BOS June 25 2014 with Raub Comments 2

June 25, 2014
Members present: Chairman Russell Raub, James L. Lady, Supervisor; Clarence L Roe, Supervisor;
Timothy J. Shultis, Solicitor; and Stewart Graybill, Township Secretary. Individuals present: Rosalie
Dashoff, Chair, Citizens committee. David Richwine, Chair, Planning Commission, William Seibert, Paul J.
Bart, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Reading Township.
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Raub with a pledge to the flag.
Approval of the Minutes: a motion was made by Lady and second by Roe to approve the minutes
of the Board of Supervisors on June 11, 2014. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Lady and seconded by Roe to approve the bills to be paid. The motion
passed unanimous vote.
Treasurers Report: A motion was made by Lady and seconded by Roe to approve the Treasurers
report. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Lady and seconded by Roe to approve the minutes of the Community
Meeting of May 11, 2014. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
NEW BUSINESS: Raub made a motion to appoint the Township Secretary Stewart Gray bill as
Open Records Official for Tyrone Township Motion was seconded by Jim Lady. The motion passed by
unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Roe and seconded by Lady to purchase a safe for the Treasurer at a cost
of $225.00 from David Forster in Frederick, MD. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Raub asked the Board of Supervisors if there was any interest in additional workshops. The issue
will be discussed at the July 9, 2014 meeting.
Raub asked the members of the Board of Supervisors for their thoughts on M&G Realty request
for Zoning Map Amendment and hearing. Raub explained this is a map change. Solicitor Shultis
expressed concerns about notification to all property owners in the area and the posting of properties
and who would perform these tasks. The Solicitor stated that it might be good to take fifteen days to
decide and then give a thirty day notice. Any intent to adopt a zoning map change must be advertised.
Raub stated he would like to see a land development plan which has not be submitted. Lady and Roe
agreed about seeing a plan. The Board of Supervisors agreed that Raub would contact M&G Realty and
request a land development plan. David L. Richwine asked if the sewer plant could handle the additional
flow from further development. Raub stated that calculations indicated it would. Rosalie Dashoff
questioned the lot size and Lady estimated it’s about seventeen acres.
Board of Supervisors all signed the ACNB and PENNVEST forms that ACNB had requested be
A revised Citizens Committee Mission Statement was submitted to the Board of Supervisors by
Dashoff for approval. Tim Shultis, Solicitor questioned Dashoff about what happens if a citizen brings a
complaint. Dashoff stated they try to mediate but, they do not stop a complaint. Roe made a motion
and second by Lady to adopt the revised Mission Statement. The motion was approved by unanimous
Raub presented a quote from Net Aid for an additional PC monitor that the Treasurer requested.
Raub stated he contacted PSATS, and an accountant to discuss the request and they had agreed it was a
reasonable and worthwhile request. A motion to accept the quote was made by lady and seconded by
Roe. The motion passed unanimously.
The Board of Supervisors reviewed the occupation list from Adams County.
PSATS training to be conducted in the fall will be discussed at July 9, 2014 meeting of the Board.
OLD BUSINESS: A memorandum from the Municipal Engineer to the Board on borings that had
been done on Rock Valley Road was discussed. Lady explained the borings and what had been done. He
stated the borings were good and bad. Discussion ensured on what to do. Lady is going to obtain quotes
from RECON construction and other qualified firms. Lady further explained that he had met with Stewart
& Tate on Millar Road and that hot mix would be the best application. Raub stated that several roads on
the list were done last year. Lady explained that the material failed and the jobs were not warranted.
Future work will be done with materials furnished by the contractor and a one year warranty will be
required. A motion was made by Raub to issue and advertise bids the 2014 road work and seconded by
Roe. The motion passed unanimously.
Raub presented a quote from White Deer Mailing to print and send the Township Newsletter
which includes printing, labeling, sealing and the Township would pay postage. Roe agreed to obtain an
additional quote for the next meeting. Discussion ensured on whether the township could perform the
task for less expense. It was stated the copier was not made for mass production and color coping is
expensive. The Board tabled the matter until an additional quote is received.
Shultis discussed two property items and rights- of- way on the Jean Jacoby property and that he
has revised drawings and that he suggests some changes. A motion was made by Lady and seconded by
Roe for the Solicitor to prepare the easement amendments. The motion passed unanimously.
The Solicitor stated that a quit claims deed was made and recommended, and they took out a
warranty. It will be executed and Jean Jacoby will pay the cost. The motion to approve was made by
Lady and seconded Lee Roe. The motion passed unanimously.
Solicitor Shultis reviewed the Nuisance Ordinance changes proposed by the Planning
Commission and stated he had several concerns on a few items and enforcement. It was agreed that the
Solicitor would revise the proposed ordinance to make it enforceable.
Chairman David Richwine indicated the Commission discussed the matters of a wireless towers. Solicitor
Shultis and Richwine discussed a letter regarding wireless towers. Raub will review FCC regulations and
share his finding with the Solicitor.
Raub gave a brief overview of the Strategic Planning Kick-Off meeting with the Pennsylvania
Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED) and Civic Research Alliance. DCED funding
75% and the township is funding 25%. Raub also reported that DCED may fund some of the
recommendations in the study if funding is available.
Supervisor Paul J Bart from Reading Township was present and wanted to get input from the Board of
Supervisors on maybe working towards changes to Fire Tax law. Bart wants the definitions modified
regarding emergency services and funding. He stated that local legislators would introduce legislation
and also help with wording. PSATS recommended that he work with other townships and local
legislators to make changes to the law.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: David Richwine questioned the definition DCED on long term debt and
the line of credit. Raub explained DCED’s definition of non-electoral long term debt.
Adjournment: Raub made motion to adjourn and seconded by Lady at 10:45 PM. The motion
passed unanimously.