Fulton County Schools 2013-2014 Comprehensive School Counseling Department Action Plan School: Liberty Point Counseling Team: Marco Pitts Belief Statement: 1. 2. 3. 4. All students have the capability to succeed once given the proper tools. School counselor’s role as an advocate is to ensure that all students are given the opportunity to be successful academically/personally. Data helps to see what needs students have academically. Ethical standards help us to realize that all students are different and should be treated fairly. Vision Statement: 1. Liberty Point Counselor Department vision is that well prepared students are able to learn at their full potential through social/emotional, academic and career readiness. Mission Statement: 1. To motivate all students to become productive lifelong learners through empowering students to achieve at their individual best. School Counseling Program Assessment completed (ASCA National Model p. 59). Yesx __ or No __ Program Goal 1 and type of data collected (Process, Perception, and/or Outcome): To provide Kindergarten teachers with group counseling in the area of academic support in the classroom. Perception data will be collected. Program Goal 2 and type of data collected (Process, Perception, and/or Outcome): To increase the awareness of students in grades 1st-5th in regards to careers through the use of GA DOE Career Cluster classroom guidance lessons. The type of data collected will be perception data. Program Goal 3 and type of data collected (Process, Perception, and/or Outcome): Grade K-5 ASCA Domain Academic Dev. = AD Career Dev. = CD Personal/Social Dev. = PSD List activity/program and code as: Guidance Curriculum: GC* Responsive Services: RS* Individual Student Planning: ISP* System Support: SS* PSD Bullying Prevention/Intervention/GC. Students in grades k-3 will have classroom guidance lesson using the “STOP BULLYING NOW SERIES” and students in 4 & 5 will attend an assembly with Ronald McDonald on bullying prevention 1-5 K-5 CD AD/CD Career Guidance (GCIS)/GC Students in grades 1st -5th will participate in the GA DOE 17 Career Cluster guidance lessons. Students in 3rd -5th will also participate in school wide career day. College & Career Readiness Components/GC Students in 5th grade will participate in a college tour in the AU Center. This will cover college aspirations as well as college affordability planning. Students in grades 4th and 5th are allowed to participate in clubs such as Beta, KKids and Basketball. These organizations promote leadership and also cover the Enrichment and Extracurricular Engagement. Students in 5th grade will complete Start and End Dates (if applicable) September 2013 Students Targeted (who and how many) ALL Location Classroo ms/Gym January 2014-May 2014 1-5(appx 630) Classroo m September 2013- May 2014 k-5(approx. 685) Classroo ms/Asse mblies in gym/co mputer labs Communication to Students (When/How) Required Monthly website posting of Department activities for the next month School Newsletter/News /monthly Communication to Parents (When/How) Required Monthly e-mail blasts of Department activities for the next month Evaluation and Assessment (how are you evaluating the effectiveness) Counselor Responsible School Newsletter/News/ monthly Discipline Referrals Pitts School Website/News/m onthly School Website/News/mo nthly Surveys Surveys Pitts Pitts 5 PSD Grade ASCA Domain Academic Dev. = AD Career Dev. = CD Personal/Social Dev. = PSD the Academic Planning for College and Career Readiness by completing the career inventory on the GSIS site. Students in grades k-5 will be participating in a college door decorating contest during career day. This will allow students to research different colleges and cover the College and Career Exploration and Selection Process. Transition Plan (5th, 8th, & 12th)/SS The transition committee which consists of Elementary/Middle school counselors will set up a transition day of activities for students in 5th grade. The activities include observing academic and connection classes. Students will also be allowed to speak with various clubs that are offered in the middle school. List activity/program and code as: Guidance Curriculum: GC* Responsive Services: RS* Individual Student Planning: ISP* System Support: SS* May 2014 5(approx. 115) Middle Schools School Website/Newslet ter/monthly School Website/Newslett er/monthly survey Communication to Students (When/How) Required Monthly website posting of Department activities for the next month Communication to Parents (When/How) Required Monthly e-mail blasts of Department activities for the next month Evaluation and Assessment (how are you evaluating the effectiveness) Counselor Responsible surveys PITTS Start and End Dates (if applicable) Students Targeted (who and how many) September 2013December 2014 October 2013 ALL Classroo ms School Newsletter/mont hly School Newsletter/month ly ALL classroo ms School Website/monthly School Website/monthly Location Signs of Suicide (MS/HS) Student Graduation Status, e-School Plus Tool, (Student Center, Mark Reporting, Graduation Requirement) (HS) K-5 PSD/AD PK-5 PSD Classroom Guidance/GC Topics include hygiene, listening, Writing Red Ribbon Week/GC surveys PITTS PK-5 PSD Fire Prevention Week/GC ASCA Domain Academic Dev. = AD Career Dev. = CD Personal/Social Dev. = PSD List activity/program and code as: Guidance Curriculum: GC* Responsive Services: RS* Individual Student Planning: ISP* System Support: SS* AD/CD/PSD Individual Counseling(GC/RS) September 2013-May 2014 ALL K-5 AD/CD/PSD Group Counseling (GC/RS). The concentration for group counseling is academics. September 2013December 2013 Kindergarten K-5 AD K-5 AD Grade PK-5 PK-5 PSD Co-Testing Coordinator(SS) SST, 504 Chairs(RS/SS) Student of the month/Town Hall Meetings(GC) October 2013 Start and End Dates (if applicable) ALL Fire station/S chool Parking lot Students Targeted (who and how many) Location Counseli ng Office/Cl assroom s Counseli ng suite September 2013-May 2014 ALL Classroo ms September 2013-May 2014 ALL Counseli ng Suite September 2013-May 2014 ALL Gym School Website/monthly School Website/monthly surveys PITTS Communication to Students (When/How) Required Monthly website posting of Department activities for the next month Referrals from Teachers/Parents /Students Communication to Parents (When/How) Required Monthly e-mail blasts of Department activities for the next month Evaluation and Assessment (how are you evaluating the effectiveness) Counselor Responsible Parents communicated when issues are severe for parent contact Via Letter for permission Follow up/feedback PITTS Follow up/feedback PITTS School Website/Newslet ter as testing windows open Letters/Phone calls home monthly School Website/Newslett er as testing windows open Letters/Phone calls home monthly n/a Pitts School Website/Newslet ter monthly School Website/Newslett er monthly n/a Referrals from Teachers/Parents /Students Comparing referrals made to testing from last school year Pitts Pitts Advisory Council Meetings: Semester 1 date __10_/_15__/_13__ Semester 2 date 4___/25___/_14__ Use of Time Assessment: 2012-2013 Academic/Career Advisement & Curriculum percentage __40%__; Response Services percentage __40%__; System Support percentage __10%__; Other/Non Guidance __10%__ 2013 Semester 1 Goal ____ ____ ____ ____ 2014 Semester 2 Goal ____ ____ ____ ____ Please note: 80% of Professional School Counselor time should be spent in Direct/Indirect Student Services (GA state law, Title 20-2-182, Section 15). *Guidance Curriculum = Provides developmental comprehensive guidance program content in an systematic way to all students *Individual Student Planning = Assists students and parents in the development of academic and career plans *Responsive Services = Addresses the immediate concerns of students * System Support = Includes programs, staff and school support activities/services School Counselor(s) have presented the Comprehensive School Counseling Department Action Plan to the principal/counseling supervisor. Principal/Counseling Supervisor has reviewed the plan. Principal/Counseling Supervisor and school counselor(s) have discussed, revised (as needed), and agreed to the Comprehensive School Counseling Department Action Plan. Annual Agreement: Counselor(s) Signature ______________________________________ Principal Signature ______________________________________ Comprehensive School Counseling Department Plan due to Professional School Counseling Department on Friday, September 13, 2013 Program Goal 1 & Program Goal 2 update due to Professional School Counseling Department on Friday, December 6, 2013 Program Goal 1 & Program Goal 2 results due to Professional School Counseling Department on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 Comprehensive School Counseling Department Program results due to Professional School Counseling Department and principal on Friday, May 23, 2014