Writing Assignment 3 - University of Pittsburgh

Eckert, 4:00
Garrett Terwilliger (GDT2@pitt.edu)
The issue of alternative energy and the numerous subissues that accompany them are controversial and often
debated but increasingly important. The need for a new
form of energy is evident. Identifying that we need a new
form of energy is the simple step in a much larger problem.
The difficulties arise when comparisons between different
forms of energy occur and disputes ensue over which is safer
and more abundant. I agree that there are many different
forms of energy that may be suitable for the world in the
future but I believe nuclear energy is the most suitable. The
negative connotation that comes along with nuclear energy
is not because of the effectiveness of it or the availability,
but rather the safety aspect of it. Although accidents can
happen, they can also easily be avoided with proper planning
and proper safety precautions. I believe there are plans and
ideas for nuclear energy that are safe and that will prevent
The questions that are brought up when
considering new forms of energy sound similar to, “How
much of the necessary resources are available?” or, “How
long will this new form of energy last?” These questions are
important to consider when choosing which form of energy
is most suitable for the future and the answers, pertaining to
nuclear energy, are positive. The resources are available and
they are in large amounts. The correct mining techniques
and correct reactor designs will enhance the ability of
nuclear energy to be long lasting. In accordance with
numerous codes of ethics, nuclear energy is also a safe
choice. The codes of ethics come into play in all steps of
creating nuclear energy and those codes ensure that the
public will be honestly informed and protected from the
dangers of nuclear energy. The issue of alternative energy is
compelling to me for a number of reasons. I will feel the
effects of alternative energy in the future and I would like to
be informed about the decisions that are being made on this
issue. I would also like to have an opinion about which type
of alternative energy is best for the planet so that if I have to
decide which type is best, I can supply an answer with
factual support. As a freshman engineering student, I feel
that it is important that I am gaining knowledge of a real
world application of engineering. The research I am doing
now may help me in the future. Also, this issue serves as a
key debate topic in a number of forums across the United
States. I see the relevance it has and the potential impact it
could have on my life and the lives of others. It needs to be
talked about on a grand scale so that the right decision can
be made on this important issue.
University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 1
30 October, 2012
Alternate forms of energy may have limitless resources,
for example: solar energy or wind energy. These forms of
energy are the best in that aspect. However, efficient use has
not yet been made of those never ending resources. The
resources needed to make nuclear energy may not be
limitless, but they are available in an extremely large
quantity. In 2011, the World Nuclear Association projected
that at the current rate of consumption of uranium by
conventional reactors, there is 80 years worth of extractable
uranium [1]. Although that does not sound good, what
makes it sound worse is that that is at the current rate of
consumption. If nuclear energy becomes the primary source
of energy for the world, that will last a considerably shorter
amount of time. In fact, if the worldwide amount of energy
was satisfied through nuclear energy, that “80 year supply
would last less than 5 years” [1]. But these facts do not
mean that nuclear energy does not have enough resources to
be the primary source of energy for the world. What those
facts do mean however is that the resources are not in the
ground or the conventional uranium mines of today. The
large quantities of uranium needed for nuclear energy can be
found in another area: the ocean. “The total estimated
uranium content of the oceans is enormous at about 4.29
billion tons. Burned in conventional reactors to supply 15
terawatts (worldwide supply), this supply would last about
5,300 years” [1]. That amount of uranium makes nuclear
energy more appealing in the category of resources. And
although that amount is significantly greater than the first
amount mentioned, there are still improvements that are
being made that could make the uranium in oceans last much
longer than 5,300 years. “In fast breeder reactors, which
theoretically extend uranium use by a factor of 60 or more,
the uranium in seawater would last more than 300,000
years” [1]. That number certainly qualifies nuclear energy
as a long-term solution to energy problems. The uranium
found in the ocean is sometimes a result of anthropogenic
activities, like copper coastal mining and smelting [2].
However, uranium is also introduced to the ocean by natural
processes, like coastal erosion [2]. The next step for
scientists and engineers is to come up with efficient ways of
mining the uranium from the oceans.
Mining for nuclear energy resources can pose a threat to
the environment so that is why proper safety precautions
should be taken when mining. “Uranium mining and milling
Garrett Terwilliger
operations can release trace elements such as U, As, Mn, and
Mo into the receiving aquatic ecosystem” [3]. This will most
likely be an issue but with proper techniques to clean up the
toxins, the environment will be safe from pollution. To
avoid harmful contaminants in aquatic ecosystems, waters in
mining areas must be monitored and controlled [3]. Nuclear
energy is not considered a great energy alternative because it
is viewed as unsafe and bad for the environment. I agree
that it can be dangerous and unsafe but, just about anything
that is done on a daily basis can be dangerous and unsafe if it
is done the wrong way. For example, driving a car can be
dangerous if it is done irresponsibly and without proper
rules. Once rules are put into place and they are followed
correctly, driving becomes much safer. The same can be
done with mining for nuclear energy resources. If mining
for nuclear energy resources is done the correct way, it can
and will be safe.
of ethics states that chemical engineers should protect the
environment [7]. This particular point in the code has a
direct effect on the way nuclear energy is made. As
mentioned before, the mining of resources for nuclear
energy can have a negative impact on the environment if
done incorrectly. This code of ethics is useful to me as a
future engineer for a number of reasons. One, it teaches me
before I am in my profession that there are rules that must be
followed. Finding solutions to problems must be worked out
within the guidelines of this code. This would restrict
engineers from harming the environment by taking shortcuts
that could be dangerous in the future. This code is also
important because it ensures that work done by engineers is
done properly. Members must “accept responsibility for
their actions, seek and heed critical review of their work and
offer objective criticism of the work of others” [7]. These
codes of ethics are important to me because I understand the
consequences that malpractice in the field of engineering can
have. It is reassuring to know that engineers are expected to
act in a way that aims to avoid all forms of malpractice. I
feel good working towards a career in a field that believes
professionals should “conduct themselves honorably,
responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the
honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession” [6].
Operating nuclear reactors and mining for nuclear energy
resources can be dangerous. However, like mining for
resources, it can be safe if done properly. Nuclear energy
seems risky after Japan had an incident with one of their
reactors, Fukushima. However, at this reactor flaws were
found in regards to safety and we learned what should be
done if an accident of this nature were to happen again. One
idea is to “establish post- Fukushima international standards
for design basis accidents and design basis threats. These
standards would consider an expansive list of possible
accidents and incidents” [4]. This idea would make it
essential to consider all of the possible things that could go
wrong when dealing with nuclear reactors. This would
prompt rules and regulations to be made for a wide range of
scenarios. Another idea is to “secure the electrical supply”
[4]. This idea relates to what happened at Fukushima. This
would require off and on site sources of electric power in
case of an accident. Fukushima had major issues because
they had a prolonged blackout [4]. With multiple sources of
electric power, blackouts could not occur.
There is great value in performing a research paper like
this as a freshman engineering student. This was my first
experience with researching issues that are relevant to my
future career as an engineer. It gave me knowledge in an
area that I knew nothing about and that is valuable because I
now know what to expect as an engineer. In addition to the
research, the studies of the codes of ethics were useful. I
assumed there was a set of rules and regulations put in place
for engineers but I had not known about the specific codes of
ethics for different types of engineering. The research I
conducted helped me answer a vital question about my
future as an engineer: Can I see myself doing something like
what I researched everyday for the rest of my life? This
assignment gave me insight to the career of a chemical
engineer and the jobs that I would perhaps do if I pursued
that career. Although I find my topic of nuclear energy
interesting, this assignment helped me conclude that this
may not be my favorite type of engineering. It has helped
me make a major decision about which type of engineering I
plan to major in. For that reason, I feel as though this
assignment was very useful and should be done by as many
freshman engineers as possible. In addition to freshman
engineers, high school students should do research like this
as well. In an article titled The Status of Technology and
Engineering Education in the United States: A Fourth
Report of the Findings From the States (2011-12) a survey
The codes of ethics laid out by the National Society of
Professional Engineers (NSPE) and the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) are very similar to each
other. They both require that engineers “hold paramount the
safety, health, and welfare of the public” [6][7]. This
statement that is present in both codes of ethics is vague and
later explained in detail but it exemplifies the overall goals
that these codes contain. In general, the codes of ethics
expect engineers to act in an ethical way. The main
difference between these two codes is that the AIChE code
Garrett Terwilliger
was conducted that was intended to gather information on
the number of states that administered or required
technology and engineering education. 42 out of the 50
states participated in the survey and one of the questions that
were asked was, “Is technology and engineering education
required in your state?” Only seven states responded, “Yes”
to that question and a follow up question was asked to those
seven states. The question asked for those states to indicate
the grade level at which technology and engineering
education is required. Out of the seven that responded,
“Yes”, only six responded to this question. Five states
required this type of education in high school, 5 required it
in middle school and 3 required it in elementary school [8].
Those results show that very few college students will have
any previous education on engineering education. Those
results make it even more important for this assignment to
be done and they also show the value that this assignment
effective if we want to, there just needs to be enough focus
on that aspect.
[1] D. Abbot. (2012, September). “Limits to growth: Can
nuclear power supply the world’s needs?” Bulletin of the
[2] E. Shumilin. (2012, June 22). “Anthropogenic and
Authigenic Uranium in Marine Sediments of the Central
Gulf of California Adjacent to the Santa Rosalia Mining
Region.” Archives of Environmental Contamination and
[3] S. Rodgher. (2012, June 21). “Evaluation of surface
water quality in aquatic bodies under the influence of
uranium mining (MG, Brazil).” Environmental Monitoring
and Assessment An International Journal Devoted to
Progress in the Use of Monitoring Data in Assessing
Environmental Risks to Man and the Environment. (Online
[4] D. Kim, J. Kang. (2012, January). “Where Nuclear
Safety and Security Meet.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
[5] A. Macfarlane. (2011, July). “It’s 2050: Do you know
where your nuclear waste is?” Bulletin of the Atomic
[6] (2007, July). “NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers.”
[8] J. Moye, W. Dugger, K. Starkweather. (2012, May 1).
“The Status of Technology and Engineering Education in the
United States: A Fourth Report of the Findings From the
States (2011-12).” Technology & Engineering Teacher.
When considering alternate forms of energy for the
future, nuclear energy should receive strong consideration.
Misconceptions about the safety of nuclear energy should be
looked into further. The truth is that nuclear energy can be
safe if we want to make it safe. If engineers work within the
guidelines of the codes of ethics, nuclear energy will be
required to be made safe. The future of nuclear energy as
the leading energy source can be obtained in a safe manner
in accordance with the codes of ethics. The United States is
a great candidate to lead the way in making nuclear energy
safe. “The US can flaunt one success, though. The Waste
Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP), located near Carlsbad in
southern New Mexico, is actually the only operating deep
geologic repository for intermediate level nuclear waste,
receiving waste since 1998” [5]. This should inspire
engineers to look for new ways to make nuclear energy work
in a safe and efficient way. There are large quantities of
research that still can be done to make nuclear energy safer
and more efficient. Because research is essential for
development, engineers should do research often. This
reinforces my opinion that this assignment is valuable. One
last thing needs to be looked into and that is disposal. The
need for proper radioactive waste disposal is needed. It
would be very irresponsible to make nuclear energy
prominent without identifying a solution for this problem
[1]. The discouraging truth about that aspect of nuclear
energy is this: “Certainly for nuclear engineers, there are
more rewards for the reactor design than waste disposal. Put
bluntly, money is made on the front end, not the on back
end” [5]. The ability to look past the immediate rewards of
nuclear energy and toward the future of disposal will be
what decides if nuclear energy is ever the primary source of
energy for the world. We can make nuclear energy safe and
Garrett Terwilliger
I would like to thank my chemistry professor, Dr. Kogut,
for reminding me that there are issues of importance in both
chemistry and engineering that share relevance with
everyday life. I would also like to thank Judy Brink of the
engineering library for showing me how to access the
engineering databases.