National Afterschool Matters Initiative Practitioner Fellowship 2013

National Afterschool Matters Initiative
Practitioner Fellowship
General Overview
It provided a professional environment for the first time where I was with like-minded
individuals and provided an example of the kind of reflective community that could be created.
It was great to hear other people's experiences. I still draw from the Fellowship and think back
to that time. -- Practitioner Fellow
The National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST) at the Wellesley Centers for Women at
Wellesley College and the National Writing Project (NWP), with generous funding support from
the Robert Bowne Foundation, launched the National Afterschool Matters Initiative Practitioner
Fellowship in September 2008. The first two participating cities were Philadelphia through the
Philadelphia Writing Project, and the San Francisco Bay area through the Bay Area Writing
Project and later Minneapolis, Seattle, New York City and Pittsburgh also hosted groups.
Traditionally, the Practitioner Fellowship Program is a professional development and leadership
initiative for mid-level career out-of-school time professionals. We are excited to be promoting
a joint school and out-of-school time model in Seattle while continuing the original model in
Pittsburgh. The Pittsburgh model will engage practitioners from out-of-school time in an effort
to improve their practice through a year-long process engage in activities that inform program
quality and improve practice through reflection and inquiry. Participants in the Practitioner
Fellowship are selected by application.
Those selected for the Practitioner Fellowship:
 Become part of a community of practitioners. Fellows work collaboratively to study
effective practices and investigate the structures in which effective practice happens – at
the program/classroom, activity, curriculum, and individual levels using their own
programs as the objects of study.
 Learn strategies to engage in program reflection and inquiry. Fellows learn approaches
and strategies that will help them become better at program/classroom observation and
 Improve programs and practice. Fellows identify and investigate effective instructional
strategies and bring these strategies back to their classrooms and/or out-of-school time
 Engage in leadership activities. Fellows present their work to peers and administrators,
parents and community members. They are encouraged to design and deliver workshops
based on their work to share new expertise with others in the field.
 Disseminate program/classroom improvement strategies. Fellows create products
including briefing papers, events, curriculum, as well as articles for professional journals.
 Eligible Fellows must be working part-time or full-time at an out-of-school time program
 Eligible Fellows must be in commuting distance to the meeting locations.
 Eligible Fellows must demonstrate interest in reflecting upon their own work with youth,
investigating, and writing about quality practices in afterschool and youth programming and
 Eligible Fellows must be available for the entire Fellowship schedule. Meetings occur
approximately 2x per month over the course of the academic year and significant time is
needed for research, reflection and writing. This involves the same amount of time as a
graduate level course. Fellows are expected to attend seminars and it is required that they
participate in the writing retreat and research roundtable.
 Eligible Fellows must have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree and three years of experience in
the field.
Participants will be awarded a stipend of $500 at the completion of the program to cover their
expenses incurred during the Fellowship.
September 2013-Fall 2014
 Participation in program launch meeting
 Participation in twice monthly seminars held every other Wednesdays from 9:00 am – 12:00
pm from September 11, 2013 through June 18, 2014 with a break between December 19, 2013
through January 14, 2014.
 Participation in a weekend writing retreat (tentatively February 28 through March 2, 2014)
 Participation in two local Research Roundtables (2014)
Application Process:
One complete packet of the Application with all accompanying attachments must be submitted in
full by the June 28, 2013 by e-mail, fax, or mail to:
National Institute on Out-of-School Time
National Afterschool Matters Practitioner Fellowship Program
Wellesley College, Waban House
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481
fax: 781-283-3657
For more information contact: Karen Lachance, (781) 283-2507 or
National Afterschool Matters Initiative
2013-2014 Practitioner Fellowship Application
Thank you for your interest in the Afterschool Matters Practitioner Fellowship in Pittsburgh. Fellows will be
selected through a competitive application process. To participate in the Fellowship this year you must be
mid-career level (3 years+) Out-of-School Time Practitioner. This initiative is generously funded by The
Robert Bowne Foundation and United Way of Allegheny County.
Last Name:
Work Number: (
First Name:
Mobile Number: (
Because we want to build as diverse a community as possible, we would like to have the
following information. Please note these questions are optional:
Date of Birth:
What is your primary language?
What other language(s) do you speak?
What is your race/ethnicity? (check all that apply)
African American/Black
Asian or Pacific Islander
Caucasian or White
Hispanic or Latino
Native American or Alaskan Indian
What is the highest level of education you have completed? A minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree
is required.
Bachelor’s degree Major:
Master’s degree Field of Study:
Field of Study:
I am a ☐ Classroom teacher *
☐ Afterschool practitioner
☐ Both
Primary Employer:
Current Job Title or Position:
I work in a
public school setting
private school setting
charter school setting
community-based setting
faith-based setting
public agency setting (DHS, DYS, DPH)
I hold a management or administrative position in a (check all that apply)
elementary school
middle school
high school
I supervise staff
I manage several afterschool program sites
I work directly with (check all that apply)
elementary school children
middle school youth
high school youth
I work in another capacity in a school/afterschool program
How long have you been at your current position?
How long have you been working in the field of education, youth work or afterschool work?
Are you also employed elsewhere?
If yes, who is your other employer(s)?
*It is required that you be working at least part-time in the afterschool/out-of-school time
field to be considered for the fellowship.
Please attach your response to the following questions (approximately 250 words or less per
1. Describe the work you do with or on behalf of children and youth.
2. Describe any professional development experience and training you have participated in
over the past three years.
3. Describe where you see yourself in five years. What is your vision for your own
professional growth and development in your work with youth?
4. Why would you like to participate in the National Afterschool Matters Practitioner
5. What kinds of experiences and/or knowledge do you think you would bring to the
6. How do you think your participation in the fellowship will benefit your own site or
practice? If applicable, please describe any research/inquiry you have done regarding
your work with or on behalf of children and youth.
7. Please provide a current resume.
8. Please attach a letter of support from a current supervisor as well as the MOU from your
current supervisor.
I understand that if I am accepted as a Fellow that I will have the following responsibilities:
I will attend Fellowship meetings on a consistent basis which occurs every other
Wednesday from 9am – 1pm starting September 11, 2013;
I will spend significant time reading/researching and writing in the periods between
I may be asked to meet with other NASM Fellows or Facilitators in between sessions;
I will make the time to reflect on and write about my own practice and program;
I will attend in a weekend writing retreat in first quarter 2014;
I will produce a final inquiry project and present my work in two public roundtables in
2014, one in the spring and one in the fall;
I will contribute to ongoing efforts to expand and sustain the NASM Initiative by sharing
updates on my work, positions held, or other activities related to building the OST field;
As a Fellow, I will represent the NASM Initiative and, as such, will do my best to
promote the Initiative where possible, contribute to efforts to share effective practices in
the OST field, and assist with local NASM events and activities when possible.
I give the National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST) at Wellesley Centers for Women,
National Writing Project, and Allegheny Partners for Out-of-School Time permission to use my
image, likeness, name and other identifying information in print and electronic collateral,
including audio and video presentations developed for use at their discretion unless specified
below. I will notify NIOST of any papers, presentations or interviews of my work offered,
created or printed as a result of or during the Fellowships, and will acknowledge the sponsors on
all project-related publications as “The Robert Bowne Foundation, National Institute on Out-ofSchool Time, and United Way of Allegheny County. This project was supported in part by The
Robert Bowne Foundation, the National Institute on Out-of-School Time and the United Way of
Allegheny County.
Printed Name
Memorandum of Understanding
Out-of-School Time (OST) Program Supervisor and
National Afterschool Matters Initiative
The National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST) at the Wellesley Centers for
Women at Wellesley College and The National Writing Project (NWP), with generous funding
support from the Robert Bowne Foundation, launched the National Afterschool Matters
Practitioner Fellowship in September 2008 in Philadelphia through the Philadelphia Writing
Project and in the San Francisco Bay area through the Bay Area Writing Project. The
Practitioner Fellowship is now also in Seattle, Pittsburgh and New York City.
The Practitioner Fellowship is a professional development and leadership initiative.
Participants in the Fellowship are selected by application, and through a year-long process
engage in activities that inform program/classroom quality and improve practice through
reflection and inquiry.
Your staff member has applied for the Practitioner Fellowship. If accepted, the staff
member must attend all Fellowship sessions beginning in September, 2013 which may occur
during the workday, attend a weekend writing retreat, and present their work at two facilitated
conversations in 2014. Fellowship meetings and other activities will be held, when possible,
before or after program/school time or on weekends. Fellows are strongly encouraged to present
their work in the form of workshops to staff in your OST program or other OST programs.
By signing below you indicate your support for your staff member’s full participation in
the National Afterschool Matters Initiative Practitioner Fellowship.
As the Agency/School representative and supervisor I agree that if my staff member is
selected for the Fellowship our agency:
Will support him/her in attending Fellowship Sessions and all other events as well as to
support him/her in fulfilling obligations and responsibilities of the Fellowship.
Will create opportunities for her/him to present on their work in the Practitioner Fellowship
to staff at our OST program or other OST programs.
Will attend the orientation and if schedule permits attend the roundtables.
Understands that she/he will receive a $500 stipend.
Applicant Name:
Supervisor/Administrator Name and Title:
Program: ________________________________________
Please submit this application along with the items in section. Applications must be received
by June 30, 2013 and can be submitted by mail, fax or email to:
National Institute on Out-of-School Time
National Afterschool Matters
Practitioner Fellowship Program
Wellesley Centers for Women
Wellesley College, 106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481
fax: 781-283-3657
For questions or more information on the Practitioner Fellowship in general, contact: Karen
Lachance at or 781-283-2507