Previous Minutes - Lions Clubs International District 105M

Minutes of District 105 M Cabinet Meeting –Sunday 16th August 2015
St Johns Hotel Solihull 10.30 a.m.
District Governor, Lion Heather Jeavons, in the Chair
Cabinet Officers:
District Secretary Brigitte Green,
District Treasurer Brian Burgess,
Sergeant -At-Arms Ron Cross,
2nd Vice District Governor Chris Burrows,
Events Officer John Barnes,
Competitions Officer Ken Barker,
Centennial Officer Martin Hill,
Convention Officer 2016/ Phys and Learning Officer Danielle Benn,
Immediate Past District Governor/GLT Chairman Ian Haffner,
Webmaster Joy Haffner,
Youth Chairman Christine Moss,
Lifeskills Terry Smith,
Midland News Editor/Lion Liaison Jaap de Jonge,
Region 1 Chairman Kanu Patel,
Zone B Stewart Sherman-Khan,
Region 2 Chairman Bob Dutton,
Zone D Dave Williams,
Zone E John Cavana,
Zone F Gordon Templeton,
Region 3 Chairman John O’Rourke,
Zone G Lorraine Shipley,
Zone H Roger Clarke,
Communications Chairman Simon Moss,
PR Officer Claire de Jonge,
GMT Chairman Andy Pemberton,
GMT Liaison Officer Douglas Cross,
International Committee Chairman Femi Onabolu,
International Relations Bill Ranautta,
LCIF Officer Heather Lee,
Water Projects and Street Children Carole Moseley,
Health Committee Sarah Hill,
Diabetes -Pauline Fanti,
Development Officer June Lloyd Adams,
MIAB Officer Anita Bedi,
Vulnerable Persons Eric Hughes,
Disability Support Officer Stephen Pitt,
Visitors: Lions Roger Starling- Shirley Lions Club,
AGENDA ITEM 1 Call to order:
SAA Ron Cross called the meeting to order and explained the health and safety
DG Heather welcomed everybody to the meeting
SAA Ron appointed a tail twister for the meeting which is himself
Announcement from DG Heather-With sadness Heather has accepted the resignation from
John Gray as 1st Vice DG and Barbara Gray as YLIS Officer. The decision has been based
on John’s health issues. Both John and Barbara will remain as Lions.
After some discussion on this issue Heather will seek some guidance regarding
Constitutional issues due to John’s decision and will issue a letter to Clubs seeking
nominations and will Chair a Special Cabinet meeting –date and venue to be arranged
for a ballot to take place to seek a replacement 1st VDG.
Heather will meet with Youth chair Christine Moss to seek a replacement for YLIS Officer
AGENDA ITEM 3 Apologies received from:
John and Barbara Gray, Ann Pemberton, Mike and Mavis Cooke, Linda Cross, Wim
Hoogerwerf, Paul and Melisa Murphy, Dave Roberts
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
The Minutes of the Meeting held on May 17th 2015 were proposed by Joy seconded by
Brian Burgess approved by Cabinet and signed by the DG as a true record.
AGENDA ITEM 4 Matters Arising: None
DG Heather presented Badges to those who were not able to attend District Change
over -- Kanu, John Cavana, Femi, Stephen Pitt and Terry Smith
Region 1
Regions & Zones- Region 1- Chair. All reports as submitted .However update from
Zone B the meeting is now 27th August
Region 2
All reports Region and Zone as submitted
Region 3
All reports Region and Zone as submitted
Acceptance of the reports proposed by Femi seconded by Ron Cross- carried
SECTION 2 International
Femi requested a decision from Cabinet for the release of the £2000 for The Liberia
Schools project – Femi has received some photos showing the school now built up to roof
level- there has been some building work delay due to the heavy rains which have washed
the local bridge which caused problems with access
Femi therefore requesting all monies in the ‘kitty’ to be released and a loan from Cabinet for
£500 to send the full £2000 and therefore end our commitment to the project
After some discussion Cabinet agreed to loan the necessary funds
Femi updated Cabinet on North Sea Lions – Board meeting scheduled on 12th September at
The George — Solihull. An evening Dinner (at The George) also organised by the Board of
NS Lions any members wishing to attend please contact Jaap
Water Projects - Carole Moseley reported that Jackie McGuirk had forwarded £2000 in
the name of her father Ray to purchase a new Water Pump for Nepal. Cabinet agreed
what a fantastic gesture in memory of Ray – Carole is currently getting updates on how
the Lions other wells are doing particularly after the earthquake-- and will report back
Carole also hoping that more money will come in for the Kenya Project.
Question from Andy
Why aren’t we getting the money in from Clubs regarding these International Projects –
we must be cautious as to any new commitments for funds
Response from Femi
Last year was a difficult one with a number of appeals for disasters-Femi believed with
so many clubs contributing to the Nepal earthquake Appeal then other projects may
have suffered. Femi agreed no new projects to be introduced
Acceptance of the reports proposed by Femi seconded by June - carried
SECTION 3 - Communications
One update- there is no launch of the PR Toolkit as yet- Joy updated Cabinet on the difficulties she is experiencing with the closure of the old
website and the opening of the new site. This has been because the hosting company
has now closed down. Joy will continue on with moving information over to the new site.
Costs for new site approx. £100 per annum
Acceptance of reports proposed by Simon Moss, seconded by Pauline Fanti - carried.
SECTION 4 - Youth
Reminder that the Young Ambassador District final will take place at the next cabinet
meeting 22nd November 2015.
Marston Green proposing a trophy in the name of Pauline Hoogerwerf awarded to the Club
who have proposed the most YLIS candidates.
Acceptance of reports by Christine seconder June - carried
SECTION 5 - Health
All reports as submitted
Acceptance of reports proposed by Sarah Hill seconded by Joy - carried.
SECTION 6 Global Membership Team
Reports as submitted
Andy had a meeting with Heather and Region 2 and 3 Chairs to look at membership
issues –Andy felt that was a very worthwhile meet. Andy requested that if any Clubs had
potential members then get them signed up without delay
Doug Cross updates Cabinet
New Clubs at Birmingham Quinton being organised from Sandwell – Paul has agreed a
venue at Sainsbury Selly Oak and a meeting is arranged for Sept 17 th with a yellow card
Royal Leamington Spa will also look to reform in the spring of 2016
Some talk also of the reforming of Daventry and Kanu will be looking further at this
Andy was questioned on the forming of any Campus Clubs – he resoponded that the
Clubs on campus can struggle when they are student based as everyone disappears for
the holidays. It is something to be investigated but perhaps with college staff rather than
students – Perhaps Liam in Marston Green could help with him being part of the
University in Birmingham –Femi also offered support.
Acceptance of reports-Andy–seconder Doug-carried
SECTION 7 Global Leadership Team
Reports as submitted an update from June that the GLT Committee would help any
Cabinet Officers who needed support to complete their role
Acceptance of reports- Ian -seconder Martin Hill-carried
SECTION 8 - Finance & Administration
Heather asked if there was any more to add to the District Officers
recommendation list. Brian added that only8 Clubs had fully supported the
full list many Clubs instead di pick and choose from the list as they couldn’t
afford to support the whole list. Some Clubs preferred to drip feed the
projects through to the Club therefore not such a huge financial commitment.
District Secretary – report as submitted but added a reminder that the next
Cabinet meeting is on 22nd November and that reports will be requested by
OR BEFORE Monday November 2nd 2015
District Treasurer –Nothing additional to add – update from Christine
regarding the HMRC who are still checking on Clubs so be warned.
Heather asked if anyone on Cabinet had connections with an auditor to verify
accounts as the current auditor is emigrating-please contact Heather.
SAA –Ron nothing further to add to report
Conventions Officer Danielle gave an update on Convention 2016 which
will take place on 18th-20th March. Host night is a Wild West Theme. There
will be booking forms available at Autumn Forum and there will be a package
incorporating the whole weekend including social events and hotel
accommodation od £245 per couple.
Autumn Forum Information will be out next week detailing workshopsagendas etc. – Autumn Forum is Sunday October 18th- the date had been
changed so that it did not clash with Europa Forum
Health and Safety - Heather commented that Ray doing well to keep
pursuing Clubs that had still not reported
Vulnerable Persons – Report as Submitted
Centennial - Update Martin is trying to get to all the zone meetings to
discuss events further
Acceptance of reports - Martin Hill - seconder Eric - carried
Long Range Planning
No update to reports and Chris will try to attend the zone meetings scheduled to update
Acceptance of reports- Chris Burrows -seconder Heather –carried
IPDG report as submitted
Ist Vice and 2nd Vice Dg reports as submitted
PDG update – the PDG lunch is booked for 29th November at The Barn –Browns Farm
District Governors Report
Heather updated cabinet from Matters arising at Council.
Update 1 Charity Incorporated Organisation- all Clubs will be getting an update from MD Charities
Treasurer Tom Berry. The letter will give Clubs information regarding the Charity
Commission and the Charity status of Lions Clubs. The discussions with the Commission
have been favorable and any Club which has more than £5000 turn over per annum then
they should register as a Charity . The commission will now consider subs as part of the total
donation therefore dues will be included. If so then Clubs could also be included in Gift Aid
making a considerable difference to donations.
There will be a pilot scheme run over a couple of Districts – the Charites Commission are
keen to support Clubs and are setting up a Department to support Clubs.
Update 2 Currently MD 105 has 13 Districts – 10 of these Districts have less than 1250 members so
our membership is down yet running costs continue to stay the same or rise.
A group has been set up to look at cost saving issues such as a digital Magazine. MD 105
Ireland are reviewing their own position and are looking to separate from MD105 become
independent – However regardless of the Irish Situation matters cannot continue. Currently
the Geographic position of each District is being reviewed as part of the Lions MD105
reorganisation with a review of Structure and Governance. Reports from the Committees
which have been set up will report back to Council at the next Council meeting at the end of
October. This is seen as a positive opportunity to look at MD105 and the current
organization and aim for positive changes preparing Lions for the future
Acceptance of reports-Heather-seconder Ian –carried
Tail twister robbed us all!!!!!
Meeting closed at 12.05 with a toast to Lions Clubs International