Introduction to Psychology: Final Exam

Introduction to Psychology: Test 4
Fall Semester 2011
Psychological Disorders and Therapy
1. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, (DSM-IV) is
published by the:
A. American Psychological Association
B. American Psychiatric Association
C. World Health Organization
D. American Medical Association
2. An episode of intense dread that lasts for several minutes and is accompanied by chest pains,
trembling, dizziness, choking, or fainting is called ______________________.
A. panic attack
B. heart attack
C. panic disorder
3. Dorothy is so alarmed by spiders and insects that she avoids most outdoor activities and even
refuses to enter the basement of her own house alone. She appears to suffer from what kind of
B. phobic
C. mood
D. dissociative
4. Which of the psychological disorders is being highly questioned -- as to whether it should
even be considered a disorder, or might be a therapist-induced symptom pattern?
D. paranoid schizophrenia
5. Norby, an 18-year-old college freshman, has missed almost all his classes during the past
month. He spends most of his time in bed, frequently not even bothering to get dressed or eat
meals. He thinks his whole life has been a failure and blames himself for being a social misfit.
He is most likely suffering from which disorder?
A. major depression
B. generalized anxiety
C. obsessive compulsive
D. bipolar disorder
6. To be diagnosed as psychologically disordered, a behavior pattern must:
A. only violate cultural norms
B. only be maladaptive
C. violate norms & be maladaptive
D. be atypical, maladaptive & disturbing
7. Jabar, a 25-year-old auto mechanic, thinks he is Napoleon. He further believes he is being
imprisoned against his will in the mental hospital where his relatives have brought him for
treatment. He is suffering from ________________.
A. schizophrenic delusion
B. hallucinations
C. inappropriate affect
D. a dissociative disorder
8. What is always a danger with major or clinical depression?
A. That it will become incurable.
B. Suicide
C. That bipolar disorder will develop
D. Panic attacks
9. When a PET scan is done on the brain of a person experiencing depression, the pattern
shows that:
A. The brain is relatively inactive.
B. The hippocampus has shrunk.
C. The brain is hyperactive.
D. There is excess frontal lobe activity.
10. What is the “common cold” or most prevalent of psychological disorders?
A. schizophrenia
B. phobias
C. generalized anxiety disorder
D. major depression
11. Failures are most likely to lead to depression if they are explained in terms that are:
A. internal, unstable, and specific
B. external, unstable, and global
C. internal, stable, and global
D. external, stable, and specific
12. In psychoanalysis, sometimes the patient transfers feelings from an old conflict to the
therapist who then interacts with them to help them resolve the conflict. This is known as:
A. free association
B. transference
C. resistance
D. psychodynamics
13. What is the goal of cognitive therapy?
A. re-learn phobic reactions
C. change irrational thinking
B. foster self-actualization
D. uncover unconscious conflicts
14. What is one important match to look for when choosing a therapist?
A. the best credentials (training)for your diagnosis
B. have similar personalities.
C. share understanding of your problem.
D. have common values.
15. What neurotransmitter is targeted by antipsychotic drugs used for schizophrenia and mood
disorders? Hint: It can cause Parkinson’s-like symptoms as a side-effect.
A. dopamine
B. serotonin
D. endorphins
16. What is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), sometimes called shock treatment, supposed to be
used for?
A. severe hallucinations among schizophrenics
B. panic attacks
C. catatonic movement disorders
D. severe depression
17. One problem with aversive conditioning is called the “discriminative stimulus” problem.
What is this problem?
A. People fail to apply the therapy to appropriate situations.
B. People realize that the negative consequences of the behavior do not apply
outside the clinic.
C. People leave therapy not understanding their problem.
D. It is difficult to find the right negative stimulus to punish the behavior.
18. What is the idea (based on classical conditioning) behind systematic desensitization?
A. That negative, unwanted behaviors can be eliminated through punishment.
B. That rewarding positive behaviors can relieve problems.
C. That people can get over underlying fears once they understand them.
D. That stimulus-fear associations gained through traumatic experiences can be
“unlearned” through association with relaxed situations.
19. Lithium is used to treat:
A. bipolar disorder
C. antisocial personality disorder
B. major depression
D. obsessive-compulsive disorder
20. A negative, intrusive, and repetitive thought that a person cannot get rid of or forget is:
A. a compulsion
B. an obsession
C. a delusion
D. a hallucination
21. Into which category of psychological disorders do con men and serial killers usually fall?
A. dissociative identity B. bipolar C. antisocial personality
D. Schizophrenia
Match the psychological perspective with the description of its proposed cause of mental
A. Psychodynamic B. behavioral
C. cognitive D. biological
E. sociocultural
22. The root cause of mental illness is ineffective or inaccurate thinking. C.
23. Mental illness is the product of broad social and cultural forces. E.
24. Disordered behavior is caused by genetics, hormones or chemical activity in the brain. D.
25. Disordered behavior is caused by unconscious forces shaped by childhood experiences. A.
26. Disordered behavior is the result of learning and identifiable environmental factors. B.
27. What types of hallucinations do schizophrenics usually have? Obviously I forgot the answer
line for this one! The answer is auditory.
28. If a person undergoes therapy in which they are given a getaway scene, relaxation training,
an anxiety hierarchy, and an opportunity to practice, what type of disorder is probably being
A. schizophrenia
B. phobia
D. dissociative amnesia
29. What are antidepressant drugs used to treat in addition to depression?
A. schizophrenia
B. anxiety disorders C. personality disorders
30. What is the goal of humanistic therapy?
A. to bring out unconscious conflicts
C. to correct faulty thought patterns
B. to correct bad learning patterns
D. to get in touch with your feelings
31. Which of the following is not one of the stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome?
A. exhaustion
B. resistance
C. fight or flight
D. alarm
32. What is the effect of stress on the immune system?
A. Stress suppresses it.
B. Stress has no effect on it.
C. Stress makes it more effective.
D. The effects vary by the type of stress.
33. Stress is:
A. An event or events in a person’s life that cause him/her to be anxious.
B. A threat to a person’s self-concept or well being
C. A challenge that requires a person to take action
D. A process by which we perceive and respond to certain events called stressors.
34. How do negative emotions such as anger and depression affect a person’s health?
A. They lead to unhealthy behaviors.
C. They suppress the immune system.
B. They cause release of stress hormones. D. All of the above.
Mark the following (A) if they are stress increasing or (B) if they are stress reducing.
35. Engaging in aerobic exercise such as running or cycling. B
36. Using a pessimistic rather than an optimistic explanatory style. A
37. Having little or no control over a situation. A
38. Not knowing when a dreaded event is going to happen. A
39. Having supportive friends. B
Social Behavior
40. Attribution theory has to do with:
A. Finding out about people's personalities.
B. Determining which physical attributes are most attractive.
C. Attribution of motives to people's behavior.
D. None of the above
41. The mental discomfort of cognitive dissonance is experienced when we have:
A. bought something we can't afford.
B. changed our minds.
C. done something inconsistent with our attitudes. D. All of the above.
42. What do we do to get rid of cognitive dissonance when we have already done the behavior
and it can't be changed, and we can't think of a plausible (false) reason why we did it?
A. forgive ourselves
B. forgive others
C. vow to do better next time
D. change our attitude
43. What fraction of the participants in Stanley Milgram’s obedience experiments went all the
way to 450 volts?
A. 1/3 (33%)
B. 2/3 (66 %)
C. 3/4 (75%)
D. 9/10 (90%)
44. Altruism is . . .
A. another word for aggression
C. unselfishly helping others
B. antisocial behavior
D. returning favors people did for you
45. According to the bystander effect, people failed to help Kitty Genovese because:
A. There were too many people who could have helped.
B. They failed to see her as deserving of help.
C. They were hard-hearted New Yorkers.
D. They were afraid of being stabbed themselves.
46. After seeing Cabbage Patch dolls in all the stores over a period of months, I gradually
changed from thinking they were ugly to thinking they were cute. This is called:
A. The desensitization effect.
B. The deindividuation effect.
C. The mere exposure effect.
D. Stereotyping.
47. When we make the fundamental attribution error, we:
A. Fail to consider all the facts.
B. Jump to a conclusion too quickly.
C. Underestimate the power of personality. D. Underestimate situational influence
48. What is significant about the fact that Solomon Asch found strong conformity effects on an
unambiguous task in an experiment? The fact that . . . .
A. these were experimental and not correlational findings.
B. he was the first to demonstrate conformity effects.
C. the pull of both was weak.
D. this was not in obedience to an authority figure.
We discussed four explanations of Stanley Milgram’s results in his obedience experiments.
1. Participants absolving themselves of responsibility.
2. Gradual, repetitive escalation of the task.
3. Decreasing the distance between the “teacher” and “learner.”
4. Watching another teacher refuse to go on.
49. Which two were factors that led to more people going all the way to 450 volts?
A. 1 & 2
B. 1 & 3
C. 2 & 3
D. 3 & 4
50. Which two were factors that led to fewer people going all the way to 450 volts?
A. 1 & 4
B. 1 & 3
C. 2 & 4
D. 3 & 4
51. When an advertiser deliberately uses noise, music, visuals, etc. to distract you rather than
giving you a persuasive message about how good the product is, this technique is called:
A. high elaboration
B. low elaboration
C. compliance
D. dissonance
52. High elaboration persuasion involves:
A. central processes B. peripheral processes C. no processes
D. sophisticated processes
53. The most powerful factor in interpersonal attraction is:
A. physical beauty
B. similarity C. personality
D. likeability
54. An attitude is:
A. a fixed and unchangeable opinion
B. a positive or negative evaluation of something
C. the result of mental tension from inconsistency D. a description of a person’s rude behavior