Unit Plan

GESD Unit Plan
Unit Topic: Plant and Animal Characteristics
Grade: 4
Subject: Science
Authors: Amanda Jacobs and Maureen McNally
Big Idea: Plants and animals have specific structures which serve specific
functions, and are classified by identifiable group characteristics.
Unit Outcomes: The students will be able to create and classify an animal based
upon randomly selected characteristics. They will justify the classification using
evidence from class notes and experiences
Core Standards:
Strand 4: Life Science
Concept 1: Characteristics of Organisms
PO1. Compare structures in plants (e.g., roots, stems, leaves, flowers) and
animals (e.g., muscles, bones, nerves) that serve different functions in growth
and survival.
PO2. Classify animals by identifiable group characteristics:
 vertebrates – mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians
 invertebrates – insects, arachnids
Strand 1: Inquiry Process
Concept 2: Scientific Testing (investigation and modeling)
PO5. Record data in an organized and appropriate format (e.g., t-chart, table,
list, written log.)
Concept 3: Analysis and conclusions
PO4: Determine whether the data supports the prediction for an investigation.
Concept 4: Communication
PO2: Choose an appropriate graphic representation for collected data
 bar graph
 line graph
 Venn diagram
 Model
PO3: Communicate with other groups or individuals to compare the results of a
common investigation.
Integrated Standards
Strand 3: Comprehending Informational Text
Concept 1: Expository
PO1. Identify the main idea in expository text (GESD stated main idea of a
PO2. Distinguish fact from opinion in expository text.
PO3. Determine author’s main purpose (e.g., to inform, to describe, to explain)
for writing the expository text.
GESDPO9. Summarize a written selection including the main ideas and relevant
Strand 3: Application
Concept 2: Expository
PO 2. Write an expository paragraph that contains:
a. a topic sentence
b. supporting details
c. relevant information
Prior Knowledge:
Plants and animals are both living things.
There are different categories of plants and animals.
Task Analysis:
TSW illustrate, label and explain the functions of the main structures of plants
(roots, stems, leaves and flowers) by drawing and writing them on a foldable.
TSW explain the function for the main structures of animals (digestive and
respiratory & circulatory) by creating part of a foldable.
TSW explain the function for the main structures of animals (musculoskeletal &
nervous) by completing a foldable.
TSW compare the functions of the main structures of plants and animals by
creating analogies and justifying the relationships.
TSW demonstrate mastery of PO1. Compare structures in plants (e.g., roots, stems, leaves,
flowers) and animals (e.g., muscles, bones, nerves) that serve different functions in growth and survival.
completing a formative assessment and scoring 80% or better.
TSW classify animals as vertebrates or invertebrates by sorting animals into the
categories “has a backbone” and “does not have a backbone”.
TSW will classify pictures of animals as birds or fish by identifying characteristics,
sorting the animals, and justifying the classification.
TSW will classify pictures of animals as birds, fish or mammals by identifying
characteristics, sorting the animals and justifying the classification.
TSW will classify pictures of animals as birds, fish, mammals, reptiles or amphibians
by identifying characteristics, sorting the animals and justifying the classification.
TSW identify arthropods as invertebrates and distinguish between insects and
arachnids by sorting pictures of arthropods and justifying the classification.
TSW will classify pictures of animals as birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, amphibians,
insects or arachnids by identifying characteristics, following a dichotomous key,
and correctly identifying the animal’s classification.
TSW demonstrate mastery of PO2. Classify animals by identifiable group characteristics:
vertebrates – mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians
 invertebrates – insects, arachnids.
by completing a formative assessment and scoring 80% or better.
TSW demonstrate mastery of PO2. Classify animals by identifiable group characteristics:
vertebrates – mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians
 invertebrates – insects, arachnids.
by completing the following culminating activity:
Given three random characteristics, create a model or representation of an
animal that can be classified as a mammal, bird, fish, reptile, amphibian, insect
or arachnid by identifiable group characteristics. Write a paragraph to justify
the classification.
Using your knowledge of how animals are classified, analyze five different
student created animals. Correctly classify at least four (80%) of the animals and
provide justification for you classification.
Rubric for Unit Outcome
Teacher created student sample at exemplar level
At least three lesson plans in GESD framework (subobjectives and check for understanding)
Critical resources