Professor Dr. Chareinsuk Rojanaridpiched 1. Name Professor Dr. Chareinsuk Rojanaridpiched 2. Present Position 1. Cassava Expert and Board of Director, Thai Tapioca Development Institute Foundation (TTDI) 2. Member of National Farmer Council of Thailand 3. Professor Emeritus Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University 3. Past Experience 1. Faculty member of Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University (1976-2011) 2. Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Thailand 3. Vice President, Kasetsart University, Thailand 4. Policy and Planning Committee, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative, Thailand 5. Board of Director, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand 6. Technical Advisory Committee, Food and Fertilizer Technological Center, Taiwan 4. Award National outstanding researcher of 2004 in agriculture and biology, Thailand’s National Research Council. 5. Education & Trainning 1973 BSc. (Agric.) with honor 1975 MSc. (Agric.) 1976 Certificate in Cassava breeding 1983 Ph.D. in Plant Breeding 1990 Cert. for National Defense 2009 Director Accreditation Program (DAP) Kasetsart University Kasetsart University CIAT, Colombia Cornell University, USA. National Defense College, Thailand Thai Institute of Director 2 6. Address 50/77 Sena-nivest 1, Senanikom Road, Ladprao, Bangkok 10230, Thailand Mobile phone : +6689-205-5545 e-mail : 7. Achievement Prof. Chareinsuk Rojanaridpiched is a cassava expert and board of director of Thai Tapioca Development Institute (TTDI) Foundation. He retired from Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University in 2011. He has been very successful cassava breeder, due to his cassava variety, Kasetsart 50, which was released in 1993. Kasetsart 50 is a variety with high root yield and root starch content, vigorous growth and wide adaptation.This cassava variety is widely planted in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, and the Phillipines. It is estimated that more than 1.3 million hectare of cassava acreage are under Kasetsart 50. In Thailand, about 50 % of cassava acreage of 1.2 million hectare are under Kasetsart 50. This variety is probably the most popular cassava variety in the world. Average yield of cassava in Thailand has increased from 13.8 ton/ ha in 1994 to 21.8 ton/ha in 2013. It was estimated that Thai cassava growers' accumulated income, as gained from Kasetsart 50, was totally US 1.56 billion dollar since 1993-2011. There are diversified types of corn and potato starch including those from normal, waxy and high amylose starches. Cassava starch is less diversified as compared with those important commercial starches. It will be another breakthrough for Thai cassava industry to develop waxy cassava varieties in order to broaden its functionality. Waxy starch cassava was discovered by CIAT but yield of waxy starch cassava is very low which discouraging commercialization. Thai Tapioca Development Institute (TTDI) Foundation in cooperation with CIAT has developed waxy starch cassava variety for Thailand, and assigned Prof. Chareinsuk, former faculty member of Kasetsart University, as the leader of the project in Thailand. He successfully developed 3 waxy cassava varieties since 2013, namely, TKWX1, TKWX2, TKWX3. They are currently at the varietal multiplication stage in 2013/14, and in 2014/15 for future commercial production by the private sector. Waxy cassava starch provides cooked paste with more transparency, stability and less retrogradation and synersis with better freeze-thaw stability Control of cassava pink mealybug (CPM) outbreak. 3 The cassava pink mealybug, Phenacoccus manihotis Matil-Ferrero, outbreak in Thailand from 2008-2011 caused massive economic damage to Thai cassava growers and industries. This epidemic was abrupt, relentless and unprecedented. Yield loss was estimated at 4.79 and 3.81 million tones in 2010 and 2011, respectively. Cassava pink mealybug parasitic wasp, Anagyrus lopezi, was introduced from the Biological Control Center of IITA from Benin in September 2009 by Thai Department of Agriculture to control CPM outbreak. A total of 5.4 million pairs of parasitic wasp, A. lopezi, was produced by the Thai Tapioca Development Institute (TTDI) and Department of Agriculture Extension, distributed by several institutes during 2010-2013. In the mid 2011, the outbreak of CPM was under controlled. The outstanding success to control the outbreak within 2 years partly was due to the supervision and coordination of Professor Chareinsuk Rojanaridpiched who served both as senior cassava breeder from Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, and as the board of director of TTDI. The key factors for this success were practical technology using the proven biological controlled; unified policy of Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. Of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture and TTDI; excellent collaboration among government and private institutes, and finally enough financial support of all involved sectors. 8. Some Publications 8.1 Important Paper in Thai language for new cassava varieties 1. Rojanaridpiched, C., P. Poolsanguan, S. Putthacharea, J. Jiamjumnanja, T. Kasiwat, V. Vichukit, E. Sarobol, P. Duangpatra and N. Taveechi. 1990. A new cassava variety, Sriracha 1. Kasetsart Journal (Sci). 24: 145-160. (in Thai) 2. Rojanaridpiched, C., P. Poolsanguan, J. Jiamjumnanja, S. Putthacharea, T. Kasiwat, V. Vichukit, E. Sarobol, P. Duangpatra and N. Taveechi, C. Teeraparn, K. Kawano, A. Limsila, and D. Suparhan. 1992. A new cassava variety, Kasetsart 50. Proc. 30th Academic Conference, Plant Session, Kasetsart Univ., 29 Jan – 1 Feb. 1992, Bangkok, Thailand. (in Thai) 3. Vichukit V., P. Poolsanguan, C. Rojanaridpiched, E. Sarobol, J. Jiamjumnanja, P. Kittipadakul, P. Changlex, N. Taweechai, K. Sroroth, and K. Piyachomkwan. 2003. A new cassava variety, “MKUC 34-114-206”. Proc. 41th Academic Conference, Plant Session, 3 – 7 Feb. 2003, Kasetsart Univ., Bangkok, Thailand. (in Thai) 4. Vichukit V., C. Rojanaridpiched, E. Sarobol, J. Jiamjumnanja, K. Sroroth, K. Piyachomkwan, Watcharee Leartmongkol, P. Kittipadakul, J. Chanthaworn, and S. Boonma. 2011. Huay Bong 80: Thailand’s first cassava variety registered as a mew protected variety. Agriculture Sci. Journal. 42 (3): 349-358. (in Thai) 8.2 English 1. Rojanaridpiched, C. 1977. Cassava leaf pellets as a protein source in Thailand. Cassava Newsletter. 1(4):5. 2. Kawano, K. and C. Rojanaridpiched. 1983. Genetic study on post-harvest root 4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. deterioration in cassava. The Kasetsart Journal 17(2):14-26. Kawano, K. and C. Rojanaridpiched. 1983. Genetic study on post-harvest root deterioration in cassava. The Kasetsart Journal 17(2):14-26. Rojanaridpiched, C., V.E. Gracen, H.L. Everett, J.G. Coors, B.F. Pugh, and P. Bouthyette. 1984. Multiple factor resistance in maize to European corn borer. Maydica 19:305-315. Rojanaridpiched, C., P. Pulsanguan, S. Phuddacharoen, and J. Jeamjamnanja. 1986. Yield loss and inheritance of resistance to brown leaf spot (Cercospora henningsii) in cassava, pp. 781-787. In B. Napompeth and S. Bubhadrabandhu (eds.) New frontiers in breeding research. Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO). Fac. of Agric., Kasetsart Univ. Rojanaridpiched, C. 1987. Cassava varietal improvement at Kasetsart University, pp. 21-25. In Proceedings of a regional workshop on cassava breeding and agronomy research in Asia. At Rayong, Thailand, Oct. 26-28, 1987. Limsila, A., C. Rojanaridpiched, C. Tiraporn, S. Sinthuprama, and K. Kawano. 1990. Recent progress in cassava varietal improvement in Thailand, pp. 3443. In R.H. Howeler (ed.) Cassava breeding, agronomy and utilization research in Asia. Proceedings of the regional workshop held in Malang, Indonesia, Oct. 22-27, 1990. Rojanaridpiched, C., A. Limsila, D. Supraharn, O. Boonseng, P. Poolsanguan, C. Tiraporn, and K. Kawano. 1993. Recent progress in cassava varietal improvement in Thailand, pp. 124-134. In: R.H. Howeler (ed.). Cassava breeding and agronomy research and technology transfer in Asia. Proc. 4th Regional workshop held in Trivandrum, India. Nov. 2-6, 1993. Rojanaridpiched, C., E. Sarobol, P. Akratanakul and S. Attamankune. 1996. Agricultural science in Thailand : its future challenge, pp. 95-108. In: H.K. Koh (ed.). Asean seminar on higher education in agriculture for the twenty-first century. Proc. 11th Asean Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities held at Seoul National Univ., Suwon, Korea, Oct. 21-24, 1996. Rojanaridpiched, C., P. Poolsanguan, V. Vichukit, S. Phongvutipraphan, and K. Klakhaeng. 1996. Varietal improvement and dissemination by Kasetsart University, the Thai Tapioca Development Institute and the Department of Agricultural Extension, pp. 55-68. In R.H. Howler (ed.). Cassava breeding, agronomy and farmer participatory research in Asia. Proc. 5th Regional workshop held at the Chinese Academy of Tropical Sciences, Danzhou, Hainan, China, 4-8 Nov. 1996. Rojanaridpiched, C., and E. Sarobol. 1997. New developments in the agricultural sector in Thailand, pp. 1-13. Proc. Conf. 1997 International Fertilizer Industry Association-FADINP Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, Chiangmai Thailand, Dec. 1-4, 1997. Rojanaridpiched, C., E. Sarobol and A. Aungsuratana. 1998. Measures for sustainable development of Thailand: a case study on agricultural sector. Sogoseisaku Kenkyu. 3. 103-115. Sriroth, K., C. Rojanaridpiched, V. Vichukit, P. Suriyapan, and C. G. Oates. 2000. Present situation and future potential of cassava in Thailand, pp. 25-46. In 5 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. R.H. Howeler and S.L. Tan (eds). Cassava potential in Asia in the 21st century : present situation and future research and development needs. Proc. 6th Regional workshop held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Feb. 21-25, 2000. C. Rojanaridpiched, V. Vichukit, E. Sarobol, and P. Changlek. 2002. Breeding and dissemination of new cassava varieties in Thailand. Paper presented at the 7th Regional Cassava Workshop, held in Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 28 – Nov. 1, 2002 Rojanaridpiched, C. and V. Vichukit. 2008. Cassava Breeding in Thailand. Paper presented in the First Scientific Meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership GCP-1. Cassava: Meeting the Challenges of the new Millennium. 21-25 July 2008, Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing countries, IPBO, Ghent Univ., Ghent, Belgium. Rojanaridpiched, C. 2009. Varietal development and production technology; key to success in increasing cassava production efficiency. Paper presented at World Tapioca Conference, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand, 15-16 Jan 2009, Bangkok. Rojanaridpiched, C., V. Vichukit, S. Thongsri, O. Boonseng, A. Limsila, and D. Suparhan. 2010. Recent progress in cassava breeding and varietal adoption in Thailand. In R. H. Hoeler. 2010. A new future for cassava in Asia: its benefit the poor. Proc. of the 8th Regional workshop held in Vietnam, Lao PDR, Oct. 20-24, 2008, p. 202-210. Aiemnaka, P. A. Wongkaew, J. Chanthaworn, S.K. Nagashima, S. Boonma, J. Authapun, S. Jenweerawat, P. Kongsila, P. Kittipadakul, S. Nakasathien, T. Sreewongchai, W. Wannarat, V. Vichukit, L.A.B. LÓppez-Lavalle, H. Ceballos, C. Rojanaridpiched and C. Phumchai. 2012. Molecular Characterization of a Spontaneous Waxy Starch Mutation in Cassava. Crop Sci. 52 (5): 2121-2130. Nakasathien. S., V. Vichukit, E. Sarobol, P. Kittipadakul, C. Phumichai, P. Kongsil and C. Rojanaridpiched. 2012. Sustaining the Agricultural Production System and Environment by Integrative Sciences: A Case Study from Thai Cassava Production. pp. 5-7. In The 5th International Symposium on Food and Environment “Current Research Progress on Sustainable Agriculture in East Asia”. Hiroshima University, Japan. Rojanaridpiched. C., V. Vichukit, P. Kittipadakul, C. Phumichai and P. Kongsil. 2012. Success and future direction of cassava breeding in Thailand. pp. 35-36. In Proceeding of the 12th SABRO Congress on Plant Breeding toward 2025: Challenges in a Rapidly Changing World. 13-16 January 2012. An International Conference to Celebrate His Majesty King Bhumibol’s 84 th (7 cycle) Birthday Anniversary. Chiang Mai, Thailand. Rojanaridpiched, C. 2013. Development “Waxy Tapioca”. Paper presented at World Tapioca Exhibition on 2013, 19 June 2013, Ministry of Commerce, Nakhon Ratchasrima, Thailand.