Jeff Moorhouse MORRISTOWN – HAMBLEN HIGH SCHOOL WEST Principal Jennifer Laster Assistant Principal Nathan Buice Asssistant Principal Jeff S. Kinsler Assistant Principal ONE TROJAN TRAIL MORRISTOWN, TENNESSEE 37813 PHONE (423) 581-1600 FAX (423) 585-3791 SCHOOL YEAR: 2010 – 2011 COURSE: AP CALCULUS TEACHER: HAYES COURSE REQUIRED FOR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA? NO Dear Parent or Guardian: I ask your cooperation during the coming year to ensure that your son or daughter receives the best possible instruction in my class. Especially from an academic point of view, I want the coming school year at Morristown West High to be a very productive year for you and your child. The more you and I cooperate with that in mind, the greater likelihood that the year will be a successful one. It is in your child’s best interest that we work together to provide an orderly and safe environment in which he or she can be successful. You should see a GENERAL ACADEMIC PLAN and a management plan for my class. Please read the plans and discuss them with your child. Having read them, please retain the plans and sign below to acknowledge that you have read the plans. Please sign, have your child sign and then return this letter to me. If you have any questions now or in the future, please call the school and make an appointment to see me. Thank you in advanced for your cooperation and interest. I look forward to working with you and your child this year. PARENT’S SIGNATURE: __________________________________________ DATE: ___________ PARENT’S NAME (PRINT): ____________________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________ ZIP CODE: __________ HOME PHONE: _____________________________ CELL PHONE: ___________________________ EMERGENCY PHONE: _______________________________________________________________ PARENT’S EMAIL: ___________________________________________________________________ AP Calculus Description: Calculus AB and Calculus BC are primarily concerned with developing the students’ understanding of the concepts of calculus and providing experience with its methods and applications. The courses emphasize a multi representational approach to calculus, with concepts, results, and problems being expressed graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. The connections among these representations also are important. Calculus BC is an extension of Calculus AB rather than an enhancement; common topics require a similar depth of understanding. Both courses are intended to be challenging and demanding. Grades: Each 9 weeks average will be calculated using the following percentages: Test: (75%) Each test will cover topics from notes, quizzes, homework, reading assignments, and previous tests. ***It is important to be able to do problems with and without the use of a calculator. Each test will consist of non-calculator and calculator sections. Tests will consist of multiple-choice and free response questions. Each test will be timed. Quizzes: (25%) Each quiz will cover topics from notes, homework, reading assignments, and previous tests. *A comprehensive timed quiz will be given every Friday. ***Tests, unless otherwise stated by instructor, may be retaken one time. The retake will be different but have similar questions. In order to retake a test the following must be done: (1.) The student must do test corrections on all questions missed. (2.) The student must come by for extra help. (Enough time to go over test corrections) ***All students will take the AP Exam in May. Extra Help: This is a college course. It is important that you understand each concept. If you are having difficulty please come by for extra help. I will be here in the mornings at 7:30am. I will also be available in the afternoons. My Schedule: 1st block: AP Calculus 2nd block: AP Calculus 3rd block: Algebra II (H) 4th block: Planning (Library) Website: E-Mail: Discipline: I follow the assertive discipline plan outlined in the handbook. It is expected of you to be on time to class. You should have everything out and ready to go when the bell rings. Restrooms: Please use the restroom during class change. The hall pass will only be used in case of an emergency. Please no food or drinks allowed in the classroom. Special Tests: There will be a 9 weeks test, mid-term (at Winter break), 27 weeks test, and a Final Exam (Different from the AP Exam) Date of AP Exam: Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 8:00am