damage occurs to its property. In the
event that damage occurs to the Building,
Forest City will pursue reimbursement
through the vendor's insurance company.
Page 16
6 / Insurance Requirements
If complete reimbursement is not obtained,
Forest City will then pursue reimbursement
for any uncovered damage from the
Tenant's insurance company.
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Page 17
7 / Tenant Rules & Regulations
Attachment of posters, placard, or
notices in the building.
The following are prohibited within the Illinois
Science + Technology Park buildings:
Loitering in the lobbies.
Eating, smoking or drinking in the
the building.
Bicycles in the building or on the
lobbies, elevators, loading docks or
premises, except in areas prescribed for
this activity.
Running or disorderly conduct of any
Animals in the building, except those
that assist persons with disabilities.
Pick-ups and deliveries shall be
conducted through the Loading Dock.
Distribution of any material in or around
No roof or ceiling access unless
approved by Forest City. Contact the
Management Office at (847) 568-8400
Unauthorized professional photography
for authorization.
in the lobby.
NOTE: Building Management reserves the right
Soliciting of any type, without the
to change or alter the above-mentioned rules
express permission of Management.
and regulations upon proper notification.
Distribution of any literature within the
Rules and Regulations as stated in Lease
lobby or on the premises without the
Exhibit E
express permission of Management.
Whenever in these Rules and Regulations the
Singing, playing a musical instrument, or
word “Tenant” is used, it shall be taken to apply
playing a radio or tape recorder in the
to and include the Tenant and its agents,
lobby without the express written
employees, invitees, licensees, contractors, any
consent of Building Management.
subtenants and is to be deemed of such
number and gender as the circumstances
Peddlers, solicitors and beggars.
require. The word “Premises” is to be taken to
include the space covered by the Lease. The
word “Landlord” shall be taken to include the
employees and agents of Landlord. Other
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
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7 / Tenant Rules & Regulations
capitalized terms used but not defined herein
improper acts or noises. In addition, Tenant
shall have the meanings set forth in the Lease.
shall not do or permit anything which will
obstruct, injure or interfere with other
A. Space for admitted natural light into any
public area or tenanted space of the
Building shall not be covered or obstructed
by Tenant except in a manner approved
by Landlord.
B. Toilets, showers and other like apparatus
shall be used only for purpose for which
they were constructed. Any and all
damage from misuse shall be borne by
C. Except as otherwise permitted in the Lease
tenants or those having business with them.
Unless expressly permited by the Landlord in
1. No locks or similar devices shall be
attached to any main tenant entry
door or window which are not on the
master key system maintained by the
Landlord. If more than two keys for
one lock are desired by the Tenant the
Landlord may provide the same upon
payment by the Tenant, or the Tenant
may have additional keys made so
Landlord reserves the right to determine the
long as it uses the Landlord’s
number of letters Lessee on any directory it
designated locksmith. Upon
termination of this lease or of the
D. No sign, advertisement, notice or the like,
shall be used in the Building by Tenant other
than at its office and then only as
approved by Landlord in accordance with
building standards. If Tenant violates the
forgoing, Landlord may remove the
Tenant’s possession, the Lessee shall
surrender all keys to the Premises and
shall explain to the Landlord all
combination locks on safes, cabinets
and vaults.
2. In order to insure proper use and care
violation without liability and may charge
of the Premises Tenant shall not install
all costs and expenses incurred in so doing
any shades, blinds or awnings or any
to Tenant.
interior window treatment without
E. Tenant shall not throw or permit to be
thrown anything out of windows or doors or
down passages or elsewhere in the
consent of Landlord. Blinds must be
building standard.
3. All doors to the premises are to be kept
Building, or bring or keep any pets therein,
closed at all times except when in
or commit or make any indecent or
actual use for entrance or exit from
such Premises. The Tenant shall be
responsible for the locking of doors to
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
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7 / Tenant Rules & Regulations
the Premises. Any damage or loss
weekends and holidays and between the
resulting from violation of this rule shall
hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., to
be paid for by the Tenant.
register with the Building attendant or
custodian by signing his name and writing
4. All equipment of any electrical or
his destination in the Building, and the time
mechanical nature shall be placed in
of entry and actual or anticipated
settings which absorb and prevent any
departure, or other procedures deemed
vibration, noise or annoyance.
necessary by Lessor. Landlord may deny
G. Landlord shall designate the time when
entry during such hours to any person who
and the method wherby freight, small
fails to provide satisfactory identification.
office equipment, furniture, safes and other
like articles may be brought into, moved or
K. No animals (other than those used for
research purposes), birds, pets, and no
removed through any common lobbies or
bicycles or vehicles of any kind shall be
loading docks shared with other tenants of
brought into or kept in or about said
the Building.
Premises or the lobby or halls of the
H. In order to insure proper use and care of
Building. Tenant shall not cause or permit
the Premises, Tenant shall not allow anyone
any unusual or objectionable odors, noise
other than Landlord’s employees or
or vibrations to be produced upon or
contractors to clean the Premises with
emanate from said Premises.
Landlord’s permission, which shall not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed.
The Premises shall not be defaced in any
way. No material changes in the HVAC,
electical or plumbing systems or other
appurtenances of said Premises shall be
made without the prior approval of
Landlord and in accordance with
Landlord’s construction rules and
regulations, except in accordance with the
For the general welfare of all tenants and
the security of the Building , Landlord may
require all persons entering and/or leaving
the Building through common entries
and/or lobbies shared with other tenants on
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
Unless specifically authorized by Landlord,
employees or agents of Landlord shall not
perform for nor be asked by Tenant to
perform work other than their regularly
assigned duties.
M. Landlord shall have the right to prohibit any
advertising by Tenant which, in Landlord’s
opinion tends to impair the reputation of
the Building or its desirability as an office
and research and development building
and, upon written notice from the Landlord,
Tenant shall promptly discontinue such
N. Canvassing, soliciting and peddling in the
Building is prohibited and Tenant shall
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7 / Tenant Rules & Regulations
cooperate to prevent the same from
O. All parking, Building operation, or
construction rules and regulations which
may be established from time to time by
Landlord shall be observed.
Tenant Handbook -- Illinois Science + Technology Park-2012
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