Wakefield Youth Music Theatre Production 2015 CATS Character List with notes for audition Character Name: Munkustrap (male) vocals: strong high baritone Bombalurina (female) Description: The strong male leader of the group, the chairman. Level headed, very observant. Completely in control. Physically very strong and should lead most of the Ensemble singing and dancing. A strong presence. Songs: Has the largest chunk of songs throughout the show. Quite often the Narrator. The slinkiest of cats. Excellent stylish dancer. Should have a real presence on stage throughout the show. Preferably the tallest of the duo. Duet: Macavity vocals: strong mezzo belt to C Leads the song Gumbie Cat Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles Strong three part harmony trio with Demeter and Jellylorum in Gumbie Cat Bustopher Jones Demeter (female) vocals: strong mezzo belt to C Jellylorum / Griddlebone (Dual female role) The slinkiest of cats. Excellent stylish dancer. Should have a real presence on stage throughout the show Duet: Macavity Jellylorum makes up the Singing Trio with Demeter and Bombalurina. She is Gus the theatre cat’s trusted aid and companion. Significantly younger than Gus. Sings his story with fondness. Gus the Theatre Cat As Griddlebone - She is the love interest in the theatrical story of Growltiger. Needs to be good at comedy. Bustopher Jones Ballad Of Billy McCaw Strong three part harmony trio with Bombalurina and Jellylorum in Gumbie Cat Strong three part harmony trio with Demeter and Jellylorum in Gumbie Cat Vocal: mezzo to d Wakefield Youth Music Theatre Production 2015 CATS Character List with notes for audition Bustopher Jones/ Gus / Growltiger (male Triple role) Vocal: Character Baritone Grizabella (female) vocals: strong alto Mr Mistoffelees / Quaxo (male) Victoria (female) These are Actor / Singer roles. Usually played by the same person or could poss. have two different people for three roles! Non-dancing. Bustopher Jones = The spiv / The St. James’s Street Cat. “Remarkably fat”! Impeccably dressed. Incredibly posh! Non-dancing. Speak / sings in a Plummy accent in Bustopher Jones Gus the theatre cat. Incredibly Old and in poor health, suffers from “Palsy which makes his paw shake” He was once the Laurence Olivier of his time! “His coat is shabby and he’s thin as a rake” Speaks and sings in the song about himself Gus The Theatre Cat Growltiger is a part once played by GUS. When Gus reminisces and tells about his time on the stage, Growltiger is the part of his story which is re-enacted. Growltiger is “the terror of the Thames” a Pirate! His coat was “torn and seedy, and baggy at the knees. One ear is missing, and one eye is missing” (wears an eye patch!) Then transforms to Growltiger and sings Growltigers Last Stand and Ballad of Billy McCaw An old has-been – previously a glamour cat, who is now tatty and torn – looks half dead! Walks awkwardly, dragging feet, as if injured. Mocked & shunned by the other Cats, until they hear her story, near the end. She is the one chosen by Old Deuteronomy to go to the Heaviside Layer to be re-born! Memory – short version end of act one. The original conjuring cat! The male ballet dancer – the strongest technique. Elevation and pirouettes, particularly fouettes, his strong point. He’s the subject matter of the Rum Tum Tugger song: Magical Mr Mistoffelees, in which he dances and performs magic and illusions! Sings odd solo lines and the jazzy section of “Jellicle Cats come out tonight…” Often referred to as ‘Quaxo’ in vocal lines. Memory reprise – full version end of act two. The infamous virginal Pure White Cat, has No solo singing many admirers.The ballerina of the cats – first rate technique required. Big moment: solo dance at the start of the Jellicle Ball, inc. held developes / ponches / splitz. Very prominent in all dance numbers Wakefield Youth Music Theatre Production 2015 CATS Character List with notes for audition Mungojerry (male) vocals: Strong high baritone Rumpleteezer (female) Vocals: Strong character Mezzo/belt to D Old Deuteronomy (male) vocals: High baritone (classical timbre) Jemima (female) The male duet partner of Rumpleteezer. Naughty Partners in crime! Petty thief. But not nasty / malicious like Macavity. Uses his circus skills to create havoc in nearby homes. Great energy and personality. Must be a Song & Dance man. Duet: Mungojerry and Rumpleteezer The female duet partner of Mungojerry. Naughty Partners in crime! Petty thief! Must be a Song & Dance girl. Lots of infectious energy, bubbly personality! Duet: Mungojerry and Rumpleteezer The oldest cat. The big chief. The President of Cats! Large, very old and consequently moves very slow but steady….. Doesn’t dance. Does a lot of sitting and observing / listening to each Cat’s story. The one to choose the Cat most deserving of “another life”. Odd solo lines Plus leads the songs Very Young, pretty, gentle, friendly cat. Kind and caring she seems to be the only one to have any sympathy for poor old Grizabella. Mezzo soprano version of Memory The Elvis Cat! The one the felines all fall for!! Is an awkward Cat – always wants what he can’t have. Curious and cheeky. The Danny Zuko / Elvis of Cats – a charmer! The Rum Tum Tugger – original version (not the Rap in the current version!!) Moment Of Happiness The Addressing of Cats Vocals: Mezzo soprano Rum Tum Tugger (male) vocals: strong rock and roll baritone/tenor, falsetto an asset Jennyanydots (female) Leads Mr Mistofelees which include a spoken introduction Big round fur ball!! Bit like an older Aunt of a Cat! Tutors the Mice and creates a Beetle Tattoo…..Military style TAP DANCE. vocals: alto/mezzo Tap dancing Gumbie Cat! Gumbie Cat Bustopher Jones Wakefield Youth Music Theatre Production 2015 CATS Character List with notes for audition Skimbleshanks (male) vocals: high baritone/tenor Macavity / Admetus (male) Rumpus Cat (male) Cassandra (female) Other named Cats: Alonzo (m) Bill Bailey (m) Carbucketty (m) Coricopat & Tantomile (male & female Siamese duo). Etcetera (f) Pouncival (m) Plus CAT ENSEMBLE Team of BEATLES for the Gumbie Cat TATTOO The Pekes and the Pollicles Group of “Pirate Cats” & “Siamese fighting cats” The Railway Cat. A very efficient, energetic fellow who doesn’t miss a trick. Usually done with a regional accent. Suggest a good old Yorkshire one for our production. Song and dance man! Trouble with a capital T!! Always causing havoc, always fighting. Nothing in common with any of the other Cats. Martial arts skills / acrobatic skills an advantage Physically strong and preferably tall. Fierce. “eyes like fireballs” – black glasses with Red flashing Lights! Spiked black wig which flicks up like a “cat about to pounce” Should shoot up out of the trap door - The actor cast, needs to be aware of that!! Strong but balletic in style. Breaks up the fight between Pekes and Pollicles. Strong but balletic dancer. Graceful. Very distinctive look. Skimbleshanks Should be able to sing and dance to a high standard. Odd solo lines, though no individual numbers / stories! Acrobatic / Martial Arts / Tricks an advantage. A number of odd lines in various songs. *Coricopat leads the Siamese gang and sings a verse in Growltiger’s Last Stand. A group of strong singers – not necessarily the best dancers TAP dancers In the song Growltiger’s Last Stand. Non singing as Macavity. Sings odd lines as Admetus. Non singing