Sunday, September 14, 2014 - Glen Allen Baptist Church



Glen Allen Baptist Church

3028 Mountain Road

Glen Allen, Virginia 23060

Phone (804) 672-6648

Dr. Timothy K. Norman, Senior Pastor

(cell – (804) 241-7801)

Elmer West, Pastor Emeritus




8 Mountain Road


Established in 1868


The Service of Worship

September 14, 2014

10:30 a.m.

Prelude “Worthy Art Thou, Lord Divine” Anon.

Janet Kessler


Welcome & Announcements

Meet and Greet


“The Bond of Love, stz.2”

Let us sing now, ev’ry one;

Let us feel His love begun.

Let us join our hands that the world will know

We are one in the bond of love.

#46 “All Things Bright and Beautiful” Spohr

All things bright and beautiful, all things great and small,

All things wise and wonderful; our Father made them all.

Each little flower that opens, each little bird that sings;

He made their glowing colors, he made their tiny wings.

Cold wind in the winter, pleasant summer sun,

Ripe fruits in the garden; he made them every one.

He gave us eyes to see them, and lips that we might tell

How good is God our Father who doeth all things well.

#53 “In His Time” Ball

In His time, (in His time), in His time (in His time);

He makes all things beautiful in His time (in His time).

Lord, please show me every day as you’re teaching me your way,

That you do just what you say in your time (in Your time).

In Your time (in Your time), in Your time (in Your time);

You make all things beautiful in Your time (in Your time).

Lord, my life to You I bring; may each song I have to sing

Be to You a lovely thing in Your time (in Your time).

Children’s Sermon*

*Following the Children’s Sermon, children aged 4 through 2 nd Grade are invited to attend Children’s Church. Children, aged 3 and younger, are invited to join the Nursery.


Scripture Reading Proverbs 12:18, 27; 17:22; 25:11

Page 636, 637, 642, 650 of the Pew Bible

The Morning Prayer


Hymn #8 “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” Luther

Offertory Prayer

Receiving of Tithes and Offering

Offertory “Standing on the Promises” Carter


Anthem “Heal Our Land”

If my people will humble themselves, humble themselves and pray;

If they seek my face and humble themselves, and turn from their wicked ways.

I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin.

I will hear from heaven, and heal their land.

Lord, heal our land; Father, heal our land.

Hear our cry and turn our nation back to You.

Lord, heal our land; hear us O Lord, and heal our land.

Forgive our sin and heal our broken land.

Lord, we bow our knee, we humble ourselves, humble ourselves and pray;

Lord, we seek Your face, we humble ourselves, and turn from our wicked ways.

Father, in Your mercy, forgive our sin.

Father in Your mercy, come heal our land.

O beautiful for men of faith who founded this great land; proclaimed for us,

“In God we trust,” and held to God’s strong hand. America! America!

God shed His grace on thee till lives confess

His righteousness from sea to shining sea.

Message: “What’s the Good Word?” Dr. Timothy K. Norman


Invitation for Commitment

Hymn #450 “I Need Thee Every Hour” Lowry


Closing Hymn #661 “Grace, Love and Fellowship” Fettke

May the grace of Christ, our savior, and the love of God,

Our father, and the fellowship of the spirit be with us.

May the grace of Christ, our savior, and the love of God,

Our father, and the fellowship of the spirit be with us.

Forever, and ever, forevermore, Amen

Postlude “Shall Wisdom Cry Aloud” Trad.



Thompson, L. Davidson, E. Rigsby, J. England


Sunday, 9/14


9:00a Refreshments

9:15a Sunday School

10:30a Worship Service

Monday, 9/15



7:00p Boy Scouts


7:30a Prayer Breakfast



Wednesday, 9/17

5:45p Church Family Night Dinner

6:20p Children’s Chime Choir

6:30p Children’s Choir

6:30p Youth Excel

“ God at work in Africa and through our F amily”

6:30p w/Marvin Harris

7:00p MF, GAs, RAs

7:30p Sanctuary Choir


Youth Room


Thursday, 9/18

7:00p GS Troop 3421

Saturday, 9/20

9:15a Glen Allen Day



To My Church Family: Thank you for all the cards, thoughts and prayers during my surgeries and recovery times. It is nice to know that I have a such a loving and caring church friends. These things helped me get through these difficult times. Thanks again, Bobby


Dear Church Family, I feel blessed to have such a thoughtful and caring church family. Thank you for the cards and other expressions of sympathy following the death of my brother. I am appreciative of you all and find much joy in our relationship as brothers and sisters in Christ. Most sincerely, Joyce Hall

The Hymn of the Month for September is Hymn #8 – “A Mighty

Fortress Is Our God” . The tune and text are attributed to none other than the great protestant reformer Martin Luther. Luther and the subsequent Lutheran church, more or less invented the “hymn” as we know it today. In Luther’s time, sacred music, at least the parts sung by the congregation, was very scripted, limited and all in

Latin. The Lutheran invention of the “hymn” with several stanzas gave the Lutheran church an opportunity to stress their theological beliefs as well as to worship God together. The hymn was meant to be a song sung in the homes and at work as well as in the church. This is one of the greatest hymns of the Christian faith.

Open invitation – young and not-so young! This is an invitation for all who like music to take part in the music ministry at

GABC. This Wednesday, our children’s music programs gear up again for the year. At 6:20 p.m., the Children’s Chime Choir will rehearse. Any children in grades 2-5 are welcome to join us. Then at 6:30 p.m., the Children’s Choir will rehearse.

If you are not quite young enough to join the Children’s Choir, we have a choir for you! The Sanctuary Choir rehearses at 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday. Please join us! All we require is a love for music

– the rest you can learn.

Youth Excel will begin next Wednesday night, September 17, with a focus on missions. We will talk about potential mission trips as well as local mission projects. We will meet in the Youth Room directly following dinner. Dinner will begin at 5:45, followed by our Youth Meeting at 6:30.

Church Family Night Dinner and Program will be on

Wednesday, September 17 at 5:45 p.m. The program will begin at

6:30 p.m. The topic for the program will be “God at Work in Africa and through our Family” led by Marvin Harris. Cost of supper is

$5/pp, $1.50 per child and a maximum of $15 per family. Please join us for good food and fellowship!

GLEN ALLEN DAY - Mark your calendars for Saturday

September 20 ! We need all smiling faces to come walk/ride the float to represent Glen Allen Baptist church in the annual Glen

Allen Day Parade! The parade lineup starts at 9:15 a.m. Please meet at the Martin's house (2805 Dillard Pl Glen Allen) at 8:30 a.m. to help decorate the float and get lined up! Wear your GABC tshirt. Along with a float in the parade the church will also have a booth set up in the park to showcase the mission and ministries of our church. We will be distributing “I Love Glen Allen” stickers.

We will again feature the GABC “Duck Pond” for children to win a prize and will be distributing information for the adults on all the wonderful things going on at GABC. If you would like to sign up

to work 1-2 hours in the booth please contact Matt Davidson, 241-

1152 or 672-2503.

Sunday, September 21, is the First Day of Autumn (Fall)

Deacon’s Meeting

will be held on Tuesday, September 23, 2014

7:00 p.m.

September Menus for 2014




Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Roll, Salad Bar, Dessert

Kids: Chicken Nuggets, Potatoes, Fruit

Chicken Cordon Blue, Rice, Vegetable, Salad Bar, Dessert

Kids: Chicken Nuggets, Rice, Fruit

Fried Chicken, Mac and Cheese, Vegetable, Salad Bar, Dessert

Kids: Corn Dog Nuggets, Mac and Cheese, Fruit

Church Family Night Dinner and Program will be on

Wednesday, September 24 at 5:45 p.m. The program will begin at

6:30 p.m. The topic for the program will be “A Sabbatical Where

2/3 of the NT Takes Place”by Dr. Norman.

Cost of supper is $5/pp,

$1.50 per child and a maximum of $15 per family. Please join us for good food and fellowship!

Prayer List – Cares and Concerns as of September 10, 2014

Sick at Home

Ginnie Adams

Phyllis Anthony

Bessie Barnett

Mike Barrick (father of April Ball), 239

Ridgeway Drive, Bridgeport, WV 26330

Ronald W. Brooks (Princeton, WVA)

Alden Carlson

Doris Eckert

Nancy Gasser

John Gessaman (Verna Graff’s son-inlaw), 4009 Hawthorne Road, Rocky

Mount, NC 27804

Fred Gibson -,238 E. Water St., #301,

Harrisonburg, VA

John Gray

George Harris (cousin of Pete Bagby)

Ben Holladay

Bonnie Martin (Pat Winstead’s sister in

Gil Miles

Bootsie Newton

Billy Newton

Mary Nevius

Kathryn Norman

Red &Bootsie Reid

Ray Reynolds (brother of Joyce


Kathy Rosenbloom

Bessie Smith (aunt of Peggy Milk)

Chase Spicer (age 20, heart valve)

Lynn Steigleder (Evelyn Holladay’s son)

Jim Stiebel

Helen Stiebel

Rev. Edward Stone, Baltimore Hospital

(nephew of Bonnie Johnson)

Dorothy Stone

Mary Thompson (friend of Marvin


Missouri) Alicia Roland Trice

Sheila Willouby (niece of Dot Frost)

Sick in the Hospital/Rehab

Big Boy Gasser – Westport Rehab (home on 9/12)

Helen Williamson – HDH Parham

Assisted Living

Bea O’Connell, Masonic Home of VA, 4101 Nine Mile Rd., Mailbox #20,Henrico,VA

Judie Foster, Heritage Green Nursing Home (mother of Cris Foster)

Marie Lewis, The Laurels @ University Park

Helen Reid, 12 Boyce Avenue, Apt. 1331, Greenville, SC 29601

Alice Stone, Autumn Care, 7600 Autumn Park Way, Mechanicsville, VA 23116

(off of Bell Creek Road), Rm. 209 (no visitors).

Verna Zopp (Peggy Milk’s Mother) The Windsor, 3600 Grove Avenue,
