Draft syllabus Updated version will be provided in class Alternative Research Methods in International Education Fall 2014 Wednesdays 1-4pm HS 275 Bjorn H. Nordtveit (office hours by appointment: bjorn@educ.umass.edu ) SPIRE DESCRIPTION Historical and theoretical grounding in non-positivist research approaches. Alternative research methodologies include feminist research methods and issues, discourse analysis and deconstruction as post-modern research approaches, and participatory action research approaches as emerging from a post-colonial historiography. OVERVIEW This course is divided into three parts: (i) an overview of non-positivist research approaches will introduce alternative feminist and participatory action research approaches as well as visual ethnography; (ii) content analysis will introduce the methodology of classification of latent and manifest content of a body of communicated material (film, social and written media); and (iii) discourse analysis will examine how social and power relations, identities, and knowledge are constructed through written, visual, and spoken texts. For this latter, we will use an interdisciplinary lens, studying three core traditions of analysis, including discourse theory, critical discourse analysis and discursive psychology. The course demonstrates tools to analyze texts and to assess their underlying symbols and imagery of in the form of spoken statements, publicity, posters and awareness-raising messages, photos and movies. Students will have the opportunities to apply various analytic methods to conduct hands-on research in their field of interests. 1 COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES After successful completion of this course, students will: Understand the theoretical and methodological traditions that inform current uses of new forms of non-positivist research approaches in educational and development research; Identify appropriate methods and uses of content and discourse analysis in research as determined by research questions and purposes; Use of qualitative software (NVivo) to analyze education and developmentrelated texts, posters, films and images; Apply various approaches of content and discourse analysis to research in international education and development. Those who have spoken or written data samples – or photos or movies – to work with for analysis may use these for the course; the others will be expected to select an international or national policy to be used as their sample for analysis. CLASS REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION The class entails a combination of personal reading and analysis, lectures, and student presentations. The course is being offered on a pass/fail basis with a letter grade option. Any student wishing a letter grade must submit a written request for that option by the fourth class meeting. The evaluation is based on the following requirements: • Class attendance, participation and leading discussion of one reading: 30% • Four brief online exercises: 40% • Project and presentation: 30% REQUIRED TEXTS Reader (Required): Philips, L. and Jørgensen, M. (2002). Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method. Thousand Oaks: Sage. (Recommended): Stephen Spencer, S. Visual Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Awakening Visions. Oxon: Routledge. (Recommended): Krippendorff, K. (2013). Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology. Thousands Oaks: Sage. (Recommended): Pink, S. (2013). Doing Visual Ethnography. Thousands Oaks: Sage. Moodle - the course will have other readings, materials and resources available on Moodle. Students will be expected to make weekly use of Moodle for assignments and readings. 2 COURSE SCHEDULE (provisional) Session 1: Introduction to the fields of content and discourse analysis Session 2: Content analysis 1 Session 3: Content analysis 2 Session 4: Critical semiotic research approaches Session 5: Postmodern feminist research approaches Session 6: Visual ethnography Session 7: Participatory action research Session 8: Discourse and power Session 9: Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory Session 10: Critical discourse analysis 1 Session 11: Critical discourse analysis 2 Session 12: Discursive psychology Session 13: Analytic approaches compared ACCOMMODATION STATEMENT The University of Massachusetts Amherst is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for all students. If you have a documented physical, psychological, or learning disability on file with Disability Services (DS), Learning Disabilities Support Services (LDSS), or Psychological Disabilities Services (PDS), you may be eligible for reasonable academic accommodations to help you succeed in this course. If you have a documented disability that requires an accommodation, please notify me within the first two weeks of the semester so that we may make appropriate arrangements. ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT Since the integrity of the academic enterprise of any institution of higher education requires honesty in scholarship and research, academic honesty is required of all students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Academic dishonesty is prohibited in all programs of the University. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and facilitating dishonesty. Appropriate sanctions may be imposed on any student who has committed an act of academic dishonesty. Instructors should take reasonable steps to address academic misconduct. Any person who has reason to believe that a student has committed academic dishonesty should bring such information to the attention of the appropriate course instructor as soon as possible. Instances of academic dishonesty not related to a specific course should be brought to the attention of the appropriate 3 department Head or Chair. Since students are expected to be familiar with this policy and the commonly accepted standards of academic integrity, ignorance of such standards is not normally sufficient evidence of lack of intent. RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCE The University of Massachusetts Amherst requires that the University excuse any student who is unable to attend classes or participate in any examination, study, or work requirement because of religious observance. See: http://www.umass.edu/religious-observance 4