Name: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Period: ________
Psychological disorders are…
Explain how the medical model “sees” psychological disorders.
Explain how the bio-psycho-social perspective classifies disorders.
DSM-IV is…
# of major categories…
How does the DSM-IV ensure validity?
2 criticisms of the DSM-IV…
What are the pros and cons of “labeling” psychological disorders?
# of people in the world who have psychological disorders…
Among what population is incidence of serious disorders especially high? Why?
By what time in a person’s life does one usually experience a psychological disorder?
Should an individual with a mental disorder be held responsible for violent crimes?
Anxiety disorders are…
Generalized anxiety disorder is…
Symptoms –
Worst characteristic…
Panic disorder is…
Physical symptoms of a panic attack –
How does the panic attack effect the person?
Agoraphobia is…
Phobias are…
Specific phobias are…
Social phobia is…
The person may avoid…
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is…
When do obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors become a problem?
Examples of common obsessions –
Examples of common compulsions –
Post-traumatic stress disorder is…
Who often experiences PTSD?
Symptoms of…
Why do psychologists believe PTSD is overdiagnosed?
How are phobias/fears conditioned?
How does stimulus generalization impact fears/phobias?
How does the concept of reinforcement “continue” phobias and compulsions?
How can observational learning influence fear/phobia?
How does evolution help explain phobias and compulsions?
Do genes impact anxiety disorders? If so, how?
What parts of the brain seem to be involved with OCD? Phobias?
Dissociative disorders are…
Dissociative identity disorder is…
Was formerly known as…
Support for existence of disorder…
Reasons (2) for skepticism toward disorder…
What seems to be the main cause of DID?
Personality disorders are…
Describe the following personality disorders:
Avoidant personality disorder –
Schizoid personality disorder –
Histrionic personality disorder –
Narcissistic personality disorder –
Borderline personality disorder –
Antisocial personality disorder is…
Formerly known as…
What brain areas are affected by APD?
What perspective would best explain APD? Why?
Mood disorders are…
Depression is often a response to…
Symptoms of depression –
Major depressive disorder occurs when…
Explain dysthymic disorder.
Bipolar disorder is…
Symptoms of mania –
How often does bipolar disorder occur? Sex of individuals?
Describe the following pieces to the “theory of depression:
Behavioral and cognitive changes
Women twice as vulnerable to depression
Last less than 6 months
Stressful events
Rates are increasing and occurring earlier
Describe the psychoanalytic explanation of depression.
What is the biological explanation of depression?
Genetic influences on depression…
What is happening in the depressed brain?
How does the social-cognitive perspective explain depression?
Explain how negative thoughts feed negative moods and vice versa.
Explain the cycle of depression.
Schizophrenia is…
Explain each of the following as it relates to schizophrenia:
Disorganized thinking (delusions) –
Disturbed perceptions (hallucinations) –
Inappropriate emotions and actions –
Describe the following types of schizophrenia:
Paranoid –
Disorganized –
Catatonic –
Undifferentiated –
Residual –
Positive vs. negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Chronic vs. acute schizophrenia
Explain how each of the following “causes” or influences schizophrenia:
Brain abnormalities (include specific structures)
Genetic factors
Possible causes of abnormalities
Psychological factors
Psychotherapy is…
Today’s psychotherapy –
Psychoanalysis is…
Assumes that psychological problems are fueled by…
Key technique used in psychoanalysis…
Resistance –
Interpretation –
Transference –
What do critics say about psychoanalysis?
How long does traditional psychoanalysis take?
How is psychodynamic therapy different than psychoanalysis?
Humanistic therapy
Goal of humanistic therapy –
How does humanistic therapy differ from psychoanalysis?
Client-centered therapy is…
Rogers believed therapist must use this strategy….
…and must exhibit these qualities…
Active listening is…
This nonjudgmental environment would provide…
Behavior therapies
Basic idea of behavior therapies is to…
Explain counterconditioning.
Systematic desensitization is…
Explain the basic process of systematic desensitization.
How is systematic desensitization an example of exposure therapy?
Flooding is…
Virtual reality therapy is…
Aversive conditioning is…
How can operant conditioning be used to change behaviors?
Explain token economy.
Explain two criticisms of “behavior modification.”
Cognitive Therapies
Basic idea of cognitive therapy is to…
Explain Beck’s form of cognitive therapy. (what did he/the therapy do?)
Explain cognitive-behavior therapy.
What is it trying to do?
Group therapy is….
Advantages of group therapy
Family therapy is…
Psychopharmacology is…
What has it done for the treatment of disorders?
Are drugs effective in treating disorders? How know this?
Describe the reason for use and effects of the following antipsychotics:
What do antianxiety drugs do to help anxiety disorders?
How do people become so easily addicted to this type of drug?
How do antidepressant drugs help those suffering from depression?
Describe the reason for use and effects of the following:
Prozac (Zoloft and Paxil do same)
Describe the history of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), explaining how it gained its barbaric image.
How is ECT done today?
What is it used for?
How does it (ECT) work?
Psychosurgery is…
A lobotomy is…
How and why are they done?
According to clients, is psychotherapy effective?
What do skeptics say about clients’ perceptions of psychotherapy?
Does a clinician’s perspective accurately attest to the effectiveness of psychotherapy? Why?
How then do we objectively measure the effectiveness of psychotherapy?
Meta-analysis is…
Ultimately, what have the studies shown – is psychotherapy effective?
Why are different therapies used to treat psychological disorders?
Explain the following types of “alternate” therapies:
Therapeutic touch
Light exposure therapy
Describe (not just list) the 3 commonalities among psychotherapies.
How do culture and values influence psychotherapy?
What items should therapists keep in mind concerning this issue?