Lee Weaver | Exhibition Lighting Design Testimonials Drew

Lee Weaver | Exhibition Lighting Design Testimonials
Drew Anderson, Stained Glass Windows Conservator Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA)
“Lee’s knowledge and expertise in lighting design led me to invite him to advise on a number of
other projects including one at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. I have since also
recommended him to advise on lighting to other museums.”
Drew Anderson
Description: Conducted a design consultation for the Metropolitan Museum of Art at the Cloisters,
NYC. Advised on the lighting options for backlighting the stained glass windows in question, with
the MMA’s medieval curator and stained glass conservator. Provided installation diagrams for the
replacement of the existing fluorescent lighting with a more efficient LED lighting system.
Susan Taaff, Preparator Weatherspoon Art Museum
“Thank you so much for sharing your time and knowledge last Tuesday. It was very kind of you to
answer all of our questions and to show us around the galleries that you new to be most relevant to
our spaces.”
Susan Taaff
Description: Met with Susan at the VMFA and reviewed our exhibition lighting systems, lighting
conservation standards, and installation procedures. Also discussed her issues specific to their
museum and I made recommendations to assist her in her future lighting installations.
Turner Reuter, Curator the National Sporting Library
“Thank you! Your expertise is highly appreciated.” “Thank you sir for the e-mail. The opening went
on without a hitch! Everyone seemed thrilled and many comments on how pro the lighting was! You
were our star.” Turner Reuter
Description: Provided numerous phone consultations and consultation at location to review
museum lighting conservation standards, lighting design initiatives, and installation procedures for
the new installation of track lighting systems.
Andrea Quilici, AIA, LEED AP Associate SMBW
“I would like to thank you for taking your time yesterday to talk to Robert’s students. Robert thanks
you too, and told me that your information where really appreciated and extremely helpful.”
Andrea Quilici
Description: Met with and provided a tour of the VMFA’s lighting installations for VCU classes. We
reviewed the different museum architectural lighting systems, museum lighting conservation
standards, and the lighting installation procedure here at VMFA.
Johnye Bennet, Assistant Clerk State Senate of Virginia
“Hi Lee, I can't thank you enough for taking time from your day to meet with us to share your
expertise and make these recommendations. The paintings thank you too. I shudder to think of the
damage the existing lights would have caused. I will follow you recommendations to the letter.”
Johnye Bennet
Description: Provided lighting design diagrams and conservation information for the replacement
of track lighting systems at State Senate Administration Office.
Eli Meiner, Exhibition Designer Cincinnati Art Museum
“The drawings are exceptionally helpful. Thank you again for all of the information and insight.”
Description: Supplied lighting design and schematics of LED lighting systems for back lighting
stained glass windows. Spoke with the exhibition designer regarding our lighting conservation
standards and installation practices.
Anne Timpano, Director University of Mary Washington Galleries
“Thank you, Lee, this is great information! You are right about salesmen pushing the LED lights and
you anticipated my next question. I did notice the LED lights are in the low 80s for color rendering,
so I wondered about that. I really do appreciate your help!” Anne Timpano
Description: Via phone and email conversations, provided lighting design diagrams, conservation
information, and sample materials for Director.
Robert Smith, Administrative Director VCUarts Department of Interior Design
“Having design professionals such as you talk to (VCU students) about your work in a real world
setting such as the VMFA provides considerable value to their learning experience, thank you.”
Robert Smith
Description: Conducted a tour for VCU students of the VMFA’s exhibition lighting installations. We
reviewed the different museum exhibition lighting systems, museum lighting conservation
standards, and lighting installation procedures here at VMFA.
Robert Joanna D. Catron Curator, Gari Melchers Home and Studio 224
“Heaps of thanks Lee. You covered ALL my questions and I feel I can make the right decisions for our
space.” Joanna
Description: Provided information regarding the use of LED lighting in museum applications and
our lighting conservation standards for lighting art.
Patricia Jane Grant, Curator of Exhibits, Historic Arkansas Museum
“Lee- Thank you for your review and your recommendations! I will be digesting them and sharing
them with the other voices here including our AIC Conservator. At least am forming a basis of
knowledge that puts me in good stead!” Patricia
Description: Provided information regarding the use of LED lighting in museum applications and
our lighting conservation standards for lighting art. And provided a track lighting design for there
gallery renovations.